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That's why i love you traduction Espagnol

410 traduction parallèle
'I love you too much, and that's why I'm leaving you.'
Te amo tanto y por eso me voy.
I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me?
Franz : Supongo que mi marido te lo ha dicho todo. Bueno, es culpa tuya que yo me encuentre en esta situación.
I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it's all your fault that I'm in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me? Franz :
Franz :
And that's why I love you so much.
Y es por eso por lo que te amo tanto.
Don't you see... I love you! That's why!
No ves... ¡ es porque te quiero!
♪ Everybody loves a baby That's why I'm in love with you
¿ Sí? Está listo.
♪ Everybody loves a baby That's why I'm in love with you
Me parece que no entiende Repita conmigo
♪ That's why I'm in love with you Pretty baby... ♪ Pretty baby...
No entiende. Debe hacerlo con el tambor. ¡ Oh, por supuesto!
♪ Everybody loves a baby That's why I'm in love with you
Vamos a cenar No.
That's why I love you.
Por eso es que te quiero.
* Why do you think it's funny * When I say that I love you so?
¿ Por qué crees que es gracioso cuando digo que te quiero?
I still love you. That's why I do things like this, I guess.
Te amo y creo que por eso hago este tipo de cosas.
That's why I took this pain on myself, for love of you.
Por haber aguantado el dolor en mi lugar y por quererme.
# With your ya-ka hula Rickey-dula tune # # Everybody loves a baby That's why I'm in love with you #
Con tu cancioncita, cita, cita Y tu ritmo son, son, son Todos adoran a las nenas Por eso estoy enamorado de ti
It's only that you asked me why I was marrying a man I didn't love.
Es solo que me preguntó por qué me casaba con un hombre que no quería.
I know he's been in love many times but now he loves very well you've chosen that path it won't be easy a baron and a former actress the people think us lower than thieves or vagabonds why are you so sad?
Lo sé él se ha enamorado muchas veces pero ahora lo ama muy bien usted ha escogido ese camino no será fácil un barón y una actriz la gente cree que bajamos como ladrones o vagabundos ¿ por qué está tan triste?
I suppose that's why I fell in love with you.
Supongo que por eso me enamoré de ti.
I don't know why, but for some cockeyed reason she still thinks that she's in love with you.
- No sé... pero, por algún motivo ridículo, cree seguir enamorada de ti.
That's why I love you. And I have faith in you.
Por eso te quiero y confío en ti.
I did it because I love you, that's why I did it.
Lo hice porque te amo. Por eso lo hice.
That's why I fell in love with you.
Por eso me enamoré de ti.
"In every way... "... you're just a little bit different. "That's why I - love - youuuu!"
En todos Ios sentidos eres ligeramente diferente, por eso te quiero.
That's why I love you.
Por eso te quiero.
Because i love you that's why.
Porque te quiero, por eso.
That's why I love you.
- Sí, lo sé. Por eso te amo.
- Maybe that's why I love you
- Quizá por eso te amo
That's why I love you, Pierre.
Es por eso que te amo Pierre.
That's why I love you!
- También te amo Jimmy.
No, because you see, when you dropped the tray, I got fire, and when I got fire, I find a wonderful job and now I'm a big star, and that's why I love you. You see?
No, porque cuando tiraste el frutero, me despidieron, y al despedirme, encontré un maravilloso trabajo y ahora soy una gran estrella, y por eso te quiero. ¿ Comprendes?
And that's why I love you too.
Por eso, yo también le aprecio tanto.
- That's the sort of man you think you're in love with... - a blackmailer. - Why can't I be in love with him?
- Te crees enamorada de un chantajista - ¿ Por qué no puedo estarlo?
I come with you, I take refuge close to an unexperienced girl, who doesn't know anything, and that's why I love her, I like her, and I find out she's expecting, that she's in love with Fernando,
Salgo contigo, me refugio en una chica joven y sin experiencia de la vida que no sabe nada y por eso la quiero, me gusta, y me entero de que espera un bebé y está enamorada de Fernando,
That's why I love you.
Por esto te amo.
Maybe that's why I love you
Desearía dejar de...
Because I love you, Jane, that's why.
Porque te quiero, Jane. Es por eso.
It's called, my mother's in the madhouse, that's why i'm in love with you.
Se llama Mi madre está en el manicomio, por eso estoy enamorado de ti.
But I still love you, that's why I'll have it.
Pero todavía te quiero, por eso lo tendré.
Because I love you, that's why!
¡ Porque te amo, por eso!
Because I love you, that's why.
Porque te quiero, por eso.
That's why I hate doing it like this, if you don't love me!
Por eso odio hacerlo, ¡ porque no me quieres!
That's why I don't love you, and why I'll never love anyone.
Por eso no te amo. Y nunca amaré a nadie.
That's why I sent you that letter... because I do love you.
Por eso te envié esa carta- - Porque te amo.
- That's why I love you.
- Por eso te amo.
I despise you! That's what I feel. That's why the love's gone.
Te desprecio, es por eso que ya no te quiero.
That's why I love you, because you're only always just trying.
Por eso te aprecio, porque siempre estás intentándolo.
That's why I fell in love with you, naughty Serb!
Por eso me enamoré, pillo serbio.
Yes, the world's really round Now you know why I can never marry a normal woman. That's why I love you.
Ahora sabes por qué no me casaría con una mujer normal, por eso te quiero a ti.
Because I love you, that's why.
Porque le quiero.
I do love you, and that's why I won't marry you.
Y por eso no me puedo casar contigo.
- I do love you, that's why.
- Yo sí te amo, es por eso.
That's why I love you, Paul.
Es por eso que te amo, Paul.

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