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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ T ] / That's for damn sure

That's for damn sure traduction Espagnol

114 traduction parallèle
- That's for damn sure.
- Claro que sí.
Aye, this one's a damn sight too small for us, that's for sure.
Sí, este es una facha, nos queda pequeño, eso seguro.
'Cause if I decide to whisper into the Colonel's ear... that one of his lily-white officers has been rolling in the hay with Pocahontas... you're gonna face another court-martial for damn sure.
Seguro que se enfrentará a otro consejo de guerra.
Well, Virgil, nobody threw your brains to the hogs, that`s for damn sure.
Bien, Virgil, por lo visto nadie arrojó tus sesos a los cerdos.
And that beats working, that's for damn sure.
Y es mejor que trabajar, eso está claro.
He ´ s standing on the neck of this town, and that ´ s for damn sure.
Está arruinando nuestro pueblo, eso es seguro.
When I give it away for the first time, it ain't gonna be to no $ 2 john... in East Baltimore. That's for damn sure.
Cuando lo haga, no será por $ 2 de John... en East Baltimore... eso seguro.
Hell, I've never been any place I wanna go back to, that's for damn sure.
Diablos, nunca estuve en un lugar al que quiera volver.
That's for damn sure.
Sin duda.
I'm not through with you, that's for damn sure.
No terminé contigo, eso es seguro maldito.
Yeah, you got the hair of the bear on you, Tyler, that's for damn sure.
Tienes el pelo del oso, eso es muy cierto.
He doesn't take after you, that's for damn sure.
No se parece a ti.
Some of you weren't here last time... and some of you who were here last time... aren't here this time, that's for damn sure.
Algunos no estuvieron aquí la última vez... y algunos que estuvieron aquí la última vez... no están aquí esta vez, eso seguro.
Well, I ain't goin'back to Detroit, and that's for damn sure.
Bueno, a Detroit no vuelvo, eso seguro.
And I just intend to make damn sure that if the time ever comes, there's gonna be somebody there for Emily.
Quiero asegurarme de que de darse el caso, alguien estará al lado de Emily.
Make you flat-out believe in ghosts, that's for damn sure.
Directamente, ¿ no creerá en fantasmas? Eso es seguro.
Look, there's no way, Mr. Beetroot, that I am going to deliver any damn Cadillac... unless I know for sure that I have... twenty for my cut.
No hay forma alguna... de que entregue ningún maldito Cadillac... a menos que sepa con seguridad... que tengo... 20.
There ain't no ceasefire around here that's for damn sure.
No hay ningún alto al fuego por aquí, de eso estamos claros.
That's for damn sure.
Seguro que no.
Mama never knew'bout me and him... that's for damn sure.
Mi madre nunca supo nada de esto... Estoy absolutamente segura.
That's for damn sure.
Eso es para absolutamente seguro.
That's for damn sure.
Tenlo por seguro.
That's for damn sure.
Puedes estar segura de eso.
Yeah. No damn tobacco, that's for sure.
Sí, y no llevan tabaco.
- Not me, that's for damn sure.
- No yo, eso dalo por seguro.
Motherfucker, you can't have my corn bread, that's for damn sure.
Hijo de puta, no puedes tomar mi pan de maíz, eso seguro.
That's for damn sure.
Eso es seguro.
That means that you two have to make it damn sure that Merrick doesn't cause any more deviations from the current timeline, or it's over for all of us.
Eso quiere decir, que deben asegurarse que Merrick... no cause mas divisiones en la linea del tiempo... o sera el final para todos nosotros.
- Well, it's a pro, that's for damn sure.
- Ten por seguro que es un profesional.
That's for damn sure.
Eso, seguro.
Children's TV doesn't pay worth a damn, that's for sure.
Los programas infantiles no pagan bien.
- That's for damn sure.
- Eso, seguro.
Singed my damn moustache, that's for sure.
Aunque por poco no lo logramos.
Money? Not much, that's for damn sure.
No mucho, eso es seguro.
I'm not here to sell nothing, that's for damn sure.
No he venido a vender nada, eso seguro.
Well, not for lack of trying, that's for damn sure.
Pues no es por no intentarlo, eso seguro.
Yeah, and you got enough stress in your life, that's for damn sure.
Sí, y estrés ya tenéis de sobra en vuestras vidas.
But when you're having a good time like she was ain't no rape. That's for damn sure.
Pero cuando lo estás disfrutando como ella eso no es una violación.
Not that I know of. But they know they've been in a fight, that's for damn sure.
No que yo sepa, pero tienen recuerdos de una pelea.
Nobody in this here crib, that's for damn sure.
Nadie de esta casa, eso está claro.
Now, that's for damn sure.
Eso es completamente cierto.
Wasn't Crab, that's for damn sure.
No era Crab, eso délo por seguro.
They damn well oughta bring back a loaf, that's for sure...
Con lo que están tardando más vale que traigan alguna cosa.
- That's for damn sure.
- No me extraña.
Ain't no way nobody ever gonna find his killer, man, that's for damn sure.
Nunca nadie va a encontrar a su asesino, hombre, eso es seguro.
I'd rather die than go to jail, that's for damn sure.
Prefiero morir antes de ir a prisión, eso se los aseguro.
He's gonna pay for what he did to Wes. And I'm gonna make damn sure that he doesn't do this to anyone else.
Pagará por lo que le hizo a Wes y voy a asegurarme de que no le haga esto a nadie más.
That's for damn sure!
¡ Eso es absolutamente seguro!
You're not made of iron, that's for damn sure.
Y tú no eres de acero, eso es cierto, demonios.
Not with a paint brush, that's for damn sure
No con un pincel, con certeza.
Feels like a hundred years, that's for damn sure. Lot of water under the bridge.
Parece que fuera hace cien años, eso es cierto.

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