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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ T ] / That's nice to know

That's nice to know traduction Espagnol

371 traduction parallèle
That's nice to know.
Eso es bueno saber.
It's nice to know that someone worries.
Es bonito saber que alguien lo hace.
And it's nice to know that when the worst comes a man doesn't have to go it alone.
Y es agradable saber que cuando llega lo malo no lo pasas solo. Ya es algo, ¿ no?
Well, it is nice to know that he could grow up to be the world's finest piano player.
A veces sueño que de mayor será un pianista famoso.
Well, anyway, it's nice to know that everything's snug and safe ashore.
Es bueno saber que todo está tranquilo y seguro en tierra.
Jameson's a nice old duffer, but I don't know why we have to have all that flag-waving.
Jameson es un inútil simpático pero no entiendo a qué se debe ese patriotismo.
I'm well aware that it's rather crude, but it's nice, you know, to be alive.
Sé que es un poco vulgar pero bueno, esto de estar vivo, ¿ sabe?
It's nice to know that my daughter is a soldier, as well as my son.
Me alegro de saber que mi hija es tan soldado como mi hijo.
You know, I'm a figuring man sometimes I don't know all the answers....... like that fella "Quirt Evans" Handy man with a colt while he was acting as Wyatt Earp's deputy over in Tombstone ... one day turns in his badge, and starts to build himself a nice cattle spread.
Tengo imaginación, a veces no sé todas Ias respuestas, un tipo de Io más honrado y formal que un día cuelga su placa y se pone a criar ganado.
Well, it's nice to know that he's turned up again.
Me alegro de saber que ha vuelto a aparecer.
There are some very nice people in my house... but it's a relief to know that you'll be with the children.
Hay personas muy amables aquí, pero es un alivio saber que se ocupará de las niñas.
You only have to look at him to know he's nice and that he comes from a nice family.
Solo hay que mirarle para saber que es un chico de buena familia.
That's a nice trick to know.
Es un buen truco.
But even so, you can be thankful to know that he's not in the desert. Hank's right. I doubt if much could help your man that wouldn't be quicker and nice than that.
Bueno, si algo le ha ocurrido al Sr.Carson, señora... sé que esto no le servirá de consuelo, pero aún así... ya puede estar agradecida de que no esté en el desierto.
Oh, it's nice to know that I have daughters that care for me.
Es bonito saber que tengo hijas que cuidarán de mi.
No, but I'm all that experienced that I know the difference between a few early fumblings with a girl and something that's nice and lasting that's happened to me.
No, pero tengo mucha experiencia y puedo diferenciar unos torpes escarceos con una chica de algo bonito y duradero como lo nuestro.
It's nice to know that you still use the hospital now and then and limit your number of miracles.
Es agradable saber que usa el hospital de vez en cuando y que limita su número de milagros.
It's nice to know that you're still wearing the pants,
Es bueno saber que aún llevas los pantalones.
Now that's a nice effect, I'd love to know how you did it.
Lindo efecto, me encantaría saber cómo lo hiciste.
Well, it's nice to know that I do have a way out, Mr. Karswell.
Bueno, está bien saber que tengo una salida, señor Karswell.
Well, it's nice to know that Clarence has so many friends who worry about him.
Bien... es bonito comprobar que se preocupan por su salud.
That's nice to know.
Siempre es un consuelo.
That's not a nice way to talk, you know, for somebody who just made an officer and a gentleman, sir.
Sabe, no es modo de hablar para alguien que ascendió a oficial y a caballero, señor.
- That's nice to know.
- Me alegra saberlo.
- That's nice to know.
- Es bueno saberlo.
That's nice to know
¡ Me encanta conocer su opinión!
That's nice to know.
Te lo agradezco.
- Wow! That's real nice to know.
Me alegra que me lo hayas dicho.
That's nice to know.
Es bueno saberlo.
It's nice to know that somebody worries about me though.
Es bueno saber que alguien se preocupa por mí aún.
Well, that's nice to know.
Me da gusto saberlo.
If anything happened, it's nice to know there's somebody along that could do something about it.
Si sucediera algo, es bueno saber... que nos acompaña alguien que haría algo al respecto.
That's nice to hear, but I know I could do better.
Me gusta oír eso, pero puedo hacerlo mejor.
Well it's nice to know we don't have to worry about that.
Como si no oyeras nada.
I see. "The only reality in the universe." Well, that's nice to know.
Ya veo. "La única realidad del universo". Es bueno saberlo.
That's always nice to know.
Siempre es bueno saber eso.
Well, I suppose it's nice to know that every cloud has a silver lining.
Todo lo malo tiene un lado positivo.
That's nice to know.
Qué bueno.
and I'd be glad to introduce you if you wanted- - you know, someone nice who could be... a companion for you, that's all.
Me encantaría presentarte a alguien, si quieres... Tú sabes, alguien agradable que pudiera hacerte compañía, eso es todo.
It's nice to know you can do that too.
Y me alegra que sepas sonreír.
They were very nice, you know because they'd heard about us because we were the south's answer to The Rutles, you know, at that time.
Fueron muy amables. Nos conocían. Éramos la respuesta del sur a los Rutles.
Well, that's nice to know.
Vaya, bueno es saberlo.
Nice to know that backup's there.
Es bueno contar con refuerzos.
It's nice to know that all you have to do is almost lose your life... to get the head of the agency to actually work on your case.
Me alegro de saber que solo hace falta casi perder la vida para que el jefe de la agencia se ocupe de mi caso.
That's nice to know.
Eso es bueno saberlo.
It's really nice to know that somebody cares.
Es lindo darse cuenta que a alguien le importa.
And I want these people to know... the only thing you've really done... is made me really, really hungry... and that's not nice to do to a Mexican.
Y quiero que toda esta gente sepa... lo único que hiciste... fue hacerme pasar hambre, mucho hambre... y eso no está bien hacérselo a un mejicano.
It's nice to know that it can go home if it needs to.
Es bueno saber que puede ir a casa si es necesario.
You know what I'm like, I am always like it when someone's nice to me, stroke me or love me, or at least I thought that was good for me... like an animal...
Tú me conoces, me gusta... cuando alguien es amable conmigo, cuando me acarician, al menos creo que eso es lo mejor para mí... Como un animal.
It's nice to know that because of the work we did a phone call is being made.
¿ Qué trata de insinuar? No se ponga nervioso, Rodney. ¿ No se le debe someter a usted al tercer grado, como a todos?
- That's right. Then you should also know that you make it virtually impossible for anyone to be grateful for anything nice you might have done.
También sabrás que haces imposible estar agradecida por cualquier cosa buena que hagas.

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