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That's why i came back traduction Espagnol

150 traduction parallèle
Perhaps. That's why I came back.
Pero es cierto, papá, y es por eso que he vuelto.
That's why I came here tonight - to make Hopkins take back what he said about Betty and me.
Por eso vine : Para que Hopkins se retractara de lo que dijo de Betty y de mí.
That's why I came back.
Por eso he vuelto.
Mr Rutherford told me about it. That's why I came back.
He regresado para decírtelo.
That's why I came back here.
Por eso volví.
That's why I came back on board.
Por eso volví a bordo.
- That's why I came back to Carlisle.
- Por eso he vuelto a Carlisle.
I didn't think I could make it back to the river. That's why I came here.
Imaginé que no me daría tiempo a volver al río, por eso vine.
That's why I came back with my wife and daughter, to the home I left.
Por eso he vuelto con mi mujer y mi hija al hogar que dejé.
Nothing is gonna happen to me lt just can't, Johnny, because somehow I know we'll find each other again I don't know how, but I know that I always know that and that's why I came back here
Si algo te ocurriera, sería el mayor crimen desde el comienzo de los tiempos. Nada va a ocurrirme. Así será, Johnny, porque de alguna manera sé que nos volveremos a encontrar.
- That's why I came back.
- Para eso he vuelto.
That's not why I came back.
No volví para eso.
Por eso regresé.
That's why I came back.
por eso he vuelto.
That's why I came back, you see.
Por eso he vuelto, como ves.
That's why I came over, your back door was open.
Así que vine hasta aquí. La puerta trasera estaba abierta.
Well, I think that's why I came in here, if I can remember that far back.
Creo que por eso vine, si puedo recordar tanto.
That's why I came back.
Por eso he venido.
- That's why I came back, ain't it? - Partly.
En parte porque estabas cansado y harto de tener que dormir en el suelo.
Shirley, that's why I came back from Washington.
Shirley, por eso regresé de Washington.
That's why I came back.
Por eso regresé.
- That's why I came back! - Really?
- Por eso he vuelto, ¿ comprendes?
That's why I came back.
Es por eso que volví.
- See, that's why I came back early...
- Por eso regresé antes...
That's why I came running back here to you.
Por eso volví corriendo a tu lado.
That's why I came back.
Por eso volvi.
That's why I came back.
Pat, no tiene nada. Por eso he vuelto.
that's really why i came back.
- Eso es realmente por lo que regresé.
that's why i came back with jeff- - to play with him just like i did with you.
Eso es porque volví con Jeff- - A jugar con él, Justo como lo hacia contigo.
That's why I came back all those times.
Por eso regresé todas esas veces.
I know, that's why I came back
Yo sé, por eso regresé
That's why I came back here.
Por eso volví aquí.
That's why I came around back.
Por eso volví.
That's why I came back.
Por eso volví.
To want everything. That's why I came back, so you'd make me a promise.
Y yo he venido por eso, para que me hagas una promesa.
That's why I came back when I heard. You think I came back here for you?
Por eso es que volví cuando me enteré. ¿ Creés que volví por tí?
To tell the truth, that's why I came back.
A decir verdad, por esto había vuelto.
That ´ s why I came back to help, even though it puts me in danger.
He vuelto para ayudar, aunque me ponga en peligro.
That's why I came back, so I could live the way I wanted.
Por eso volví, para poder vivir como quería.
That's exactly the reason why I came back.
Esa es la razón por la que he vuelto.
There's some ground for action, that's why I came back.
Hay m s margen de acci ¢ n.
I would never feel secure knowing that that's why he came back.
No me sentiría segura sabiendo que ése sería el motivo de su vuelta.
That's why I came back, to show you who you truly are.
Es por eso que volví, para mostrarte quién eres en realidad.
That's why I came back to Paris, to persuade the Convention to change its policy.
Por eso he venido este mes a París, para intentar convencerlos de otra política.
That's why I came back.
Por eso he regresado.
That's why I came back here, to deal with everything.
Por eso regresé.
Yeah. That's why I came back to you, because I knew you'd help me.
Por eso vine de nuevo a ti, porque sabía que me ayudarías.
I made a lot of mistakes, so that's why I came back, to set them right.
He cometido un montón de errores, así que por eso regresé, para arreglarlos.
Tiene su propia vida.
That's why I came back, to help Leo give you the power so this would never have to happen again.
Por eso he regresado, a ayudar a Leo a daros el poder para que esto nunca volviera a ocurrir.
You think that's why I came back?
¿ Crees que por eso he regresado?

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