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That isn't it traduction Espagnol

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I guess the clock is ticking on that one, isn't it?
Supongo que el reloj no se detiene en que uno, ¿ verdad?
It is you, isn't it? That's why you're trying to shift blame on me. That's very Cartman of you, Stan.
por eso intentas culparme eres como Cartman, Stan.
Now, that isn't true, is it?
Eso no es cierto, ¿ verdad?
Isn't it true that you have feelings for him?
¿ No es cierto que sientes algo por él?
Oh, that's where Andy and Lance detect, isn't it?
Ahí es donde detectan Andy y Lance, ¿ no?
Then that's your fault, isn't it?
Entonces eso es culpa tuya, ¿ no?
Isn't it weird that I don't have any fans or anything? !
¿ Por qué no tengo admiradoras o algo así ahora?
That's what we're all looking to do, isn't it?
Eso es lo que todos estamos buscando que hacer, ¿ no?
But that isn't your point, is it?
Pero esa no es tu opinión, ¿ verdad?
But isn't it nice that someone is interested?
Pero ¿ no es estupendo que alguien se interese?
If you think about it, though, isn't that like fraud money?
Digo, entre más lo pienso, tiene que ser un engaño.
That's crazy, isn't it?
Eso es una locura, ¿ no?
Isn't it a little late in the game for that?
No es un poco tarde para jugar a eso?
But isn't that where you and Alison got married? Mm-hmm. Then I'm glad it's gone.
¿ Pero no es donde Alison y tú os casasteis? Entonces me alegro que se haya ido.
I mean, that's true, isn't it?
Porque, ¿ es así, no?
The pro-choice position isn't so weak that it can't stand up
La posición proabortista no es tan débil que no pueda resistir
I mean, if that body isn't Burton, how come it's wearing Dora's fake?
Quiero decir, si no es Burton, ¿ cómo es que lleva el falso de Dora?
Convenient, that, isn't it?
Conveniente, eso, ¿ no?
I mean, that's the case, isn't it?
Digo, es el caso, ¿ no?
That's an isolating life, isn't it?
Esa es una vida muy solitaria, ¿ no?
There isn't one iota of physical evidence in this case that connects Steven Avery to it.
No había un ápice de pruebas materiales... ABOGADO DE STEVEN... que conectaran a Steven Avery con el crimen.
Well, my free hand isn't that good, so it helps if you don't wriggle.
Bueno, no dibujo a mano alzada tan bien, así que ayuda si no te estás moviendo.
this is the only time in your entire career you have ever filed a deviation of protocol so that you could make a call and include somebody, isn't it?
esta es la única vez en toda su carrera que usted se desvió y se salió del protocolo para poder llegar a una conclusión e incluir a alguien, ¿ cierto?
- Not that I know of. - So it being possible in the same way that aliens are possible really isn't a fair characterization of what you meant, is it?
- Entonces, decir que era tan posible como que hubieran sido extraterrestres no es una caracterización justa de lo que quiso decir, ¿ no?
It's probably a good thing that he isn't the only defense lawyer on this case'cause he'd win it.
Qué suerte que no es el único abogado defensor del caso, porque lo ganaría.
I pled with him to help me on this case, because it certainly isn't the case that you can just have one person and there's not a lot of attorneys in Oshkosh that have a background dealing with homicides.
Le supliqué que me ayudara, porque este no es un caso para un solo abogado, y no hay muchos abogados en Oshkosh con experiencia en homicidios.
And isn't it incumbent upon the government when they bring these type of allegations to be able to satisfy you beyond a reasonable doubt that the evidence that they're asking you to rely upon is in fact credible?
¿ Y no le corresponde al estado, cuando hace una acusación como esta, convencerlos más allá de toda duda razonable de que las pruebas que les ofrecen son fehacientes?
Isn't that how it works, Frank-o?
Así funciona, ¿ no?
Since you're Muslim, isn't it true that Muslims aren't allowed to be a Russ?
Ya que eres musulmana, ¿ no es cierto que a los musulmanes no se les permite ser un russ?
Isn't it better that she thinks,
Sería mejor que pensara :
That's really manipulative, isn't it?
Eso es muy manipulativo, ¿ no?
Change it up, isn't that what you say?
Cambia las cosas. ¿ No es lo que dices?
I know that this isn't the life you'd prefer, that it isn't easy for you living down here, but I want us to be a happy family.
Sé que esta no es la vida que preferirías... que no te es fácil vivir aquí. Pero quiero que seamos una familia feliz.
"Is something wrong?" That's the question, isn't it?
"¿ Esta algo mal?" No es la pregunta ¿ Verdad?
That's in Russia, isn't it?
Eso es en Rusia, ¿ no?
Wait, that's how you met your wife, isn't it?
Así conociste a tu esposa, ¿ no?
Yeah, yeah, that is strange, isn't it?
Sí, es raro, ¿ no?
Yeah, that's funny, isn't it?
De acuerdo. Sí, qué gracioso, ¿ no es cierto?
I think that's good luck, isn't it?
Creo que es de buena suerte, ¿ no?
That's what you came here for, isn't it?
Para eso vino, ¿ no es así?
That's why we're here, isn't it?
Para esto está aquí, ¿ o no?
Anyway, I think you ought to be working the sexual angle with her, because I know for a fact that that husband isn't getting it done.
En fin, creo que deberías acercarte a ella sexualmente, porque sé que su esposo no hace su trabajo.
You know, my boss isn't gonna be happy about it, and you're the one that gets to explain it to him.
A mi jefe no le agradará, y tú serás quien se lo explicará.
... it isn't often enough that we take the time to hear the stories and listen to the wisdom of our elders.
No muy seguido nos tomamos el tiempo de oír las historias... y escucharla sabiduría de nuestros mayores.
- That's an American accent, isn't it?
Eso es un acento americano, ¿ verdad?
I mean, he's on the sauce, isn't that it?
¿ Está metido en eso, no es cierto?
Oh, that's great, isn't it?
Qué maravilloso, ¿ no?
It isn't right that other men should fight and die, that I would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve.
No es correcto que otros hombres luchen y mueran mientras yo estoy a salvo en casa.
What I do know about you is that you're an American, because my friends here told me that you were talking while you were unconscious which of course is typically American, isn't it?
Lo que si se sobre ti, es que eres americano, porque mis amigos me dicen que hablabas mientras estabas inconciente es tipico de un americano... y juzgando por tu maldita negativa a hablar ahora que estas plenamente conciente
- Well, that's wonderful, isn't it?
Bueno, eso es maravillo, ¿ no?
We're creating something that isn't what it seems.
Estamos creando algo que no es lo que parece.

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