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That's why i like you traduction Espagnol

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If the reason why you stick yourself to me is because of those ghosts... I mean, those beings... then what's the reason for those being hanging onto you like that?
Si te apegas a mí por los fanta... por esas cosas, ¿ por qué ellos se apegan a ti?
I guess that's why I like you.
Supongo que por eso me gustas.
That's why I would like to review some details with you.
Es por eso que quiero revisar ciertos detalles con usted.
That's why you're persecuting me ̶'cause he treated me decent and not like an animal, and I said so.
Él sólo se sentó ahí hablándome toda la noche. Ni una sola vez me puso la mano encima.
Shh no answer there is no answer that's why I advise you to keep silent, like all stubborn criminals
Chst... No hay respuesta... no hay respuesta. Por eso te recomiendo que te calles, como todos los delincuentes.
That's why I've waited to catch you like this
Es por eso que tuve que encontrarle así.
I still love you. That's why I do things like this, I guess.
Te amo y creo que por eso hago este tipo de cosas.
I know I ain't very bright, Joe. That's why I gotta believe what a guy like you tells me.
- Sé que no soy muy listo Joe por eso tengo que creer lo que me dice alguien como tú.
Why do you let them get away with, that's what I'd like to know.
Por supuesto.
That's why I dare to speak to you like this.
Por eso me atrevo a hablarle así.
So that's why i figured i'd like to tell you a little bit aboutJoseph Smith.
Por eso quiero contarles algo sobre Joseph Smith.
Por eso me gustas.
Todo el mundo es espía.
I heard you. I like it. That's why I asked you to say it again.
Me gusta oírlo, por eso quería que lo repitieses.
That's my business. But you haven't been convicted yet so I don't see why you shouldn't enjoy Christmas like the rest of us.
Pero hasta que la condenen, puede disfrutar de la Navidad.
That's why I can tell you like this, because you are brave and strong.
Por eso te lo puedo contar así, porque eres valiente y fuerte.
? That's why I'd like to sell you New Orleans?
Es por eso que quiero venderles Nueva Orleans
That's why I wanted you to see her first. Like no other child.
Por eso quería que la vieran primero.
That's why I'm cooking at Columbia, so you can go there some day and be an engineer like your Uncle Otto.
Por eso estoy cocinando en Columbia, para que puedas ir allí algún día y ser ingeniero como tu tío Otto.
That's why I'm asking you to try and understand what she's really like.
Por eso te pido que intentes comprender cómo es ella realmente.
- Now, that's why I like talk to you.
- Por eso me gusta hablar contigo.
You're honest. That's why I like you.
Me gustas porque eres honesto.
I like to work in a factory. And that's why I come to take you back with me.
A mí me gusta trabajar en una fábrica y vine para llevarte.
Cuba why don't you do your drinkin'like a Cuban That's where I'm going Instead of hiding in a cellar
¿ Por qué no bebes como los cubanos en vez de esconderte en tu bodega?
That's why it feels like I've known you for a long time.
¿ Ves? Por eso me parece conocerte desde hace mucho.
And that's why I hoped I'd never meet anyone like you.
Y por eso había esperado jamás conocer a nadie como tú.
That's why I send my children to school. So they don't grow up to be cheapskates like you!
Por eso es que yo mando a mis hijitos a la escuela, para que no me salgan lecheros como usted.
Looks to me like everybody is afraid to cross him. That's why when I saw you and the major, I..
Temen contrariarle, así que cuando les vi antes,...
That's why, your honour, I'm asking you to grant a full acquittal to a humble civil servant like me, who managed to bring a little poetry in a time devoid of poetry.
Es por esto, Sr. Presidente que solicito la absolución para un modesto funcionario como yo, que supo aportar algo de poesía en una época que no la tiene.
I like living, and that's why I'll survive the lot of you.
Me gusta vivir, y por eso os enterraré a todos.
That's why I'm cutting myself in whether you like it or not.
Por eso tomaré mi parte, les guste o no.
That's why I didn't tell you I drew out the money. I knew you'd act like this.
Por eso no te dije que había sacado el dinero
I suppose that's why you started drinking the cocktails... like you thought they were celery tonic?
Supongo que por eso te pasaste la noche bebiendo.
But tonight I still want to know why a dame... that's on top of the world ever married a guy like you. - Answer me that.
Pero esta noche quiero saber por qué una tipa... que tiene al mundo entero rendido a sus pies se casó contigo - contéstame eso.
That's why I like you.
Por eso me gustáis.
That's why I'd like to chat with you a little.
Por eso quería charlar un poco con usted.
That's why you'll take anything I hand out and learn to like it.
Por eso harás lo que yo diga y aprenderás a apreciarlo.
That's why I'd like to do something for you.
Por eso me gustaría hacer algo por vosotros.
That's why I suggest you lay it out for Haruji, just like you did for me.
Por eso sugiero que se lo expongas a Haruji, tal como lo has hecho conmigo.
I just wonder why you couldn't have been like that last night, that's all...
¿ Por qué no se condujo anoche de ese modo?
I come with you, I take refuge close to an unexperienced girl, who doesn't know anything, and that's why I love her, I like her, and I find out she's expecting, that she's in love with Fernando,
Salgo contigo, me refugio en una chica joven y sin experiencia de la vida que no sabe nada y por eso la quiero, me gusta, y me entero de que espera un bebé y está enamorada de Fernando,
Because you didn't look like a 30-buck Chinese bride. That's why! I didn't come to beg.
Porque no tienes pinta de una novia china de 30 dólares y no he venido aquí a rogar.
That's why I know he isn't running away, because he is just like you.
Por eso sé que no está huyendo, porque es como tú.
That's why I said you mustn't worry about me, but if you like, you can keep me company.
Por eso le dije que no debía preocuparse por mí, pero si lo desea, puede hacerme compañía.
That's why I'm here. I'd like to talk to you.
Quiero hablar con usted.
I'd understand if that's why you like Shukaku
Lo entendería si esa fuera la razón de tu amor por Shukaku.
You got class, Tommy. That's why I like you..
Tienes clase, Tommy, eso es algo que siempre vi en ti.
Yes, of course but... But you, Mr Báthory, I never saw you like that. That's why.
Sí, claro, pero pero a usted, Sr. Báthory, nunca le había visto así.
Maybe. That's why I'd like you to help me.
No tardaré, pero necesito ayuda.
That's why we're getting married, mister. So I can keep you out of places like this.
Para eso vamos a casarnos, para poder alejarte de esos sitios.
That's why I hate doing it like this, if you don't love me!
Por eso odio hacerlo, ¡ porque no me quieres!

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