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That's for you to decide traduction Espagnol

191 traduction parallèle
I won't be silent you have no right that's not for you to decide but count Daun has promised us... let's finish this write this down the comtesse has nothing further to add to her statement the hearing is closed
¡ No voy a callar! ¡ No tiene Ud. ningún derecho! ¡ No es Ud. quien debe decidirlo!
That's not for you to decide.
Tú no debes decidirlo.
Well, I'm afraid That's for Mr. Ransome To decide. There, you see?
Eso tiene que decidirlo el Sr. Ransome.
When you saw the prisoner's hand reach for the safety catch on that cable car did she, of her own free will, decide not to kill the child at that time or did she refrain from that act because she was aware that you were watching?
¿ Cuándo la acusada abrió el cerrojo de la cabina decidió ella por su propia voluntad no asesinar al niño en ese momento. ... o se abstuvo de hacerlo porque sabía que Ud. la observaba?
That's not for you to decide.
Eso no lo tienes que decidir tú.
That's for you to decide, mother.
Eso debe decidirlo Ud., madre.
Well, that's for you to decide of course, Mr. Arbutny.
Bueno, es usted el que debe decidirlo, Sr. Arbutny.
Well it's alright to for you to trust wasps and people but he might have known that I don't trust him and decide to take first bite.
Comprendo que confíes en avispas y personas, pero quizá note que yo no y decida picarme.
But, of course, that's for you to decide.
Pero, claro, eso lo decidirán ustedes.
Well, that's for you to decide, isn't it?
Es decisión tuya, ¿ no?
Well, that's not for you to decide, you know.
Eso no lo decide usted.
That's for you to decide. It's best if he sees no one, medically speaking.
Es mejor que no vea a nadie, clínicamente hablando.
Of course, it's for you to decide, sir, but that's what I strongly recommend.
Por supuesto, Ud. decide, señor, pero eso es lo que recomiendo.
You're out of line. That's for Sick Bay to decide.
De ningún modo.
That's for you to decide... but I can tell you you're twice as bad, since you have no control with either arm.
Eso es cosa tuya... pero sí puedo decirte que eres el doble de malo, porque no tienes control con ningún brazo.
Now, it may seem wrong at times, but I assure you, it is one of the greatest safeguards of our legal system that judge and jury are not required to decide if a man is innocent, that's for God to do.
Esto puede parecer erroneo a veces,... pero aseguro que una de las mayores garantías de nuestro sistema jurídico es que el juez y el jurado no acuerden decidir si un hombre es inocente, que para eso está Dios.
Will you tell Monsieur that he needs to decide. I could give the address for an abortion.
Voulez-vous dire à monsieur que s'il était décidé, je pourrais lui donner I'adresse d'une clinique pour I'avortement.
Well, now, that's for you to decide, isn't it?
Eso lo decide Ud., ¿ no?
- No, that's up for you to decide because uh, I'm gonna have her one way or the other.
No, lo decides tú, porque la recuperaré cómo pueda.
That's not for you to decide.
Eso no lo debe decidir usted.
'Cause if I decide to whisper into the Colonel's ear... that one of his lily-white officers has been rolling in the hay with Pocahontas... you're gonna face another court-martial for damn sure.
Seguro que se enfrentará a otro consejo de guerra.
That's not for you to decide, we'll soon see who is innocence and who isn't.
Eso no lo decidís vosotros. Pronto veremos quién es inocente y quién no.
That's for you to decide.
Usted es quien debe decidir eso.
That's for you to decide
- Decídelo tú mismo.
That's a question for you to decide,
Esa es la cuestión que ud. debe decidir.
I know you think, Tony is the best thing that ever happened to me. And that I'm insensitive to his feeling. But I'm asking you to let me decide what's best for me, okay, Karen?
Sé que crees que Tony e slo mejor que me ha pasado... y que soy yo la que herí sus sentimientos, pero dejame decir lo que es mejor para mi, ¿ De acuerdo Karen?
That's not for you to decide and I don't care to discuss it.
- Eso no lo decidirá usted.
- I think that's for the police to decide, don't you?
Todos acusados. Sospechosos de asesinato.
- Maybe that's not for you to say!
- ¡ No eres tú el que decide!
- That's for you to decide.
- Tú debes decidirlo.
That's not for you to decide.
No eres quien lo debe decidir.
Tú decides.
Well, that's for you to decide, Morse.
Eso debes decidirlo tú, Morse.
That's not for you to decide.
Eso no lo decides tú.
So, Mr. Orange... you're telling me that this good friend of mine... who did four years for my father... who, in four years, never made a deal, no matter what they offered him... you're telling me that now that he's free... and we're making good on our commitment to him... he's just gonna decide, out of the fucking blue... to rip us off?
Así que, Sr. Naranja... me estás diciendo que este buen amigo mío... que cumplió cuatro años por mi padre... que, en 4 años, nunca hizo un trato, no importa lo que le ofrecieran... me estás diciendo que ahora que está libre... y nosotros estamos saldando nuestro compromiso con él... decide de pronto, inesperadamente, carajo... ¿ estafarnos?
That's for you to decide.
No lo es. Eso es cosa tuya.
Well, I guess that's for you to decide.
Bueno, supongo que eso lo decido usted.
That's for me to decide, not you, Nemesis!
Eso lo decido yo, no tú, Némesis.
But that's not for you or me to decide.
Pero ni tú ni yo podemos decidir eso.
That's not for you or me to decide.
Eso no tenemos que decidirlo ni usted ni yo.
That's before you guys decide to use it for target practice.
Sólo quería eso Yo quería una noche con mi amada
If I decide to walk into Buffy's room, do you think for one microsecond..... that you could stop me?
Si decido entrar al cuarto de Buffy, ¿ se te ocurrió por un microsegundo que podrías detenerme?
Unfortunately, that's not for you to decide.
Por desgracia, eso no es decisión tuya.
And I know with my tainted past, I might not be the most likely of candidates, but if and when you do decide it's the right time for you, I'd really like to be the one that helps to make it a memorable evening.
Y sé que con mi pasado no soy el candidato perfecto pero si alguna vez decidimos hacerlo me gustaría ser quien te ayude a hacerlo inolvidable.
What do you mean that's for a jury to decide?
¿ Por qué lo decidirá un jurado?
- With respect, that is not for you to assess. That is for me or Dr Waterston's family to decide.
Con todos los respetos, ésa no es decisión suya, sino mía o de la familia del Dr. Waterston.
What's the point of coming all this way, going through all the crap we had to go through to get here, for you to all of a sudden decide that you want to get voted off.
¿ Cuál es el objetivo de pasar por todo esto, por toda esta mierda que hemos pasado por aquí si de pronto decides que quieres que te expulsen?
You know, we all kind of you know, gather around him for that father-figure type of thing, so I'm just trying to decide how important that's going to be to my ultimate survival.
Y todos nos acercamos él por esa figura tan paternal Así que trato de decidir que tan importante será para mi supervivencia al final.
You know, that's something for the judge to decide.
¡ Cierra la boca! Que lo decidía el juez.
- That's why we kept him here, boss. For you to decide.
- Por eso lo mantuvimos aquí, jefe, hasta que usted decida que hacer.
But yes, if there is anything that can decide it... it's the vows you take to remain together for seven lifetimes And every vow you take together.
Pero sí, si hay algo que podemos decidir... y es tomar los votos para permanecer juntos durante siete vidas.

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