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That's why i said it traduction Espagnol

145 traduction parallèle
That's why I said not to do it.
Por eso te decía que no lo hicieras.
That's why I said it.
Por eso lo dije.
That's what I said! - If it's that important a project... why doesn't the government undertake it?
Eso dije. ¿ Por qué no lo realiza el gobierno?
Mark, I know you think it's silly, but when you get to know Tony... you'll understand why I said that.
Sé que piensas que es tonto pero cuando lo conozcas entenderás.
But, uh... i know you don't want to talk about it - that's why we haven't said anything - but, uh... something must have happened, bob.
No tengo ni idea.
- Of course I mean it. That's why I said it in front of so many witnesses... untrustworthy though they may be.
Sí, por eso lo dije, frente a tantos testigos aunque no se les pueda confiar.
And if you are there, professor and you won't deny it, you suppose he said "okay" but no, as a professional, it's my duty and my right according to law, Article 349 that says "why" and then I say, no, man.
"Hombre muy bien", hombre, profe, si usted está ahí porque no me lo va a "desnegar", entonces todavía supone que dice "No muy bien", no, señor conforme a la ley del art. 349 de la ley que dice : "porque" y me dice : "No..." No hombre.
Well, that's why I said it looked like an accident, sir.
Por eso dije que parecía ser un accidente.
That's why I said it's time for a showdown
Por eso dije que es hora de una confrontación.
'That's why I said it was beautiful.'
Por eso dije que era bello.
That's why I said it loud enough for you to hear it.
Por eso lo dije en voz alta, para que puedas oírlo.
That's why, as soon as I knew he'd be there to take the Japanese, I backed out of it, said I'd sort things for tonight, no problem.
Por eso, apenas supe que él iba a estar ahí para llevarse a los japoneses me eché atrás, y dije que arreglaría todo para esta noche, sin problemas.
That's why I said it was political.
Por eso dije que era algo político.
That's why I said it.
Eso es lo que he dicho, el truco...
- That's why I said it.
- - Por eso lo dije.
That's why I will never allow it to be said that youth is wasted on the young.
Esto es por lo que nunca permitiré que se diga que los jóvenes ya no tienen juventud.
That's why I got upset when Harry said he didn't like it.
Por eso me disguste cuando Harry dijo que no le gustaba.
- No, that's why I said you have to add it.
- No, le digo que se lo tiene que agregar.
That's why I said, forget it.
Por eso le he dicho, que lo olvide.
And I said that's why it happened. Yes, because I'm bad. Because I stole.
Por eso sucedió, porque soy mala, porque robé.
That's why I said it was dangerous.
Y por eso le dije que era muy peligroso.
I always told you I did. That's why I insisted he leave that girl, since he said it was over.
Siempre Io dije y que por eso no aceptaba que siguiera con la otra aunque dijera que habían terminado.
- That's nothing, I " ve said it before I told Siyamak the guy died and he said why?
- No fue nada, ya lo dije antes.
That's why I said you can say it.
Por eso digo que puedes decir eso.
It has nothing to do with what anybody said, it's just... I always knew why I was coming in here, but if people are going to... take it wrong and give it this whole meaning that I never made it to have...
No tiene nada que ver con lo que dijeron, es sólo... yo sé por qué entro aquí, pero si la gente se lo va a... tomar a mal y le va a dar más importancia de la que tiene...
Yeah, but that's why I said it SEEMED like yesterday.
Sí, pero por eso dije que parecía como ayer.
- I wanna return this jacket. She asked me why, I said, "For spite," and now she won't take it back. That's true.
Bueno, quiero devolver esta chaqueta y ella me pregunto por qué y yo le dije que por rencor y ahora no me la quiere aceptar.
I know that. That's why I said, "What is it, Sabrina?"
Lo sé, por eso dije ¿ qué pasa Sabrina?
When I first met you, I remember I thought this was very idealistic but it was rather interesting when I asked you why you're working on fusion you said you wanted to save the world and I think that's embarrasing now but I don't think you'd feel the same way
Cuando te conoci, recuerdo haber pensado que era muy idealista pero a la vez interesante cuando te pregunté por qué trabajabas en fusión tu decias que querias salvar el mundo y creo que ahora es bochornoso pero no creo que sintieras lo mismo
Well, maybe that's why I said to leave me out of it.
Bueno, tal vez por eso dije que no me metieras en esto.
That's why I said it, you dill-hole.
Por eso lo dije, imbécil.
Yeah, that's why I said it, man!
¡ Eso dije!
He said that I would be lacking in a lot of things, that my sexual activity was definitely going to go down, which is sort of why this this weekend I was kind of hoping that something would happen but uh, you know, just sort of get one in the bag before, uh, you know, there's a hole in it.
Él dijo que iban a faltarme muchas cosas, que mi actividad sexual definitivamente iba a disminuir, que es por lo que este este fin de semana esperaba que pasara algo. ... Pero eh, ya sabes, lograr meter algo en la bolsa antes de que, eh, tú sabes, haya un agujero en ella.
That's why I said it was risky to take him home for weekends.
Por eso dije que era arriesgado sacarlo los fines de semana.
That's why I said it was strange.
Por eso dije que era extraño.
That's why I said not, I remembered it was our fallback.
Hey, hey, no somos eso.
- That's not why I said it.
- No lo dije por eso.
That's why I didn't think it was as crazy an investment as everyone said.
Por eso no me pareció una inversión tan absurda como todos decían.
Yes, motherfucker, you do look Chinese. That's why I said it. It's an accident.
sí, hijo puta, si pareces un chino, por eso lo dije es un accidente, para el ojo no entrenado, todos
It's just that... hey, I ain't 20, and I ain't nobody's hoochie, and I just said to myself, "Why am I putting myself through all this?"
No tengo 20 años, y no soy la muñequita de nadie y me he dicho a mí misma, " ¿ por qué te metes en todo esto? ¿ Sabes?
I'm not properly awake yet that's why I said it.
No estoy del todo despierto todavía,... por eso he dicho eso.
She said that she wanted it kept secret till today, so that's why I didn't tell you.
Dijo que quería mantenerlo en secreto hasta hoy, es por eso que no se los dije.
He said it was an accident but I think that's why Mary Alice was being blackmailed.
¡ Paul! Dijo que fue un accidente, pero creo que ese fue el motivo por el que Mary Alice estaba siendo chantajeada.
I know, Ray, that's why I said it's not the match.
Lo sé, Ray, es por lo que he dicho que este no es el partido.
That ´ s why I said it.
Es por eso que lo dije.
I don't know why I said that. It's the same color. That's why I said that.
No tiene nada que ver con el Advil, no sé lo que digo.
That's why I said it looks familiar.
Por eso me pareció conocida.
That's why I said it was her middle name.
Por eso mencioné lo de su segundo nombre.
That's why I said it.
- Por eso lo dije.
I didn't know if it was gonna be ready in time, that's why I haven't said anything till now.
No sabía si iba a estar lista por eso no te había dicho nada.
That's why I said 50,'cause it's absurd.
¿ Por qué diría 50? , es absurdo.

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