Talk to the hand traduction Espagnol
126 traduction parallèle
Talk to the hand,'cause the face don't want to hear it.
Háblele a la mano, que la cara no le escucha.
Talk to the hand,'cause the face ain't gonna listen.
Hablale a la mano, porque la cara no va a escuchar.
Talk to the hand, okay?
Venga ya.
- Talk to the hand.
- Háblele a mi mano.
- Talk to the hand...
- Habla con la mano a ver si te oye.
Talk to the hand.
Hable con la mano.
Talk to the hand!
¡ Hable con la mano!
Talk to the hand!
¡ Habla con la mano!
Talk to the hand.
Habla con la mano.
Talk to the hand, because the face don't want to hear it anymore.
Díselo a la mano, que la cara no te escucha.
Yeah, yeah. Talk to the hand.
A quién se lo dices.
But I've been hearing good things about Talk to the Hand.
Pero oí cosas buenas de Háblale a la mano.
Talk to the hand, grandma.
Habla con la mano, abuela.
Or I don't know. "Talk to the hand" or something like that.
O no se. "Hable con su mano" o algo asi.
Like when I came up with that whole "talk to the hand" thing, it got way out of control.
Como cuando empecé con eso de "habla con la mano". Se salió completamente de control.
- Talk to the hand.
- Habla con la mano.
Actually, talk to the hand, the face is busy.
De hecho, háblale a la mano, la cara está ocupada.
- Talk to the hand.
- Cállese.
I promise the next time she tries to get me, I'll say, "Talk to the hand," you know?
Y te prometo, la vez próxima que Rory trate de acercarseme, ¿ Le diría "habla en mi culo", ves lo que quiero decir?
- Talk to the hand.
- Háblale a la mano.
Talk to the hand, sister.
- Habla con mi mano, hermana.
But I say talk to the hand, call waiting, because he's out.
Pero yo digo que hables con la mano, espera, porque se fue.
I'll be happy to hold your hand. But I'm afraid I won't contribute much to the hunting talk.
Será un placer cogerle la mano, pero creo que no puedo contribuir a la charla.
You can't talk to me like this. You haven't got enough sense to come in out of the rain unless somebody leads you by the hand. I can't, huh?
- No puedes hablarme así.
"On the other hand, men who talk about suicide hardly ever commit it. " I chose to merely hint at my intention.
Por otra parte, la gente que habla de suicidio generalmente nunca lo hace dejé que adivinara mi intención sin desvelarla abiertamente.
The circumference of the bowl expands and you note that the revolution has meant... a passion for education... a passion for grass-roots involvement in their own future... their own social structures, their own politics... and that at the other end of that power, which they are trying to move upward... after so many, many years of colonial powerlessness... at the other end of that power is standing a man who also has a rice bowl in his hand... and whose poverty is equivalent... whose power has not separated himself from the fate of the majority... who can move in the same cheap cotton clothing... and with dignity among them... and whose power is not an inferior backroom game... or a game of marked cards under a table... or corrupt double-talk such as we've gotten so used to in the chanceries of the West.
El círculo del tazón se expande y observas que la revolución significa pasión por la educación pasión por la implicación de los pueblos en su propio futuro en sus propias estructuras sociales, en su propia política. y en el otro extremo de esa energía, que ella trata de impulsar despúes de muchos, muchos, muchos años de poder colonial en el otro extremo de esa energia esta parado un hombre que también tiene un tazón de arroz en las manos y cuya pobreza es equivalente y que con su poder no se ha separado del destino de la mayoría que viste la misma ropa humilde de algodón con dignidad entre ellos y que no ejerce el poder desde un cuarto trasero
but if i wanted to I could go on strike... with you, on the other hand... I can't even talk to you!
Pero si quiero puedo ir a la huelga... tú ni siquiera me hablas.
Would you talk to the Medical Examiner... find out if there were any traces of nitrate on Deschler's hand.
Hable con el forense y pregúntele si había restos de nitrato en la mano de Deschler.
I remember talking with Dicky Euwe... of Dick's Supermarkets... and asking him if I could come and work in his pet food section... and just hand out my cards and talk to the people... about having a pet cemetery.
Recuerdo que hablé con Dicky Euwe... de Supermercados Dick... y le pedí que me dejara estar en la sección de alimentos para mascotas... para poder darles a los clientes mi tarjeta y hablarles... del futuro cementerio de mascotas.
And we had this long talk and afterward I walked all the way back to the student union building holding her hand.
Tuvimos una larga charla y después caminamos de la mano hasta el centro de estudiantes.
Take your hand out of that bowl of Fritos, throw away your National Enquirer, and pick up the phone, hold it up to your face... and dial 555-TALK.
Saca la mano de ese bote de Fritos, avienta tu National Enquirer, y toma el teléfono, ponlo en tu cara... y marca 555-TALK.
And who might you be? I might be the son of a rich man, but fate stepped in and dealt me a tragic hand. Don't talk to him.
Y ahora, las hermanas Ganaywick nos deleitarán con su interpretación de tap... del "Duelo de Banjos." Estoy perdida.
And potentially very annoying to you. But, on the other hand, if you leave me alone and you put the Nagus back the way he was when you met him I guarantee you, you'll never have to talk with another Ferengi again.
Puede ser un gran fastidio para ustedes, pero por otra parte, si me dejan como estoy y devuelven al Nagus a su estado anterior les garantizo que no tendrán que volver a hablar con un ferengi.
Patsy I have to talk to again, because that is the wretched hand that life has dealt me,
Patsy y yo hablaremos de nuevo, porque es una mala carta que me ha tocado en la vida. - Tu no estás en la baraja.
I know pilots never wanna talk about this... but for me, prior to each mission I like to shake everyone's hand... in case it's for the last time.
'Usted, señor. Yo sé que los conductores no quieren hablar alguna vez de ello, Pero, antes de cada misión Deseo darle la mano a todo el mundo,
That lumbering field hand is the First Minister of Bajor and he knows more about how to talk to me than you ever will.
Ese tipejo tan torpe es el primer ministro de Bajor. Sabe hablarme mejor de lo que usted nunca sabrá.
Take the hand of a guy and not talk to him?
¿ Cogerle la mano a un tío, y después no hablarle?
Can't you talk to Jack and the others and hear if they'll lend a hand?
¿ No puedes hablar con Jack y los demás y saber si me pueden dar una mano?
I had to write myself cheat notes... on my hands so I had a list of topics I could talk to the girls about. - What's that on your hand?
Escribía apuntes en la mano para tener una lista de temas de conversación
I've prepared a memo which both advises parents as to the situation at hand and advises them to talk to their children.
He preparado un informe para los padres sobre la situación y se les aconseja que hablen con sus hijos.
Talk to your hand, nigger, that's the only girl you got.
Háblale a tu mano, negro, es la única chica que tienes.
The second somebody put a fuckin microphone in his hand, and they said... "Hey, it's okay to talk," that's when the fuckin'trouble began.
En cuanto le pusieron un jodido micrófono en la mano... y le dijeron : "Ponte a hablar", ahí comenzaron todos los jodidos problemas.
I went up to him and tried to talk to him tried to get him to hand the lighter over.
Me acerqué y traté de hablar con él... tratando de llegar a su mano para sacarle el encendedor.
The one you think is a corpse, grabbed my hand I only asked for 10 minutes to talk to him and you think I ´ m mad?
Lo que tú piensas que es un cadáver me agarró la mano. Solo le pido diez minutos para hablar con él, ¿ y ya piensa que estoy loco?
Are you saying you want to talk to the hand?
Dejadme morir...
Come on, fat boy why don't you talk to the hand.
Oh, creo que si.
I'll even try to spice it up a little, talk about how the night before the telethon, I wanted to sleep like a babe so to cover my bets, I kept a few babes on hand.
Lo adornaré un poco. Diré que la noche antes de la maratón televisiva quería dormir como un bebé que me hice de un par de chicas para tenerlas a mano.
I'll even spice it up a little, talk about how the night before the telethon, I wanted to sleep like a babe. So to cover my bets, I kept a few babes on hand.
Hablar de la noche antes de la maratón televisiva que quería dormir como un bebé así que tuve algunas chicas a mano.
Talk to him about the hand-over of your team I have to go.
Habla con él sobre el traspaso de tu equipo.
Whoa, dude, talk to the hand.
Guau, tío. "Habla con la mano".
On the other hand, I don't want to talk you out of this deal by pointing out your hypocrisy. So, patient's life at stake, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Por otro lado, no quiero hablarte sobre este trato apuntando a tu hipocresía entonces la vida del paciente está en juego y bla, bla, bla.
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talk to your mother 16
talk to them 86
talk to us 100
talk to me 2348
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talk to your mother 16
talk to them 86
talk to us 100
talk to him 399
talk to you for a second 17
talk to you 56
the hand 48
the handcuffs 17
the hands 26
talk soon 65
talk later 61
talk me 19
talk me through it 21
talk to you for a second 17
talk to you 56
the hand 48
the handcuffs 17
the hands 26
talk soon 65
talk later 61
talk me 19
talk me through it 21