There's something there traduction Espagnol
31,677 traduction parallèle
There's something I just remembered, but if I tell you, you'll think I'm crazy.
Acabo de recordar algo, pero si te cuento, dirás que estoy loco.
There's something I've never told you, Maurice.
Hay algo que nunca te dije, Maurice.
♪ There's something that rhymes With air in the air ♪
Hay algo que rima Con aire en el aire
[screams] There's something growling in my stomach!
¡ Hay algo gruñendo en mi estómago!
King Julien, there's something else Maurice needs to tell you.
Rey Julien, Maurice quiere decirle algo más.
Oh, I'm very much "in" my mind, Clover, and let me tell you something, it's terrifying in there!
Tengo mi cabeza bien puesta, Clover, y déjame decirte algo, ¡ es aterrador ahí adentro!
I've gotten to call each one of these places home. There's something about the bright lights and the hum of the city that's engrained in who I am.
Hay algo en las luces brillantes y el zumbido de la ciudad que está arraigado en quién soy.
I noticed... so there's something spiritually about deserts that are... they're very introspective, and so, like, you find yourself, you know?
Me di cuenta... hay algo espiritual en los desiertos son muy introspectivos, como que, te encuentras a ti mismo, sabes?
- There's something in here with us!
- ¡ Hay algo aquí con nosotros!
If there's something in there that can make us tell the truth, well, maybe we can force it to tell us the truth of where we are.
Si hay algo ahí que nos puede hacer decir la verdad, bueno, tal vez podamos obligarlo a decirnos la verdad sobre dónde estamos.
There's something else I need to tell you.
Hay algo más que tengo que decirte.
There's something I have to tell you.
Hay algo que tengo que decirte.
There's something between us.
Hay algo entre nosotros.
There's something I need to show you.
Hay algo que necesito mostrarte.
There's something I need to ask you about.
Hay algo sobre lo que necesito preguntarte.
Well there's something about Janet Mclntyre.
Bueno, hay algo sobre Janet McIntyre.
There's got to be something we can do about this.
Tiene que haber algo que podamos hacer.
Mr. Morales, please, there's got to be something we can do about this.
Sr. Morales, por favor, tiene que haber algo que podamos hacer.
There's something more going on here.
- ¿ Qué hice? ¡ Aquí pasa algo más!
Dad... Dad, there's something about that tower.
Papa... papa... hay algo sobre esa torre.
There's something I'm trying to figure out, but I can't until I sleep, and I can't sleep until I can figure it out.
Hay algo que intento solucionar, pero no puedo hasta que duerma, y no puedo dormir hasta que lo solucione.
There's something urgent I need to sort at home.
Hay algo urgente que tengo que atender en casa.
Yeah, I'm here because there's something wrong with our daughter.
Sí, estoy aquí porque le pasa algo a nuestra hija.
Stop making her think that there's something wrong.
Deje de hacerle pensar que hay algo malo.
There's something on the back.
Hay algo detrás.
Now maybe there's something fun we can do?
¿ Ahora podemos hacer algo divertido?
There is nothing wrong with earning money doing something with rap, it's fine.
No hay nada de malo en ganar dinero haciendo algo con el rap, está bien.
I thought he was gonna be a jerk at first, but there's something really sweet about him.
Creí que era un idiota, pero tiene un aspecto muy dulce.
There's something about being in the air when you're flying, uh, that's so much different than, you know, all the other forms of flight.
Cuando estás volando estar en el aire tiene algo especial y es muy distinto a, ya saben, todas las otras maneras de volar.
Can you tell there's something... in ya? No, not really. No?
¿ Sientes que tienes algo nuevo adentro?
There's something I need to tell you.
Hay algo que tengo que decirte.
There's something's wrong with my big ol'honkers!
¡ Algo les ocurre a mis enormes tetas!
- There's something else.
- Hay algo más.
There's always something that is a little bit not right.
Siempre hay algo que no va bien.
There's always some sort of a risk of something blowing up.
Siempre hay cierto riesgo de que algo explote.
I like to think that geology is destiny, where there's the right combination of rocks and water and nutrients and atmosphere, you're going to create a habitable environment and something is going live there.
Me gusta pensar que la geología es el destino, donde haya la combinación adecuada de rocas y agua y nutrientes y atmósfera, vas a crear un entorno habitable y algo vivirá allí.
There's something so human about taking something great and ruining it a little so you can have more of it.
Hay algo muy humano en tomar algo grandioso y arruinarlo un poco para sacar más de él.
There's something going on here.
Algo está pasando aquí.
There's something fishy about you.
Hay algo sospechoso contigo.
Come on, there's got to be something else inside we can use.
Vamos, debe haber algo que podamos usar.
There's just something I have to do just as soon as I figure out where my sister's hidden herself.
Debo hacer algo apenas descubra dónde está oculta mi hermana.
But there's something I need to fix first.
Pero debo arreglar algo primero.
There's got to be something that we can do.
Debe haber algo que podamos hacer.
There's something you should take a look at.
Hay algo a lo que debería echar un vistazo.
Christ, woman, there's something wrong with that one, it's got death in its eyes.
Cristo, mujer, hay algo de malo en ese, tiene la muerte en los ojos.
I don't know there's also something kind of... Cozy about the way it is.
No sé, así como está también es cálida y cómoda.
I happen to feel that there's something sensual about older women, no matter how taboo it is.
Las mujeres maduras me parecen sensuales no me importa si es un tabú.
Ah! There's something...
Hay algo ahí...
There's something.
Hay algo.
It feels like something's alive in there.
Se siente... se siente como si algo estuviera vivo ahí.
There's something I have to tell you about my past.
Hay algo que tengo que decirte de mi pasado.
there's something 214
there's something else 337
there's something wrong with me 39
there's something wrong with it 20
there's something wrong with him 27
there's something about him 23
there's something wrong with you 38
there's something missing 20
there's something wrong 107
there's something wrong here 21
there's something else 337
there's something wrong with me 39
there's something wrong with it 20
there's something wrong with him 27
there's something about him 23
there's something wrong with you 38
there's something missing 20
there's something wrong 107
there's something wrong here 21
there's something else going on 17
there's something going on here 26
there's something out there 50
there's something you don't know 19
there's something i need to do 25
there's something in there 35
there's something i 17
there's something you should know 107
there's something going on 41
there's something here 70
there's something going on here 26
there's something out there 50
there's something you don't know 19
there's something i need to do 25
there's something in there 35
there's something i 17
there's something you should know 107
there's something going on 41
there's something here 70