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That's all i wanted traduction Espagnol

1,159 traduction parallèle
That's all I wanted to know.
Es todo lo que quería saber.
That's all I wanted.
Nada más.
That's all I wanted to -
Es todo lo que quería...
That's all I ever wanted.
Sólo eso quería.
I mean, it's- - It's no wonder that he was trying to teach you all to dance. He probably wanted to dance with you.
Quiero decir, no hay duda de que te enseñaba un baile para bailar contigo.
That's all I wanted.
Es lo que le pedí que hiciera.
That's all I wanted to add.
No hay que tener miedo de la realidad.
I just wanted a little mone y, that's all.
Sólo quería un poco de dinero, eso es todo.
I wanted a chance to show you that... A man's face... doesn't matter all that much.
Quería tener la oportunidad de demostrarle que el rostro de un hombre no importa tanto.
I just didn't feel like telling you what you wanted to know, that's all.
No tenía ganas de decirte lo que querías saber.
I just wanted to see you, man, That's all,
Solo quería verte, tío, eso es todo.
'Cause that's all I wanted of her, is to let me alone. But I loved her, boy. You know what?
Quería exactamente que me dejara tranquilo, pero ella me gustaba, chico.
I-I-I... just wanted to know why, that's all.
Sólo quería saber el porqué, eso es todo.
The loyalty of a fine dog? That's all I wanted to know.
Erajusto lo que quería saber.
I think it would be wiser if Sereda thought about that, instead of wasting time on inventing stupid relativistic engines. That's all I wanted to say.
Quería saber si Sereda pensó en eso, en lugar de perder el tiempo inventando estúpidos motores relativistas.
I see. That's all I wanted to know.
Eso era todo lo que quería saber.
That's what I wanted to be, all right, but I couldn't.
Eso es lo que quería ser, pero no pude.
and I'd be glad to introduce you if you wanted- - you know, someone nice who could be... a companion for you, that's all.
Me encantaría presentarte a alguien, si quieres... Tú sabes, alguien agradable que pudiera hacerte compañía, eso es todo.
- I just wanted to know, that's all.
- Sólo quería saberlo.
That's all I wanted.
Eso es todo lo que quería.
That's just what I wanted to say to you, that's all.
Eso quería decirte, eso es todo.
I just wanted to frighten her, that's all!
¡ Sólo quería asustarla, eso es todo!
- That's all I wanted to know.
- Eso es todo lo que quiero saber.
But I just wanted to see first if Moses would buy it, that's all.
Yo sólo quería saber si Moses lo compraría, eso es todo.
That's all I wanted to know, Oliver.
Eso es todo lo que necesitaba saber.
I think I wanted to show off today, that's all.
Hoy tenía ganas de ostentar, eso es todo.
I just wanted to see you, that's all, just to see you.
Solo quería verte, eso es todo, sólo verte.
I just really wanted to be alone for a while, by myself, that's all.
Realmente quería estar solo por un tiempo, eso es todo,
Yes, I wanted to hear your voice, that's all.
Sí, quería oír tu voz, eso es todo.
I wanted to bring you something and that's all I could think of.
Quería traerte algo, y esto fue todo lo que se me ocurrió.
Well, all right. That's not what I wanted to see you about, anyway.
Oh, vamos, sabes que no hablaba de eso.
Five days, that's all I wanted.
Cinco días, es todo lo que quería.
That's all I wanted.
Era lo que quería.
That's all I've ever wanted to be.
Es lo que siempre he querido ser.
I just... I just wanted you to hear it, that's all.
I justo... l justo te quiso para oírlo, aquello es todo.
All I wanted was for you to love me. That's all.
Yo sólo deseaba que me quisieras, nada más.
That's all I wanted to say.
Eso es todo lo que queria decirte.
I just wanted us to be nice together, that's all.
Sólo quería que fuera agradable estar juntos. Eso es todo.
I only meant you could've known the real me. That's all I wanted to say.
Lo que quiero decir es que me gustaría usted supiera el verdadero yo.
- That's all I wanted to hear.
- Eso es todo lo que quería oír.
That's all I've ever wanted to be.
Es lo que siempre quise ser.
- I just don't know how anybody could enjoy anything more... than I enjoy, uh, reading Charlton Heston's autobiography... or, uh, you know, uh, getting up in the morning... and having the cup of cold coffee that's been waiting for me all night... still there for me to drink in the morning... and no cockroach or fly has-has died in it overnight. I mean, I'm just so thrilled when I get up... and I see that coffee there, just the way I wanted it.
Y cuando me levanto por la mañana... y veo la taza de café frío desde la noche anterior, y si no se ha caído ninguna cucaracha ni ninguna mosca, soy tan feliz al levantarme y ver el café como me gusta,
I just wanted our little girl to feel welcome, that's all.
Sólo quería que nuestra niña se sintiera bien recibida, nada más.
That's all I wanted to know thank you.
Sólo quería saber eso. Gracias.
I think that's what he's wanted all along.
Creo que es todo lo que pretende.
I--I just wanted her to be decent, that's all.
Yo sólo quería que se vistiera decentemente.
And I say, "I ain't no sonny. I just was asking you a question, sir, that's all I wanted to know, to see your feelings about it."
Le dije "No soy su hijo, simplemente preguntaba señor, eso era lo que quería saber, conocer lo que pensaba sobre ello"
That's all I ever wanted. Now will you guys leave me alone?
Y bien, me dejan tranquilo?
That's all I wanted to say.
Sólo quería decirte eso.
- That's all I wanted to know.
Es todo cuanto quería saber.
No, I... I wanted to frighten you, that's all.
Quería asustarla ; eso fue todo.

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