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Spotty traduction Espagnol

318 traduction parallèle
Aunque van a estar muy tristes porque no te conocen.
I mean that she is none other than Nancy Lane, the missing girl, and I can prove it.
Quiero decir que ella no es otra que Nancy Lane, la chica desaparecida, y puedo probarlo. ¡ Spotty!
Spotty! Open the curtains.
Abre las cortinas.
Complexion, spotty. She's..
La cara llena de granos.
His clothes are spotty and he leaves cigarette ash everywhere?
¿ Sus ropas están siempre manchadas y deja cenizas de cigarrillo por todas partes?
Got a letter from old Spotty.
Es una carta de Spotty.
That'd be a dream. Poor old Spotty.
Bueno, pobre Spotty.
My auntie had a dress that colour, and she sent it to the cleaner's and it come back all spotty.
Mi tía tenía un vestido de ese color... y volvió todo manchado de la lavandería.
Odsbodkins and spotty widgeons!
I've been trying to teach Spotty how to sit up.
- Enseño a Spotty a lavarse.
Go to sleep, Spotty.
Ve a dormir, Spotty.
JOHANNA : Spotty, come here. Spotty.
¡ Spotty, ven aquí!
And I don't go over that floor except just where they point out it's spotty exactly.
Y no me paso del lugar exacto en el que veo la mancha en cuestión.
¡ Spotty!
Spotty... you'll grow, my lovely!
Mi hermosura... ¡ tú crecerás!
I'll comb the snarls out of Spotty.
Le quitaré las marañas con el peine a Spotty.
Eddie, don't forget to give Spotty his supper, and then go on up to bed.
No olvides darle de cenar a Spotty, y luego te vas a dormir.
And if Eddie's pet, Spotty, comes scratching at the back door, don't let him in.
Si Spotty, la mascota de Eddie, rasca la puerta trasera, no lo deje entrar.
[Snarling] Spotty. Get away from the door!
Spotty. ¡ Aléjate de la puerta!
I'm terribly sorry, but Spotty gets so excited when we have visitors.
Lo lamento, pero Spotty se emociona mucho cuando tenemos visitas.
No, he took Spotty down to the car wash for his weekly bath.
No, llevó a Spotty al lavado de autos para su baño semanal.
Bueno, sé que mi historial no está muy limpio.
Watch it, spotty.
Cuidado, Spotty.
It's Ghastly Spotty Cross-Eyed's birthday and she's having a disembowelling party for a few friends.
Hacen un documental sobre mí. "El maravilloso Sr. Williams".
We've got a number requested by Pip, Pauline, Nigel, Tarquin - and old Spotty- - Tarquin's mother.
Tenemos un número solicitado por... Pip, Pauline, Nigel, Tarquin y la vieja Spotty, la madre de Tarquin.
Why, only last week Dirty Lying Little Two-Faced came running home from school, sobbing his eyes out, and our youngest, Ghastly Spotty Horrible Vicious Little is just at the age when taunts like'she's a git'really hurt.
Pequeño Cerdito de Dos Caras volvió del colegio llorando. Y la pequeña, Horrorosamente Siniestra Viciosa... está en la edad en que cuando le dicen "tonta" le hace mucho daño.
It's Ghastly Spotty Cross-Eyed's birthday and she's having a disembowelling party for a few friends.
Horrorosamente Siniestra da una fiesta para sus nuevos amigos.
You sit there on your loathsome, spotty behinds squeezing blackheads, not caring a tinker's cuss about the struggling artist.
Se pasan el día sentados con esos culos grasientos... y no les importan los artistas como yo.
He was rather thin and spotty with a long nose and bandy legs and nasty, unpolished plywood teeth but, thought Mitzi, "a prince is a prince."
Era delgado, pecoso y de nariz grande y feos dientes de aglomerado. Pero Mitzi pensó : un príncipe es un príncipe.
You spotty Sassenach pillock.
- Mira, payaso...
The historical records of this solar system are spotty, at best, going back 19 years.
Los registros históricos de este sistema apenas... se remontan a 19 anos atrás.
I'm trying to get my dog Spotty, a fox terrier, to stand up straight and act like a collie.
Estoy tratando de hacer que mi perro Spotty, un fox terrier, se pare derecho y actúe como un collie.
And his face became spotty
Y su cara se llenó de granos
Yes, his face became spotty
Sí, se llenó de granos
on a spotty mattress
En un colchón roto
My little hands. They're dirty, sweaty, spotty, bloated with tears.
Mis manitas, están sucias, sudorosas, manchadas, hinchada : por las lágrimas.
I'll deal with that spotty herbert later.
Me encargaré de este capullo después.
- Yeah! I like my bottom spotty!
- ¡ Me gusta tener el culo sucio!
Yes, well, I agree with the spotty twerps on that one.
Estoy de acuerdo con estos idiotas.
Don't tell me to shut up, you spotty little bastard.
¡ Calla! No me digas que calle, idiota.
- Go to bed, spotty.
Vete a la cama. - Caray.
- With that ugly spotty mug of his...
- Es tan feo que no se atreve ni a aparecer.
Lord, no, more a sort of illegitimate backstairs sprog, you know... a sort of spotty squit that nobody really likes, but, nonetheless, still fruit of my overactive loins.
No. Más como una especie de hijo bastardo. La oveja que siempre desagrada, pero, aun así,
The most desirable woman in the world and Thickie Holden, a spotty gimp who'd blow off the bedcovers whenever we had cauliflower cheese.
La mujer más deseada del mundo y acabo con el Pesado Holden, un tarado que manchaba las colchas cuando comiamos coliflores con queso.
Forced spectrum communication is spotty at best, sir.
La comunicación de espectro forzada es muy deficiente.
I want him brought right here with a big ribbon on his head and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed ignorant, bloodsucking, brainless, dickless, hopeless heartless, fat-assed, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is!
Quiero que lo traigan aquí mismo con un gran moño en su cabeza y quiero mirarlo fijo en sus ojos y quiero decirle qué barato, mentiroso, desgraciado, podrido baja estofa, lame pingas, come basura, incestuoso, sobreinflado ignorante, chupasangre, descerebrado, eunuco, desesperanzado sin corazón, culo gordo, ojos de bicho, pata dura, labios moteados cabeza de gusano, bolsa de dinero de mierda que es!
I'd bite your bollix off, yeh spotty fuck!
¡ Te arrancaría los pelotas, idiota!
Possibly, sir, but I received the same information from a spotty stable lad.
Posiblemente, señor, pero yo recibí la misma información de un mozo del establo con granos.
His tongue's very ugly and blue and spotty.
Qué lengua tan fea toda azul y con puntos.
Spotty bag, light tight, 100 percent opaque.
Es opaco este saco? Opaco al cien por ciento.
Why, only last week Dirty Lying Little Two-Faced came running home from school, sobbing his eyes out, and our youngest, Ghastly Spotty Horrible Vicious Little is just at the age when taunts like'she's a git'really hurt.
Me hace fotos para EE. UU. ¿ Te importa?

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