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That's what matters traduction Espagnol

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That's what matters.
Eso es lo que importa.
You're here, that's all what matters.
Estás aquí, es todo lo que importa. - Toma.
It's not what she says that matters, but why she says it.
Lo que cuenta no es lo que dice, sino por qué lo dice.
Mrs. Upjohn is perfectly satisfied with Dr. Hackenbush, and that's what matters.
La Sra. Upjohn está muy contenta con éI y eso es Io importante.
After what you've just heard, gentlemen, you must be convinced beyond doubt that Dr. manson's name should be struck from the medical register for unprofessional conduct in working with a person who... I will not mince matters, gentlemen...
Después de lo que acaban de oír, caballeros, deben convencerse, sin duda, de que el nombre del Dr. Manson debería ser borrado del Colegio de Médicos por conducta antiprofesional, al trabajar con una persona a la que, y creo no exagerar,
It's what's in two hearts that really matters.
Lo que importa es lo que hay en los corazones.
You have your daughter. That's what matters.
Tiene a su hija Eso es lo que importa.
that's what really matters. "It's a like world inside us, and we make what we may of it."
Es como un mundo dentro de nosotros que nos da lo que ponemos en él.
Somehow, don't you think... it's what we are in here that matters?
¿ No cree usted que lo importante es lo que somos aquí?
Well, it isn't what I want, darling, that matters, it's what's good for you.
No se trata de que me guste a mí, querido, sino de lo que te conviene a ti.
That's what matters.
Es lo que importa.
I've always felt it isn't what a man has done in the past that matters. It's what he does in the present.
No importa lo que un hombre haya hecho en el pasado, sino lo que hace en el presente.
From now on, what's in it for me is all that matters.
Desde ahora, sólo importa lo que yo consiga.
It's what a man gets out of his work that matters.
Se trata de que al salir del trabajo, te preguntes :
Sincere in the spirit, that's what matters.
¡ Sincero en la intención! Eso es lo que vale... ¡ no estas estupideces!
Today, that's what matters in life.
Hoy es eso lo que importa en la vida.
You heard him. We've got what we wanted. That's all that matters.
Tenemos lo que queríamos, que es lo importante.
They respect you as a person, and that's what matters most, Peter.
Te respetan como persona y eso es lo que más importa, Peter.
- It matters now, that's what we're doing, seeing that they don't take Malta, that's the job in hand.
Ahora importa porque debemos defender Malta.
What matters to me is where Mr. Wendice got this money. That's all I want to know.
Lo que a mí me importa es dónde consiguió el dinero.
Oh, the money's not important, it's what happened to the girl and what we all did to her that matters!
¡ Oh, el dinero no es lo que importa! ¡ Lo que importa es lo que le ocurrió a la muchacha y lo que todos le hicimos!
The girl's dead and we all helped to kill her, that's what matters.
La muerte de una mujer y nosotros ayudando a matarla, eso es lo que importa.
It's not so much what you have done that matters.
No es tanto por lo que has hecho.
- It's not what we call it that matters.
No importa cómo lo llamemos o no.
That's what's important. That's all that matters.
Eso es lo único que importa.
Mitchell and Son, that's what matters.
Mitchell e hijo, eso es lo que importa.
Who cares? What matters now is that I have to recover... the old hag's jewels.
No importa, lo que interesa ahora, es recuperar inmediatamente... las joyas de la vieja.
While the rest of the world is blown to bits about us, what's the only thing that matters?
Mientras el mundo estalla en pedazos ¿ qué es lo único que importa?
But I carried out my duty, because that's what matters, carrying out your duty no matter what happens.
Pero cumplí con mis deberes, porque eso es lo que importa seguir cumpliendo con los deberes sin importar qué pasa.
That's bad! The sun, love, that's what matters in life!
¡ El mar, el sol, el amor, eso es lo que importa en la vida!
It isn't what's on-stage that matters.
No importa lo que pase en el escenario.
My mother was a furcia. That's what matters.
Mi madre era una furcia, y a mi, ¡ qué me importa!
Whether that's true or not, it doesn't matter. What matters is the kid believes it.
No importa si es verdad o no.
- That's what matters.
Eso es lo importante.
- if that's their will... - What matters the will of the people?
- ¿ A quién le importa la voluntad del pueblo?
Ah, that's what matters.
Ah, eso es lo importante.
Oh, sure, sure. That's what you said two years ago. And you put the deal across and it didn't make any difference because there are always more deals and there will always be more deals because that's all that matters to you anymore, isn't it?
Mira, te lo dije antes, después de ponernos de acuerdo, voy a empezar a tomarlo con calma.
- You and I, that's what matters.
- La única cosa realmente importante es estar nosotros juntos...
What matters what made her? She's lucky to feel like that!
Tiene mucha suerte de ser así.
That's what matters.
Eso es lo que cuenta.
That's what matters. Hmm?
Eso es lo que importa.
That's what matters- - living.
Eso es lo importante, vivir.
That's what you think, and nothing else matters.
Eso es lo que creen, y nada más importa.
And that's what matters.
Y eso es lo que importa.
What matters is that it's no longer there.
Lo importante es que ya no está donde antes estaba.
You're wrong. In terms of white support, I don't think it matters that much because if we're successful tomorrow, what will happen is that the cops will consider every single student whether he's on the picket line or whether he's one of us or not, every student an enemy.
Creo que te equivocas respecto al apoyo blanco, no creo que importe tanto porque si tenemos éxito mañana, lo que sucederá es que la policía considerará a cada estudiante, ya sea que esté en el piquete o sea uno de nosotros o no, a cada estudiante como un enemigo.
It's a house, that's what matters!
¡ Con que sea una casa...!
- That's not what matters!
- ¡ Qué importa si temo o no!
That's what matters!
¡ Eso es lo que cuenta!
Tomorrow we work. That's what matters.
El trabajo es lo más importante.
A kept lover. Illegal dealings. That's what matters.
Mantenido, tráfico ilícito, eso es lo que cuenta.

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