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That wasn't the question traduction Espagnol

82 traduction parallèle
I just had a feeling that your question wasn't on the level.
Sólo presentí que su pregunta no era sincera.
That wasn't the question.
- Ésa no era la pregunta.
- That wasn't the question.
- Esa no fue la pregunta.
That wasn't the question.
- Esa no era la pregunta.
'That wasn't my only question for her'but given my professional responsibility, it was the only one I could ask.
No era lo único que quería preguntarle, pero por motivos profesionales, era lo único que podía.
No, that wasn't the question.
Esa no era la pregunta.
That wasn't the question. Are you married?
No te pregunté eso.
I know that, Mr. Second-in-Command, who wasn't asked the question.
Ya sé eso, Sr. Segundo al Mando, a quien no se le hizo una pregunta.
So she looked at me all concerned... wanting to know if I was going to the school dance... like that wasn't the stupidest question in history.
Me miró muy preocupada... queriendo saber si iría al baile... como si no fuera la pregunta más estúpida de la historia
No, that wasn ´ t the question.
No. Esa no era la pregunta.
I know it's an important part of your religion to trust the Spirits without question, but I wasn't brought up that way.
Sé que en su religión es importante confiar en los espíritus, pero no me han criado así.
El alcalde está usando su defensa : "Eso no era una pregunta"
He said that if Warren wasn't in my life, that he would have popped the question a long time ago.
Que de no ser por Warren me hubiera pedido matrimonio tiempo atrás.
wasn't about a guy but I feel like when we discuss it we never really discuss it and I never really ask the one important question that you can feel free to answer any minute now so that...
Me dijiste que el poema no era de un chico pero cuando lo hablamos no fue suficiente y no lo pregunté, así que no podías responder- -
- That wasn't the question. - But it is now.
- Ésa no era la cuestión.
That wasn't the question, I will rephrase it.
Ésa no fue la pregunta, volveré a preguntarle.
And the person in question wasn't that keen on Gregory neither.
Y la persona en cuestión no estaba con Gregory tampoco.
No era esa la pregunta.
That wasn't the question.
Esa no era la pregunta.
Well, that really wasn't the question.
Bueno, ésa no era la pregunta.
Well,... we're fairly sure it wasn't suicide but then that leaves the question, who'd want to kill Richard Hunter?
Estamos bastante seguros de que no fue un suicidio. Pero la pregunta es ¿ quién quería matar a Richard Hunter y por qué?
If you need good Westminster intelligence, Helen's the best, and that wasn't a question.
Si necesitas alguien en Westminster, Helen es la mejor, de eso no cabe duda.
That wasn't the reply to my question.
No has contestado a mi pregunta.
That wasn't the question.
Es no fue la pregunta.
That wasn't the question.
No fue esa la pregunta.
The very first day. ROB M. : Okay, that wasn't the question, though.
los dos tendrán la oportunidad de hacer un comentario inicial.
That wasn't the question.
convenzan a estos muchachos de porque deberías ser tu el que se gane el millon de dolares.
That wasn't the answer to the question I asked.
Eso no responde a mi pregunta.
That wasn't the question.
Ésa no era la pregunta.
- That wasn't the question.
- Ésa no era la pregunta.
That wasn't me answering the question. - It kind of was.
Eso no responde la pregunta.
- That wasn't me answering the question.
- Vamos, no contesté la pregunta.
Seemed I wasn't the only one looking to answer that question.
Parece que no soy el único buscando respuestas a esa pregunta.
Wait, that wasn't the point of my question.
Espera, ése no era el objetivo de mi pregunta.
Well, that wasn't really the question that I meant to ask.
Bueno, esa no fue realmente la pregunta que quise hacerte.
That wasn't even the question.
Está bien. Esa ni siquiera era la pregunta.
It wasn't that I didn't question the way we were raised.
No es que no cuestionara la forma en que nos criaron.
That wasn't the question.
Esa no fué la pregunta.
* * * * * and didn't seem to realize that wasn't his hot coffee, so the question has to be asked...
Stanley acaba de beber de mi taza y parece que ni siquiera se ha dado cuenta de que no era su café caliente.
So we would tend to say it's a meaningless question to ask for before, there wasn't a before, that's the wrong kind of notion.
Por lo tanto, se tiende a decir que es una pregunta sin sentido preguntar por el "antes", no había un "antes", ese es un tipo equivocado de idea.
Ms. Bennett told Chris in front of the whole class that she wasn't surpriised that he couldn't answer a question about women's suffrage.
Y Sra. Bennet le contó a Chris enfrente de toda la clase que no se extrañó que no pudo responder a una pregunta acerca de el sufragio femenino.
Yeah, well, that wasn't one of the choices, so I'll just write that you refused to answer the question.
Bueno, sí, esa no era una de las opciones. Entonces, escribiré que rehusaste a contestar la pregunta.
I think is really bothering me is just the question of whether or not dad knew that I wasn't his.
Sabes que... creo que lo que realmente me molesta es justo la pregunta de si papá sabía o no que no era de él.
That you didn't love us the same wasn't even a question.
Que no nos amaras de la misma forma nunca fue algo que pensamos.
Mia, you've testified that Vince was "wasted" on the night in question, but he wasn't the only one drinking, was he?
Mia, tú has declarado. Este Vince lo echo a perder todo en la noche en cuestión. pero el no fue el único en beber, ¿ verdad?
We intended to question the victim's boyfriend, but that wasn't necessary.
Teníamos la intención de interrogar al novio de la víctima, pero no fue necesario.
No, I thought you were here to prove that the considerable amount of money spent training you wasn't wasted, that the dreams you had of becoming surgeons won't vanish in a puff of smoke tomorrow when the examiner asks you a question
No, pensé que estabais aquí para demostrar que la gran cantidad de dinero gastada en formaros no ha sido desperdiciada, de que el sueño que teníais de convertiros en cirujanos no se evaporará como una nube de humo mañana
That wasn't the question.
Esa no fue la pregunta.
Yes, that is an excellent question and the truth of it is, I just wasn't ready.
Sí, esa es una excelente pregunta y la verdad es, que no estaba preparado.
Of course, and let me guess. The idiot question, that was one of yours, wasn't it?
Claro, y permítame adivinar la pregunta del "idiota", fue una de las suyas, ¿ verdad?
That wasn't the question.
No soy especial.

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