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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ T ] / That's why i wanted to talk to you

That's why i wanted to talk to you traduction Espagnol

81 traduction parallèle
That's why I wanted to have this talk with you, Count Romero. I wanted to tell you all about us.
Por eso deseaba hablar con Vd., Conde Romero, porque quiero contarle todo sobre nosotros.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso quería hablar contigo.
- That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso quería hablar contigo.
- That's why I wanted to talk to you. - I'm afraid I don't know what you mean.
No sé a qué te refieres.
That's why I wanted to ask you to talk it over with her.
Es por eso por lo que quiero pedirte que lo discutas con ella.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso quiero hablarle.
That's why I wanted to talk to you, because I need..... someone who can understand me.
Por eso quería hablarle. Porque necesito que alguien me ayude.
I am very concerned, that's why I wanted to talk to you.
Estoy muy preocupado, Sr. juez. por eso quería hablar con usted.
- That's why I wanted to talk to you.
- De eso quería hablarle.
That's why I wanted you to talk to him about me and the collecting job.
Por eso quería que le hablaras por ese trabajo de cobrador.
- That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Pero a los ojos de Dios, no.
That's why I wanted to talk to you today.
Por eso quería hablar contigo.
I mean, it was like a Renoir or a Matisse, and uh, that's why I wanted to talk to you.
Es como un Renoir o un Matisse. Es por eso que queria hablarte
[Sighs] That's why I wanted to talk to you this morning, Mrs. Fletcher, to tell you what happened.
De eso quería hablarle esta mañana, Sra. Fletcher para contarle lo ocurrido.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso quería hablarle.
It doesn't explain why you're not drinking with us. That's what I wanted to talk about.
Eso no explica por qué no bebéis con nosotros.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso quería hablar con usted.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Es por eso que necesitaba hablar contigo.
Actually, that's w-why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso quería hablar con Ud.
That's why I'm here, I wanted to apologize, if you'd let me talk!
¡ Por eso estoy aquí! Por eso quería disculparme... si me dejaras hablar.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso vine, para que hablemos.
- That's why I wanted to talk to you.
- De eso quería hablarte.
No es por eso por lo que quería hablar contigo.
Why're you so insistent that I'm wasting my time with you when every time I approach you, it's been because I wanted to talk?
¿ Por qué insistes en que pierdo mi tiempo si cada vez que me acerco es porque quiero hablarte?
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Es por eso que quería hablar con usted.
That's why I wanted to talk to you, in case you saw or heard anything.
Por eso quería hablar contigo, en caso que hayas visto o escuchado algo.
That's why I wanted to talk to you, because you spent a lot of time with him.
- no, no por eso quería hablar contigo.. tu pasaste mucho tiempo con el
Well, that's actually why I wanted to talk to you, Maggie.
Justamente, de eso quería hablarte, Maggie.
Yeah, that's why I wanted to talk to you face to face.
Sí, por eso quería hablarte frente a frente.
That's why I wanted to talk to you, too.
Por eso también quiero hablar contigo.
That's why I wanted to talk to you. Part of me keeps thinking, maybe I should just do it.
Una parte de mí sigue pensando que tal vez debería hacerlo.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Eso es por lo que quería hablar contigo.
See, that's why I wanted to talk to Christian instead of you.
Ves, ésta es la razón por la quería hablar con Christian y no contigo.
I wanted to talk to you again! That's why I called you.
Mi corazón quería hablar contigo, así que te llame.
Well, see again, that's why I wanted to talk to you because since your boss just inherited millions, I think she sent you to pay off kathleen.
Bien, veamos de nuevo, por eso quise hablar con usted porque desde que su jefa heredó algunos millones creo que la mandó a pagar a Kathleen.
That's why I wanted to talk to you, you know.
Por eso quería hablar contigo, ¿ sabes?
Well, actually that's why I wanted talk to you.
En realidad es de lo que quería hablarte.
Well, that's why I wanted to talk to you.
Bueno, por eso quería hablarte.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso quería hablarte.
But that's not why I wanted to talk to you.
Pero no quería hablarle de eso.
That's kind of why I wanted to take you to lunch... to talk about that.
Es por eso que quería invitarte a almorzar... para hablar de ello.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Es por eso que quería hablar contigo.
No, no, see that's why I wanted to talk to you.
No, de eso te quiero hablar.
That's part of why I wanted to talk to you today.
Eso es parte de porqué quería hablar contigo hoy.
That's why I wanted to talk to you.
Por eso es que quería hablarte.
That's why I wanted to talk to you, Justin. You weren't honest with me.
Quería hablar contigo, no has sido honesto conmigo.
See, that's why I wanted to talk to you.
Mira, es por eso que quería hablar contigo.
See, that's why I wanted to talk to you.
Ves, por eso quería hablar contigo.
That's precisely why I wanted to talk to you.
Esa es precisamente la razón por quería hablar contigo.
Good, because I thought you weren't talking to me, so that's why I said I wasn't talking to you, even though I wanted to talk to you, but I was trying to act all coolio and...
Bien, porque pensé que no tú no hablarías conmigo entonces dije eso de que yo no hablaría contigo, incluso cuando quiero hablar contigo. pero estaba tratando de actuar como Coolio y...
Yeah. That's actually why I wanted to talk to you.
Sí es por eso que en realidad quería hablar contigo.

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