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Strange as it may seem traduction Espagnol

76 traduction parallèle
Well, strange as it may seem to you, I've never forgotten it.
Por más que a ti te parezca extraño, jamás Io he olvidado.
[Laughing] No. Strange as it may seem, this is my natural appearance.
Por raro que parezca, éste es mi aspecto natural.
Strange as it may seem, I always have.
Aunque parezca extraño, siempre me gustaste.
Strange as it may seem, in your presence, he is.
Aunque parezca extraño, en tu presencia, lo es.
As strange as it may seem, I really am a dreamer.
Por extraño que te parezca soy un soñador.
Yet as strange as it may seem, nobody has met Felix Chapel.
Pero extrañamente, nadie conoce a Felix Chapel.
And we know how to deal with it in our part of the world, strange as it may seem to you.
Sabemos cómo manejarlo aunque parezca extraño.
- Strange as it may seem.
- Aunque parezca raro.
Strange as it may seem, they give ballplayers peculiar names.
A los jugadores les ponen nombres muy peculiares.
My profession, as strange as it may seem, is not devoid of a certain poetry sometimes.
Mi profesión, aunque parezca extraño, no está exenta a veces de cierta poesía.
And let me tell you, Favell, blackmail is not much of a profession, and we know how to deal with it in our part of the world, strange as it may seem to you.
Deje que le diga, Favell... que el chantaje no es una profesión y sabemos qué hacer con él.
Déjeme explicarle, Sra. Wilberforce, que en este caso no serviría de nada devolver el dinero, por muy extraño que parezca.
Strange as it may seem, Mother dear, this looks just like Amanda.
Por extraño que pueda parecer, Madre querida, esto es justo para Amanda.
Sir, I didn't mean — Young women frequently find a grown man attractive, strange as it may seem to you.
Las mujeres jóvenes suelen encontrar atractivos a los hombres mayores por extraño que le parezca a usted.
Strange as it may seem, I've grown accustomed to your face.
Es curioso, pero ya me acostumbré a tu cara.
The fourth, strange as it may seem, would be René's
El cuarto, aunque parezca extraño, para René.
As strange as it may seem, Mr. Spock, you're in command now.
Extraño como parezca, Sr. Spock, está al mando ahora.
Strange as it may seem, the people with new ideas are few and far between.
Por extraño que parezca, nacen pocas personas con nuevas ideas.
Marfa Petrovna and I almost never quarreled, strange as it may seem.
Por extraño que parezca, Marfa Petrovna y yo vivíamos en armonía.
Strange as it may seem, I can say I'm standing exactly where this film had its inception for me.
Por extraño que parezca, puedo afirmar que estoy justo donde empieza la película.
Strange as it may seem, I still love her... and however terrible I find these things... I am so captivated by her good nature... and her own serene charm... that, in spite of myself, in my heart of hearts...
Y a pesar de encontrar lo sucedido terrible, estoy bajo el hechizo de su amabilidad, uno de sus más bellos encantos.
Oh, no thank you, Sara. Strange as it may seem, I still prefer Mrs. Heymans.
No gracias, Sara, aunque le parezca extraño prefiero a Felicia Heymans.
Yeah, strange as it may seem, no one is going to attack you.
Si, aunque parezca extraño, nadie va a atacarte.
Well, strange as it may seem, under the circumstances, you're in luck, Martin.
Bueno, por muy extraño que parezca en estas circunstancias tienes suerte, Martin.
And I like it, strange as it may seem to you. So mind you, my friends,
Y por extraño que les parezca, eso me gusta.
Strange as it may seem, the admiration dies off.
Parecerá extraño, pero aquella admiración se extingue.
Strange as it may seem, our marriage began long before we were born.
Aunque parezca raro, nuestro matrimonio empezó mucho antes de que naciésemos.
But, strange as it may seem, one thing has never happened, to spark a love in myself and in another, instantly and reciprocally.
Pero aunque suene raro, nunca ha sucedido nada... para encender un amor en mí y en otro... instantánea y recíprocamente.
Strange as it may seem, it was the old petrol cooker which brought in the most money..
Por extraño que parezca, lo que más rentó fue el viejo hornillo a petróleo.
Well, Alan, strange as it may seem now, in retrospect...
Aunque ahora parezca raro, en retrospectiva... Claus, vaya al grano.
Strange as it may seem, it mighta cleared the water.
Tan extraño como parece, y tendría que estar claro como el agua.
Strange as it may seem, Charlie, I guess I write about people like you. The average working stiff, the common man.
Aunque parezca raro... escribo sobre gente como tú... el tipo trabajador promedio.
And, strange as it may seem, that devilish Baltar...
Y por raro que parezca ese diablo de BaItar...
Strange as it may seem, Lieutenant, I do not.
Aunque le parezca raro, teniente, no lo sé.
Strange as it may seem, I too demand my freedom.
Por extraño que te parezca, yo también exijo mi libertad.
For I feel, strange as it may seem, that being with Caleb, brings me closer to you.
Porque siento, aunque parezca extraño, que estando con Caleb, estoy más cerca de ti.
Strange as it may seem, I don't think I can take the money.
- No, sabes... por extraño que parezca. No puedo aceptar el dinero.
Strange as it may seem, I often think about you.
Aunque pueda parecer extraño, a menudo pienso en usted.
Strange as it may seem... it didn't hurt like I thought it would.
Aunque parezca extraño... no me dolió tanto como pensé.
Strange as it may seem..... in marrying King Uriens and moving with him to Wales..... I won my self some of the few years of happiness my life was to bring me.
Por extraño que parezca al casarme con el rey Uriens e irme con él a Gales gané algunos de los pocos años de dicha que la vida me proporcionaría.
And strange as it may seem, it's actually quite cozy here.
Y extraño como pueda parecer, es de veras completamente acogedor aqui.
Strange as it may seem, we were once married to the same woman.
Aunque parezca extraño, estuvimos casados con la misma mujer.
As strange as it may seem to you, Jean, photographers actually read.
Aunque te parezca extraño, los fotógrafos leemos.
As strange as it may seem, ARITA was nothing out of the ordinary for me.
Por raro que suene, ARITA no me parecía nada especial
Everything3 all right, strange as it may seem.
Estas bien, aunque extraño parezca.
Strange as it may seem, these people spend their lives boot-licking, and cry for more.
Por extraño que pueda parecer, esa gente se pasa la vida lamiendo botas y pidiendo siempre más.
You know, Rose, as strange as it may seem out of all the women I know, you're the only one I trust at all.
Bueno, Rose, aunque parezca extraño de todas las mujeres que conozco, eres la única en quien confío.
I don't know if it's religion. I know, strange as it may seem to you, I'm a different woman now.
No sé si soy una persona devota, sé que ahora soy otra mujer, por extraño que le parezca.
Strange as it may seem, I have people who depend on me.
Por extraño que parezca hay personas que cuentan conmigo.
Alright, in our house there are rules, and as strange, unimaginable, and bizarre as it may seem we live our lives by these very simple rules.
Bien. En nuestra casa hay reglas. Y aunque parezca extraño e inimaginable... vivimos nuestras vidas con estas reglas simples.
- Strange as it may seem.
Por extraño que parezca

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