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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ T ] / That's why you came here

That's why you came here traduction Espagnol

213 traduction parallèle
You want to humiliate me. That's why you came here.
Has venido solo para humillarme.
That's why you came back here. You had to.
Es por lo que has vuelto.
I intended you should hear it from me. That's why I came here tonight.
Quería decírtelo yo, por eso he venido.
- So that's why you came here tonight.
Por eso habéis venido esta noche.
That's why you're not in Russia any longer... and that's why you came here this morning.
Por eso ya no está en Rusia y por eso vino aquí esta mañana.
That's why I came here to warn you to burn our maps now, quick.
Por eso vine para avisarle de que queme los mapas, rápido.
So that's why you came here in the first place... to give yourself up.
¿ Qué otra cosa puedo hacer? ¿ Así que esa fue la razón que le impulsó a venir? Vino a entregarse.
Por eso vinieron aquí las dos.
You wouldn't, that's why you came here to bribe me you're the one in trouble!
No lo hará, usted me dio las entradas y telefoneó a esta pobre gente.
That's why I came around here. You don't think I'd - - Arthur, you come in here right this minute.
No pensará que yo- - Arthur, entra en casa ahora mismo.
- That's why you came here, isn't it?
- Has venido a eso, ¿ verdad? - Sí.
I didn't know that. Why, I thought that's what you came here to see Fran about.
Why, she came in here insisting you needed treatment. That's ridiculous.
Vino insistiendo en que Vd. necesitaba tratamiento, pero eso es ridículo.
That's why you came up here?
¿ Por eso has venido?
That's why you came up here.
Me has traído aquí para esto.
That's why I came here, to talk to you.
Por eso he venido, para hablar con usted.
That's why you gave in and came here with me...
De manera que para eso vienes a comer conmigo.
That's why you came here.
Por eso has venido.
I think of you as at a brother, a father, an uncle, that's why I came here.
Yo le considero como un hermano, un padre, un tío. Por eso he venido aquí.
That's why you came here, isn't it?
Por eso ha venido, ¿ no?
- And that's why you came here?
¿ Para eso ha venido?
But... that's why you came here, isn't it?
Pero por eso vino aquí, ¿ no es así?
Th-That's why you came to work here?
¿ Por eso viniste a trabajar?
- That's why you came here. Isn't it?
- Eso es por lo que esta aquí, ¿ No?
That's why you came here today.
Para eso has venido.
Do you really believe that's why I came here?
¿ Realmente crees que he venido por eso?
- That's why you came here?
- ¿ Por eso viniste aquí? - Sí.
And that's why you came here.
Y por eso vine aquí.
So that's why you came here.
Entonces es por lo que usted está aquí.
That's why you came here...
Es por eso regresaste...
And that's why I came here. I wanted to thank you for that.
Y he venido aquí a agradecértelo.
That's not why you came back here.
No has vuelto por eso.
I imagine that's why the two of you came to live here then.
Es por eso, imagino, que ustedes dos decidieron establecerse aquí.
But that's why I came here. I'm not on the phone now. So you'll tell me, won't you?
Por eso vine aquí personalmente ya no estoy hablando por teléfono.
And that's why you came here.
Por eso has venido aquí.
That's why you came here?
¿ Has venido por eso?
That's why we came here, you know what I'm saying?
Por eso vinimos aquí, ¿ sabes?
The girls refuse to come here, that's why I came to serve you.
Las muchachas se rehúsan a venir aquí, por eso yo vine a servirlos.
That's why I came over here to talk to you...
Por eso vine a hablarte...
That's why you came up here tonight with your bedroom eyes and your dining room lips.
Por eso viniste a verme esta noche con esos ojos seductores y labios mentirosos.
That's why I came running back here to you.
Por eso volví corriendo a tu lado.
I know that you're here, that's why I came here.
Supe que estaba aquí, por eso he venido.
So that's why you came here.
- Entiendo.
He came to accept on behalf of his ambassador your excuse. Or an apology if you like. That's why he came here.
Para eso está aquí.
That's why you came over here, right?
Esa es la razón por la cual viniste ¿ no?
That's not why I came here and you know it.
Sabe perfectamente que no he venido aquí para eso.
Anyway, I thought you might need a lift, and that's why I came out here today.
Pensé que necesitarían una ayudita. Por eso vine.
Por eso vinimos aquí.
That's why I came out here. I thought of a way to thank you.
Se me ha ocurrido cómo darte las gracias.
It's why you came here tonight. That's true.
Es por eso que ha venido.
That's why you came back here, isn't it?
Por eso es que viniste aquí, ¿ no es así?

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