Tell them that traduction Espagnol
5,510 traduction parallèle
We're getting a little excited now, and that's exactly why we hadn't tell them that you got your tubes tied.
Nos estamos emocionando y es exactamente por eso por lo que no les hemos dicho que ibas a ligarte las trompas.
You tell them that we're Jungle K's, and we're afraid of nobody.
Diles que somos los Jungle K, y que no le tememos a nadie.
What do you think the girls are going to say When I tell them that you left their brother behind? Victor!
¿ Qué crees que dirán las chicas cuando les diga que dejaste a su hermano atrás?
You know, the worst part of it is people looking at you when you tell them that you're sick.
Sabes, lo peor de todo esto es la gente mirándote cuando les dices que estás enferma.
Can you just tell them that I'm sorry?
¿ Puedes decirles que lo siento?
If I tell them that I like girls, they're gonna picture me having sex with them.
Si les digo que me gustan las chicas, Van a tener una imagen mía teniendo sexo con ellas
When they arrive, please tell them that this can be a simple transaction, provided no one mucks it up.
Cuando lleguen, por favor, dígales que esto puede ser una simple transacción, siempre y cuando nadie la cague.
But I did tell them that if they didn't honor you and Dr. Brennan as well, that I couldn't accept the award.
Pero les dije que si ellos no te honraban a ti y también a la Dra. Brennan, no podría aceptar el premio.
If anyone asks, just tell them that's hazardous waste...
Si alguien pregunta, solo dígales que son desechos peligrosos...
And I tell them that the U.V. light kills the virus, but, um...
Y les dije que la luz U.V. mata al virus. pero...
I'm gonna tell them that I'm sick.
Voy a decirle que estoy enfermo.
I'm gonna tell them that I have food poisoning.
Que me ha sentado mal la comida.
I'm gonna tell them that I forgot the time.
Voy a decirle que se me ha pasado la hora.
Tell them that we may need support.
Diles que necesitamos apoyo.
The one questions that most people ask me when I tell them that I know you is that... how could you have not known what was going on?
Lo que la mayoría me pregunta cuando le cuento que lo conozco es : "¿ Cómo podía ignorar lo que pasaba?".
Did you tell them that you're holding your convention at a Marie Callender's, and that every panelist gets a free slice of pie?
¿ Les dijiste que estás organizando tu convención en un Marie Callender's, y que cada panelista obtiene una tajada gratis de pastel?
You are going to tell them that Santanico was the one that betrayed us.
Lo que vas a decirles Santanico que era el uno que nos traicionó.
Then I'll go out to the doctors and tell them that you want to die and that they should do something.
Y luego iré con los médicos y les diré que tu quieres morir. Y que deberían hacer algo para impedírtelo.
We're not gonna tell them that part, but now that this is official, we can actually drag Sam into an interrogation room, pressure him into talking.
No vamos a decirles esa parte, pero ahora que esto es oficial, podemos arrastrar a Sam a una sala de interrogatorios, presionarlo para hablar.
Tell them that no one moves from here till you get back.
Diles que nadie se mueve de aquí hasta que vuelvas.
You could tell them that in court.
Podrías decirle eso a la Corte.
And tomorrow, you shall tell them that you had a grand time.
Y mañana, deberías decirles que te lo has pasado genial.
I wanted to tell them that I'd lied for you.
Quería decirle que había mentido por ti.
No, it's not gonna take a couple of days, because you're gonna tell that miserable prick that I need them now!
No, no va a llevar un par de días, ¡ porque vas a decirle a ese miserable idiota que las necesito ya!
Trust me when I tell you that none of them are, as you say it,
Créeme, cuando digo que ninguno de ellos es como tú dijiste.
He made them promise not to tell anybody that he'd come back here.
Les hizo prometer que no contarían a nadie que había vuelto.
You have to tell the people that you haven't abandoned them.
Tienes que decirle a la gente que usted no los ha abandonado.
We have to keep talking to both GT-Prologue and Mr. X because if one of them can tell us what's happened to our people, that'll be worth considerably more than $ 50,000.
Tenemos que seguir hablando con GT-Prologue y el Sr. X, porque si uno de ellos puede decirnos qué le ha pasado a nuestra gente, valdrá considerablemente más de 50.000 dólares.
He didn't even tell you his real name. The Zille that I know uses women like fuckdolls and throws them away when he's done.
sino te dijo su verdadero nombre a el si lo conozco usa a las mujeres como juguetes sexuales y las desecha cuando le aburren
I won't tell anyone, on your behalf, that you loved them.
No le diré a nadie, de vuestra parte, que le queréis.
Ah, you don't know'cause you didn't count the tracks, and you buried the bodies that could tell us the tale, except for them highborn lads who paid for passage back to London Town.
Ah, usted no sabe Porque usted no contamos las pistas, y enterró los cuerpos que nos podría contar la historia, excepto para ellos muchachos de alta cuna quién pagó por el paso Volver a London Town.
You must never tell anyone that it was me who gave them to him.
No debes decirle nunca a nadie que fui yo quien se lo dio.
Tell me, is that how you learned to be one of them?
Dime, ¿ así es como aprendiste a ser uno de ellos?
Tell that to them.
Que se lo digan a ellos.
That's something they tell children to give them hope.
Eso es algo que se le dice a los niños para darles esperanza.
I talked with dock about, what do you tell these guys and young ladies that you are counseling and trying to get them to take a different direction?
"¿ Qué les dices a esos chicos y chicas a los que aconsejas y tratas de que tomen otra dirección?"
The crew knows that we cross-check every message against their files, that we'd tell them if we heard anything about their families.
La tripulación sabe que tenemos que verificar cada mensaje con sus expedientes, que les avisaremos si escuchamos algo sobre sus familiares.
People have no idea what's going on outside the ship, other than what the officers tell them, and that's not much.
La gente no tiene idea de lo que pasa afuera del barco, distinto a lo que los oficiales les dicen, y eso no es mucho.
Yeah, tell them why that is, Pam!
Sí, cuéntales por qué, Pam!
I know that I hate hugs just as much as you love them, but I'm not letting go until you tell me what I have to do to make you not mad at me anymore!
Sé que odio los abrazos, tanto como tu los amas, pero no te dejaré ir hasta que me digas ¡ Qué tengo que hacer para que ya no estés enojado conmigo!
Go to the board, tell them you're stepping aside for personal reasons, and ask that they vote Marissa to be the new chairwoman.
Id a la junta, decidles que estáis haciéndoos a un lado por motivos personales, y pedidles que voten a Marissa como la nueva presidenta.
What else is that rich bitch gonna tell her parents? _ They're saying Manny told them I wanted it?
¿ Que más le va a decir esa perra blanca a sus padres? ¿ Ellos dijeron que Manny dijo que yo lo quería?
Yeah, tell that to them.
Sí, eso díselo a ellos.
So we need to just tell them the truth. Do you think that's OK?
Solo necesitamos que les digas la verdad. ¿ Crees que podrás?
My spies tell me that in order to starve the rebels out... we must cut them off from the farming village of Wuchang.
Mis espías me dice que para hacer pasar hambre a los rebeldes... debemos aislarlos de la aldea agrícola de Wuchang.
First tell me the ones that you don't like and I will remove them.
Primero, dime las que no te gustan y me las quitaré.
I-I just don't know how to tell them - that wasn't always the case.
No sé cómo decirles que no fui siempre así.
First put that stick aside... Give them a cappuccino each, and tell them they won't get anything for free after this!
Primero dales la cuenta a los del costado... y a ellos dales un capuchino a cada uno, y les dices que no van a conseguir nada gratis después de esto.
There are people searching for the baby, and if they don't find her, they might think that you can tell them where she is.
Hay personas buscando al bebé, y si no lo encuentran podrían pensar que tú puedes decirles dónde está.
I'm gonna stand up to my mother and tell her that I'm getting them out.
Me voy a enfrentar a mi madre y le diré que los voy a sacar.
That day when they threw you into my cell, sure, you were a little broken but I could tell right away that you were a man like they used to make them.
Ese día cuando te arrojaron a mi celda, claro, estabas un poco quebrado. Pero pude ver de inmediato que eras un hombre como los de antes que vivían de acuerdo a un código.
tell them 565
tell them the truth 59
tell them what 53
tell them what you told me 20
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
tell them the truth 59
tell them what 53
tell them what you told me 20
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830