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Sue sylvester traduction Espagnol

162 traduction parallèle
You know, Q. when I first laid eyes on you... I was reminded of a young Sue Sylvester... though you don't have my bone structure.
Sabes, Q, la primera vez que me fijé en ti, me recordaste a una joven Sue Sylvester, aunque tú no tienes mis facciones.
Here's the problem with Sue Sylvester : You never quite know where you stand.
Este es el problema de Sue Sylvester nunca sabes dónde estás parado.
When that cheerleading picture is taken for the yearbook... I'm gonna be in it and back on the squad... whether Sue Sylvester likes it or not.
Cuando tomen la foto de las animadoras para el anuario estaré con ellas y de vuelta en el grupo no importa si le gusta o no a Sue Sylvester.
You're like a young Sue Sylvester.
Pareces una joven Sue Sylvester.
You were just Sue Sylvester's little moles.
Sólo sois los pequeños topos de Sue Sylvester.
They say, "from the desk of Sue Sylvester."
- Y ponen "de la mesa de Sue Sylvester".
You are about to board the Sue Sylvester express.
Estás a punto de subirte en el expreso de Sue Sylvester.
Well, let's see what's going on now... with the local champion cheerleading coach, Sue Sylvester... in a brand-new segment we call "Sue's Corner."
Bueno, veamos lo que está pasando ahora con la entrenadora de las animadoras campeonas locales, Sue Sylverter en un nuevo segmento al que llamamos, la esquina de Sue.
Sue Sylvester's not afraid to shake things up.
Sue Sylvester no le teme al cambio.
- And if Finn and Quinn got nailed, none of us are safe. We're a little behind for sectionals... thanks to our Sue Sylvester detour. Okay, guys.
Y si Finn y Quinn fueron atacados ninguno de nosotros estará a salvo.
- After one date, Sue Sylvester is in love.
- Después de una cita. Sue Sylvester está enamorada.
- The Sue Sylvester who has been obsessed... with sabotaging your every move is now just a distant memory.
La Sue Sylvester que estaba obsesionada con sabotearte constantemente es ahora un recuerdo distante.
Sue Sylvester has boosters that write fat checks.
Sue Sylvester tiene patrocinadores que le dan cheques gordos.
This is Sue Sylvester.
Soy Sue Sylvester.
Give me a chance to do things Sue Sylvester's way.
Deja que haga las cosas a mi manera.
Well, all I can say is, if you're serious about leaving Schuester... Sue Sylvester's rainbow tent... will gladly protect you from his storm of racism.
Lo único que puedo decir es que, si quieren dejar a Schuester... la tienda multicolor de Sue Sylvester... los protegerá con gusto de su tormenta de racismo.
Sue Sylvester... you're gonna have to pry those F's from my cold, dead hands.
Sue Sylvester... primero muerto antes que aprobar a tus Ánimas sin que lo merezcan.
- I have on good authority that you're Sue Sylvester's mole... and you can deny it all you want, but I know it's true.
¿ Cómo dices? Sé de una buena fuente que eres la espía de Sue. Niégalo cuanto quieras, pero sé que es cierto.
I'm pretty sure she stole that line from one Sue Sylvester.
Estoy bastante segura que ella me robó esa línea de Sue Sylvester.
" Sue Sylvester dance on air.
Sue Sylvester baila en el aire
Do you mean that, or are you just saying that because I poked a couple of kids'eyes out before second period today? See, kids, Sue Sylvester realized she didn't need to reinvent herself.
¿ Sientes eso, o sólo lo dices porque le saqué los ojos a un par de niños hoy antes del segundo período? Vean, chicos, Sue Sylvester notó que ella no tiene que reinventarse.
magazine, after much campaigning by one Sue Sylvester, has named me # Cheerleading Coach of the Last Two Thousand Years. #
, despues de hacer campaña por una Sue Sylvester, me nombraron "La entrenadora de animadoras de los ultimos 200 años".
The Sue Sylvester Master Cleanse.
La Gran Bomba de Sue Sylvester.
That's, that's Sue Sylvester.
Esa, esa es Sue Sylvester.
"The man in this video looks like the champion cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester."
"El hombre del vídeo se parece a la entrenadora campeona Sue Sylvester"
You're Sue Sylvester- - legend.
Tu eres Sue sylvester- - leyenda.
You're probably wondering, what exactly does Sue Sylvester mean when she says, "I'm your new therapist"?
Problablemente te estas preguntando a que exactamente se refiere Sue Sylvester cuando ella dice : "¿ Soy la nueva teraputa"?
Well, this video has inspired Sue Sylvester to start giving back.
Bueno, este video inspiró a Sue Sylvester a empezar a dar la espalda.
Sue Sylvester's gotta start playing nice full-time. ( phone rings ) Hi!
Sue Sylvester va a empezar a jugar bonito a tiempo completo.
Sue Sylvester is a top 700 recording artist, people!
Sue Sylvester es una artista de los top 700, gente!
Sue Sylvester.
Sue Sylvester.
Sue Sylvester has hourly flare-ups of burning, itchy, highly contagious talent.
Sue Sylvester tiene a cada hora arranques de ardor, picazón, talento altamente contagioso.
It's really hard to feel bad for Sue Sylvester- - she doesn't need another trophy- - but some of these girls, they really do.
Es muy dificil sentirse mal por Sue Sylvester, ella no necesita otro trofeo pero algunas de estas chicas, realmente sí.
BRETT PAXTON : Let's hear it from the internationally ranked Cheerios coach Sue Sylvester.
Les presentamos a la internacionalmente famosa entrenadora de las animadoras Sue Sylvester.
She is fresh offher fifth consecutive national cheerleading title... and author of the soon-to-be-published memoir I'm a Winner and You're Fat... Ohio's homegrown iconoclast, Coach Sue Sylvesterl
Ella acaba de obtener su quinto título nacional de animadoras consecutivo y es la autora de la biografía de próxima aparición "Soy una ganadora y tú eres gordo" la iconoclasta nacida y criada en Ohio ¡ la entrenadora Sue Sylvester!
Sue Sylvester's not sure she wants to live in that kind of world.
Sue Sylvester no está segura de querer vivir en esa clase de mundo.
Because Sue Sylvester's got two things to show you.
Porque Sue Sylvester tiene dos cosas que enseñarte.
The big day has finally arrived for one Sue Sylvester.
Finalmente el gran día ha llegado para Sue Sylvester
And there was only one match for Sue Sylvester.
Y solo hay una pareja para Sue Sylvester.
One Sue Sylvester.
Una Sue Sylvester
"Sue Sylvester is marrying herself."
"Sue Sylvester se casa con ella misma."
And nothing is too good for Sue Sylvester.
Y nada es demasiado bueno para Sue Sylvester.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered today to join Sue Sylvester and Sue Sylvester in holy matrimony.
Queridos, estamos reunidos hoy Para unir a Sue Sylvester y sue Sylvester en sagrado matrimonio
♪ ♪ glee is a show About sue sylvester ♪
Glee es un show sobre Sue Sylvester
The one you want to see ♪ Okay, now I realize that that Sounds very conceited since I
Ahora me doy cuenta que eso sonó muy engreido... ya que yo hago a Sue Sylvester, pero... culpen a mi co-escritor :
Here, fred. where did sue sylvester come
¿ De dónde salió Sue Sylvester?
But you guys seem to really enjoy doing mash-ups, right?
Bueno, chicos, estamos un poco atrasados para los intercolegiales gracias a nuestro desvío por Sue Sylvester ¿ pero ven lo entretenido que son las mezclas, no?
Sue. Hey, Sylvester, I'm talking to you.
- Sue. ¡ Sylvester, te estoy hablando!
- No! Miss Sylvester is expecting us in 10 minutes in the dance studio.
Sue nos espera dentro de 10 minutos en el estudio de baile.
Mercedes got in trouble for shoving tots up Sue Sylvester's tailpipe, and we were sitting in Sue's office, and Mercedes was looking at me like...
Mercedes está en problemas
♪ sue sylvester is
Sue Sylvester es la protagonista de Glee

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