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Theon traduction Espagnol

104 traduction parallèle
I see you one day in the frying pan-theon.
Concentrémonos en otras cosas.
Confirmation code 8-beta-theon-23, confirm.
Código de confirmación 8-beta-theon-23, confirmar.
The ancient Greeks called this city "Madoura ton Theon,"
Los antiguos griegos llamaban a esta ciudad "Madoura ton Theon,"
Not in the house of Theon!
¡ No en la casa de Teón!
But Theon, She has not found her gift.
Pero, Teón no olvides su triste condición.
Theon, as director, you have the last word.
Teón, como director, tú tienes la última palabra.
¿ Theon?
Theon Greyjoy!
¡ Theon Greyjoy!
And Theon too, I suppose.
Y Theon también, supongo.
Lord Frey controls that bridge.
Theon : Lord Frey controla ese puente.
- I'll go. - Theon : You can't!
- Iré - ¡ No puedes!
Make your choice, Theon, and do it quickly.
Decídete, Theon, y hazlo rápido.
I plan to marry Princess Myrcella off to Theon Greyjoy.
Pienso casar a la princesa Myrcella con Theon Greyjoy.
Theon Greyjoy?
¿ Con Theon Greyjoy?
Theon's father loathes the Starks and will convince the boy to come to our side.
El padre de Theon odia a los Stark y convencerá al muchacho de que se nos una.
Theon of the House Greyjoy, you would this day consecrate your faith to the Drowned God?
Theon de la Casa Greyjoy, ¿ este día consagrarás tu fe al Dios Ahogado?
Let Theon, your servant, be born again from the sea as you were.
Deja que Theon, tu siervo, renazca en el mar como Io hiciste tú.
- Theon?
- ¿ Theon?
- It's Prince Theon now.
- Ahora es príncipe Theon.
I've yielded Winterfell to Theon.
Le he cedido Invernalia a Theon.
Say Prince Theon.
Di príncipe Theon.
I've yielded Winterfell to Prince Theon.
Le he cedido Invernalia al príncipe Theon.
Please, Theon, think what you do.
Por favor, Theon, piensa antes de actuar.
You'll address me as Prince Theon or you'll be next.
Te dirigirás a mí como príncipe Theon o serás el próximo.
- iTheon!
Theon, please.
Theon, por favor.
Gods help you, Theon Greyjoy.
Que los dioses te ayuden, Theon Greyjoy.
Theon, please don't. Do something!
Theon, por favor, no Io hagas. iHaz algo!
Why would Theon...
¿ Por qué Theon...?
Let me go and talk to Theon.
Déjame ir a hablar con Theon.
Theon holds the castle with a skeleton crew.
Theon gobierna el castillo con muy pocos hombres.
My boy would be honored to bring you Prince Theon's head.
Será un honor para mi hijo traerte la cabeza de Theon.
And Theon, I want him brought to me alive.
Y a Theon, quiero que me Io traiga vivo.
I have something for you from Prince Theon.
Tengo algo para ti del príncipe Theon.
And if Theon found out, he'd hang them.
De enterarse Theon, los mataría.
If Theon tracks us here, he'll torture them until he finds out where we are.
Si Theon nos rastrea aquí, los torturará hasta que hablen.
Prince Theon.
Príncipe Theon.
Theon, don't do this.
Theon, no Io hagas.
Theon, you're my blood.
Theon, eres de mi propia sangre.
- Theon has my brothers.
- Theon tiene a mis hermanos.
Any ironborn with the exception of Theon Greyjoy.
Cualquier hombre de hierro a excepción de Theon Greyjoy.
I have many little birds in the North, my lord, but I haven't heard their songs since Theon Greyjoy captured Winterfell.
Tengo muchos pajaritos en el Norte, mi señor, pero no he oído sus canciones desde que Theon Greyjoy tomó Invernalia.
Theon, listen to me.
Theon, escúchame.
I've known you many years, Theon Greyjoy.
Hace muchos años que te conozco, Theon Greyjoy.
Or Theon may have taken them back to the Iron Islands as hostages.
O puede que Theon se los haya llevado a las Islas de Hierro como rehenes.
No. Have you heard anything from Theon at all?
¿ Has oído siquiera algo de Theon?
You begged me not to send Theon to negotiate with his father and I ignored your advice.
Me rogaste que no enviase a Theon a negociar con su padre e ignoré tu consejo.
Theon Greyjoy murdered both his brothers.
Theon Greyjoy ha asesinado a sus hermanos.
Robb Stark offered amnesty for the ironborn if they gave us Theon.
Robb Stark ofreció amnistía para los hijos del hierro si nos daban a Theon.
The ironborn turned on Theon as we knew they would.
Los hijos del hierro se volvieron en contra Theon como sabíamos que harían.

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