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That's why i did it traduction Espagnol

231 traduction parallèle
Maybe because I was really starting to like him... That's why I did it.
Empiezo a tener verdaderos sentimientos por él...
I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me?
Franz : Supongo que mi marido te lo ha dicho todo. Bueno, es culpa tuya que yo me encuentre en esta situación.
I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me? Franz :
Franz :
That's why I did it.
Por eso lo hice.
- Yes, that's why I did it.
Sí. Por eso lo hice.
Now that's very interesting. Why did it never occur to you that I might be a woman?
Es muy interesante. ¿ Por qué no se les ocurrió que podía ser una mujer?
I did it because I love you, that's why I did it.
Lo hice porque te amo. Por eso lo hice.
That's why I did it, that's why I took the chance, even on a murder rap, because I want you to be beautiful for me.
Por eso lo hice, por eso me arriesgué, hasta un asesinato, porque quería que estuvieras hermosa para mí.
Fred, I know it's supposed to be a secret... but why did you tear out that clipping?
Fred, ya sé que debe ser un secreto pero, ¿ por qué guardas ese recorte?
That's why I did it.
Por eso lo hizo.
But you promised me, that's why I did it!
- ¡ Me lo has prometido! ¡ Por eso le he dado!
That's why I suggest you lay it out for Haruji, just like you did for me.
Por eso sugiero que se lo expongas a Haruji, tal como lo has hecho conmigo.
Yes, sir. That's why I did it.
- Sí, señor, por eso lo hice.
- It was a fine thing to do. - That's not why I did it.
Usted hizo algo estupendo.
That's just why I did it, to push you to have the courage!
Para que reunieras el valor para hacerlo.
Of course, it was a bit controversial, and that's why it didn't get on the air, but i always did try to tackle controversial stuff.
Funciona, ¿ no? Por supuesto, es un poco controvertido, y es por eso que no está al aire, pero siempre intentó hacer frente a asuntos polémicos.
That's why I did it.
- Por eso lo hice.
I won't go into all this, it's pretty complicated why... but I must say that for not being a doctor, and all thumbs otherwise... old Mr. Kotcher did quite a job in the emergency.
No voy a explicar esto, es demasiado complicado, pero debo decir que para no ser médico, el Sr. Kotcher hizo un trabajo fenomenal en aquella emergencia.
That's why I did it.
Fue eso.
That's why I did it in front of everybody.
Lo hice frente a todos para que lo vieran.
Not that that's why I did it.
Aunque no lo hice sólo por eso.
I understand that's why he did it.
Entiendo Es por eso que lo hizo.
I know that's why they put you in jail and everything, but you really did it?
Se sabe que fue por que lo puso en prisión y todo eso, pero ¿ en verdad lo hizo?
That's why they'll think that I did it. My God...
por eso pensarán que fui yo.
And that's why you mustn't hold back, let it ruin your youth as I nearly did over Eric.
Y por eso no debes frenarte, dejar dejar que arruine tu juventud, como yo con Eric.
I thought he didn't get the message, but I did find out he did get the message, so I don't know whether it was just he couldn't deal with it, and that's why.
Pensaba que no había recibido el mensaje, pero sí lo hizo. Así que supongo que fue porque no podía enfrentarlo, quizás por eso.
That's why I did it, because it's my job.
Por eso lo hice, porque es mi trabajo.
That's why I did it, because I love you.
Lo hice porque te amo.
That's why I did it.
Pues, por eso lo hice.
I certainly did not. Then why did you withdraw the money? Not that it's any concern of yours,
Sentí que el único modo de descubrir la corrupción en la fiscalía era implicándome en el crimen para ver si el fiscal fabricaba pruebas de ADN, lo que ha hecho.
He must have thought i was asking to kill my husband! That's why he did it!
Debió creer que le pedía que matara a mi marido y por eso le asesinó.
That's why he did it, I suppose.
Por eso lo hizo, creo.
He must have thought i was asking to kill my husband! That's why he did it!
Debió creer que le pedía que matara a mi marido, y por eso le asesinó.
I always told you I did. That's why I insisted he leave that girl, since he said it was over.
Siempre Io dije y que por eso no aceptaba que siguiera con la otra aunque dijera que habían terminado.
Well, that's why I did it.
Bien, por eso lo hice.
Oh, it's kind of tough to offend me. Mind if I ask why you did react like that?
oh, es bastante dificil ofenderme le molesta si le pregunto por que reacciono asi?
That's why I didn't notice it right away like you did.
Por eso no me di cuenta enseguida, como tú.
That's why I did it.
Fue por ellos que lo hice.
And... that's... that's why I did it.
Y... eso es... eso es porque lo hice.
I can't ask them to give it up. Why? Because that's what you did when you were looking after me.
Porque tú lo tuviste que hacer cuando me cuidabas.
It's not the first time I've bent the law for a story but I did feel bad because after I finished rationalizing it I realized that a big part of why I did it is because I don't like you.
No es la primera vez que tuerzo la ley por una nota pero me sentí mal porque luego de racionalizarlo porque no me caes bien.
Know I did it happen that I'm here. What happened to me it's what I've done to myself and that's why I'm here.
Lo que hice para estar aquí, lo que me sucedió, es lo que yo me he hecho a mí mismo.
I know that it's none of my business but... why did you want only the obituaries for the last few years?
Sé que no me concierne pero ¿ por qué sólo quiso los obituarios de los últimos años?
Why did I say "normally"? It's that door.
( PIENSA ) "¿ Por qué he dicho eso?" Es este portal.
Yes! That's why I did it!
¡ Sí, por eso lo hice!
That's not why I did it.
Esa no es la razón por la que lo hice.
And perhaps that's why I did it.
Quizás fue por eso que lo hice.
I know. That's why I did it.
Lo sé y por eso lo hice.
I mean, I can't believe you actually... spray-painted a cat... It's actually really gross. But the point is that... that I understand why you did it, and... and I love you.
Estoy segura de que pintaste al gato, y eso es desagradable, pero el punto es que... entiendo por qué lo hiciste, y te quiero.
That's why I did it.
Yo lo hice para esto.
- That's why I don't think he did it.
- No creo, ¿ cómo se comprende?

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