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There's a reason for that traduction Espagnol

369 traduction parallèle
Oh, what fun we were there when they fall We have a reason that's worth marching for
Aunque nuestra patria jamás vaya a la guerra tenemos razones para desfilar.
I mean, do you think that maybe there's a reason for the friction we've been having lately?
Quiero decir, ¿ piensas que tal vez haya una razón para la fricción que hemos tenido últimamente?
There's a reason for that.
Hay una razón para eso.
There's no reason why you shouldn't feel as happy as I feel now that me mind's at peace for a change.
Deberías alegrarte. Tengo la conciencia tranquila. - Bridie...
I was sent here today for one reason... to tell you that if there's any more trouble... if this prison isn't brought under the strictest control... - Mr. McCallum... - There will be an immediate change in practically all personnel.
Me envían a decirle que si continúan los problemas, si no se asegura un estricto orden, habrán cambios inmediatos en todo el personal.
When you went to Wiecek's house that night... what reason did you give for wanting to sleep there?
Cuando fue a casa de Wiecek esa noche... ¿ qué razón le dio para querer dormir ahí?
There's a reason for that. Oh, really?
Yo sé el motivo.
Before I give it to Neff here, I want a confirmation from you that the disease can be contained, and there's no reason for panic.
Antes de entregársela a Neff, quiero su confirmación... de que controlarán la enfermedad y no hay razón para temer.
Well, Sir, if they have a transmitter that can generate infrared rays, the way we generate shortwave rays for radio, there's no reason why they couldn't melt right through the earth, or anything else for that matter.
Si tienen un transmisor, pueden generar infrarrojos, como nosotros generamos ondas cortas para la radio. No hay razón por la cual no puedan disolver la tierra.
You just have to believe that it's right and there's a good reason for it...
Tiene que creer que hay una buena razón para que algo ocurra.
Sometimes there is a reason for drinking... You see, Hornsby's been picked for a dangerous assignment... and there is not much chance that he will come through it alive.
A veces no hay razón para beber pero, verá, Horsby fue elegido para una peligrosa misión y no es nada fácil que salga con vida de ella, ¿ sabe?
There's a reason for that thing to be down here.
Eso explica por qué esa cosa está ahí abajo.
- That's the reason we wear these, my lord - to warn the post-house of our arrival, and when we get there, a fresh horse is saddled and waiting, ready for the next three miles.
- Por eso llevamos esto, mi señor. Para advertir a Correos de nuestra llegada. Al llegar, un caballo fresco está ensillado listo para otras 3 millas.
There's no reason for me to live now that my husband is gone!
Llevadlo a casa.
There's good military reason for remaining friendly with the Arab governments and none for loaning a reserve officer as military adviser to a pipsqueak nation that'll be blown off the map on May 15.
Tenemos razones para mantener buenas relaciones con los gobiernos árabes, y ninguna para prestar a un oficial como asesor militar a una nacioncilla que van a borrar del mapa el 15 de mayo.
For the reason bein'that there's a hired gun if ever I seen one.
Nunca había visto a nadie con esa pinta.
Honey, I can't let up now. A, I gotta get ready for Baxter and B, there's no reason why I can't be club champion. And C, I'll send your pyjamas to the club so that you can sleep in the locker room.
Querida, no puedo dejarlo ahora A - tengo que estar listo para Baxter y B, no hay razón para no ser el campeón del club y C, te mandaré tus pijamas al club así puedes dormir en el vestuario
- There's a reason for that, 99.
- Hay una razón, 99.
There's absolutely no reason for us to assume... that the Germans are mounting a major offense.
No demos por sentado que los alemanes preparan una gran ofensiva.
So you feel that, just as you feel there's a reason for going on through the course, this is the same way to try and deal with what you feel is wrong with the system in America?
¿ Tanto si sentís que hay... todavía una razón para continuar el trayecto, pensáis que esto influirá en vuestra forma de afrontar aquello que ocurra en este país?
There's no reason to hate a guy for that.
No hay ninguna razón para odiar a alguien por eso.
- You think there's a reason for that?
- ¿ Cree que hay alguna razón?
No, if it is the gods, and there's no way of telling, because that Ident is as worn out as everything else on board this ship, but if it is the gods, then they're the reason for it all.
No, si son los dioses, y no hay forma de saberlo... porque la identificación está tan pasada de moda como todo lo demás a bordo de esta nave,... pero si son los dioses, entonces son la razón de todo esto.
This client of mine threw herself down a flight of stairs- - threw- - for no rhyme or reason, and now you're telling me that there's been a complication in Karen's operation.
Esta cliente mia se arrojo de las escaleras. Se arrojo. Sin rima o razon.
And there's one thing I do know, Son, and that is you are here for a reason.
Hijo, sé que si estás aquí es por algo.
There's one thing I do know, Son, and that is you are here for a reason.
Hijo, sé que si estás aquí es por algo.
There's a good reason for all that, Your Honor. Oh?
Había una buena razón para todo aquello, señoría.
Don't scream at me, there's no reason for that.
No me chilles que no viene a cuento.
- I'm sure there's a reason for that too. - I've got a deadline to meet.
Debe haber una razón importante para eso, pero debo entregar un artículo.
There's no reason for you two not to go on to that Noel Coward show.
no hay razón para que los dos no van a mostrar de Noel Coward.
Hey, lady, there's a "Do Not Disturb" sign on that door for a reason.
Oiga, hay un letrero de "No molestar" en la puerta por un motivo.
There's a very good reason for that.
Hay una muy buena razón para ello.
There's a very good reason for that.
A mí no me vas a engañar.
[Crockett] Well, there's a good reason for that. Now, could you turn these damn lights off?
Entonces, háganos caso y apague las luces.
There's really no reason for you and I to fight, because I'm not gonna do that piece anymore.
Realmente no hay razón para que peleemos... porque no voy a escribir ese artículo.
Think about this, man, uncivilized, in an ape form hunting, fishing, weaving, pottery, everything necessary for leading a civilized life, how did he learn it? There's a reason behind that, architecture.
Piense en lo siguiente : el hombre, no civilizado, con forma de mono, caza, pesca, agricultura, tejidos, la alfarería, todo lo necesario... para llevar una vida civilizada.
Yeah, maybe there's a reason for that.
es talvez alguna razón para este...
There's a reason for that.
Hay un motivo para eso.
You have told me this young lady's name and that there is a reason for her presence.
Me ha dicho el nombre de esta dama y que hay una razón para su presencia. Le digo que la hay.
There's a reason for that, ashley.
Hay una razón para eso, ashley.
Not one I'm proud of, but there's a reason for that.
No es que yo estoy orgulloso, pero hay una razón para ello.
I have to believe there's a reason for that.
Debo creer que existe una razón para ello.
There's a reason for that.
Hay una explicación para eso.
Maybe there's a reason for that dying part.
Bueno, eso será por algo.
For the simple reason that there's never been a station here!
¡ Porque aquí jamás ha habido estación!
- but there's a reason for that.
- pero hay una razón para ello.
I'm sure there's a reason for why you'd go out of your way to antagonize them like that.
Debe haber una buena razón para que te esfuerces tanto en provocarlos.
Maybe there's a reason for that, apart from his flying abilities.
Bueno, tal vez haya una razón para eso además de sus habilidades para volar.
You know that sign's there for a reason?
Debo reconocerlo, Sanders. Es una belleza.
There's a reason for that.
Hay una razón para ello.
- There's a reason for that.
- Hay una razón para eso. - ¿ Sospechoso?

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