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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ T ] / That's why i called you

That's why i called you traduction Espagnol

321 traduction parallèle
I called you Gordon. Why, that's a christian name, too.
Le he llamado Gordon, pero es que también es nombre de pila.
I had an idea that's why you called me.
Me imaginé que por eso me habían llamado.
That's why I called you grandfather.
Por eso te he llamado abuelo
That's why I called you.
Por eso te llamé.
That's why I called you in, Kock.
Por eso te he mandado llamar, Kock.
I know, Professor. That's why I called you.
Por eso lo he llamado.
If that's why you called me in, I'm going.
Si para eso me llamó, me voy.
That's why I called you, Val.
Por eso te llamé, Val.
That's why I called you in.
Por eso la he hecho entrar.
That's why I called you up tonight.
Por eso te he llamo hoy.
Yes, of course, that's why I was pleased when Mr. Carson called you in.
¿ Eso no es competencia mía? Claro, por eso me alegré cuando el Sr. Carson lo llamó.
That's the reason why I called you all here, to see if we could figure it out together.
Por eso os he llamado a todos para ver lo que podemos decidir juntos.
Okay, that's what I wanted to make clear to you, why I called you here.
Eso es lo que quería aclararles, la razón por la que los llamé.
Well, that's why i called you back.
Te llamé para eso. No.
That's why I called you over.
Por eso les hice venir.
That's why I've called you in.
Para eso les hice venir.
I want to make peace with you, that's why I called you.
Quiero hacer las paces contigo, te he llamado por esto.
That's why I called you here.
Por eso, te he pedido que vinieras.
- That's why I called you, Doc.
- Por eso le llamé.
It's called, my mother's in the madhouse, that's why i'm in love with you.
Se llama Mi madre está en el manicomio, por eso estoy enamorado de ti.
Well, Doctor... When Sophie called and said her brother-in-law wanted to marry someone, that's why I went to meet you.
Doctor, cuando llamó Sophie... y dijo que su cuñado quería casarse con alguien... pues, por eso fui a conocerlo.
That's why I called you in.
Por eso le he llamado.
That's why I called you.
Por eso Ia llame.
That's why I called you, Larry.
Por eso le llamé, Larry.
That's why I called you here.
Por eso te hice venir.
I didn't leave, that's why I called you.
No, aún no he partido, por eso te he telefoneado. No el trabajo no tiene nada que ver.
It's my first child, that's why I called you.
Es mi primer hijo, por eso te llamé.
That's why I called you.
Es por eso que te llamé.
- That's why you called Cesaretto! I set up more people than the Fund for the South!
Dolores de cabeza... por eso has telefoneado a Ceraretto, Cesaretto es como una agencia de colocación.
That's why I've called you, and for no other reason.
Por eso te llamé, por ninguna otra razón.
Well, that's why I called you.
Por eso lo llamé.
Well, that's why I called you.
- Por eso le llamo.
That's why I called you.
Por eso te he llamado.
That's why I called you all here together.
Es por eso que los reuní aquí.
That's not why I called you in, Chaplain.
No le he llamado por eso, capellán.
I totally agree... after all that's why I called you here isn't it?
Lástima, ya que podría haber sido una solución mucho más rápida. ¿ Va a dejar de moverse! Estás haciendo girar mi cabeza!
I think I've got the answer, that's why I've called you here.
Creo que tengo la solución, por eso los llamé aquí.
No, that's not why I called you.
No. No te llamé por eso.
That's why I called you.
- Por eso le llamaba.
You will explain to Mr. Steele? I mean, I want the best, that's why I called his agency.
Por dos millones de dólares, imagino que ni siquiera afilarán la hoja.
That's why I called the police - so that you would have to go!
Por eso llamé a la policía. Para que te fueras.
That's why you didn't respond when I called to you in the lobby... because you couldn't hear me.
Por eso no respondió cuando lo llamé en el vestíbulo porque no me oía.
But I don't know how long he can manage, that's why I have called you to confess him.
Pero no sé cuánto tiempo aguantará, por eso le he llamado para confesarlo.
That's why I called you here today.
Por eso he querido que vinieses hoy.
That's why I called you, not just to thank you for the tapes.
Es por eso que te llamé, no sólo para darle las gracias por las cintas.
I think that's why you called me, in the first place.
Me parece que es por eso que acudiste a mí.
To make sure you weren't a cop. That's why I called the cops to prove it.
- Para ver que no fueras policía.
That... That's why I called you.
Por eso te he llamado.
That's why I called you happy-go-lucky people.
¡ Vaya suerte la suya! Eso es lo que digo.
That's not why I called you here, Santos.
No te pedí que vinieras para eso, Santos.
That's why I called Greg. I didn't want to bother you, sir.
Por eso llamé a Greg.

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