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They're here for you traduction Espagnol

306 traduction parallèle
You say : "They talk too much for Sunday jump", we're here to make you happy, give you the good vibes you deserve.
Pensaréis que hablo demasiado para un "Sunday Jump". Estamos aquí para transmitiros la buena onda que os merecéis.
Ellos están ya de vuelta, y si van tras de ti, te lo harán pasar muy mal, pero si haces amistad con ellos, te dejarán entrar en sus planes.
- What do you mean? They're here for the same purpose we are - to get food and refuel.
Vinieron por lo mismo que nosotros comida y combustible.
Do you know there are people who've lived in China for 10 years and don't realize they're here? Why?
Hay gente que lleva 10 años aquí y no conocen casi nada.
"As for you, Benjamin Gunn," says they "you're so sure Flint's treasure's buried here you can just stay and find it," says they.
"Y tú, Benjamin Gunn", dijeron "estás tan seguro de que el tesoro de Flint está aquí que puedes quedarte a buscarlo", dijeron.
Here, take these, they're special, i've kept them for you.
Toma, coge estos, son especiales. Te los he reservado.
You know, they're not here for buttons.
Esos no están aquí por nada.
While you're here waiting for her, they're on a tour of Vesuvius.
Mientras tú la esperas aquí ellos se han ido de excursión al Vesubio.
I'm grounded from here on in. Oh, professor Adams told me they're holding that research fellowship open for you at the university.
El profesor Adams me dijo que tenía una beca de investigación para ti en la universidad.
All the little cuties, they're here for you.
Todas estas lindas nenas han venido a visitarlos.
Come on, they're all here for you guys.
Están aquí para que los chicos las vean.
You're not implying that they don't exactly care for sheepmen around here? - Mm-hm.
¿ lnsinúa que a la gente de aquí no le gustan los criadores de ovejas?
How many landings you gotta make to learn we circle out here until they're ready for us?
¿ Cuántos desembarcos necesitas para aprender... que damos vueltas hasta que estén listos?
I tell you for some reason they're not coming back here.
Le digo que hay una razón para la que no vuelvan.
"Here, they're for you. I only wish they were diamonds." Next thing I know, I'm engaged.
Les digo... que desearía que fuesen diamantes... y se enamoran.
'The Brahma bulls you see here are well-known''for their mean dispositions'and are particularly treacherous''because they're the only type bull that will charge a man'with their eyes open.'
Los toros "brahma" que ven aquí son de todos conocidos por su carácter resabiado y traicionero, y es la única especie de toro que ataca al hombre con los ojos abiertos.
And I recommend, my good friends, that you should start thinking about what you're going to the Americans for, because I'm giving you my word of honor that they'll remain a great amount of time here, spending all their money!
¡ Y yo recomiento, mis queridos amigos, pensar en qué pediréis a los americanos, porque doy mi palabra de honor que se quedarán mucho tiempo gastando el dinero que traen!
Well, darling, first I ought to tell you that Stanley had me in his office about the contract this morning for two hours, Hail Columbia which leads to the fact that they're dropping in here.
Bueno, antes que nada debo decirte que hoy Stanley estuvo hablándome del contrato en su oficina durante dos horas, muy ansiosamente y me avisó que pasarían a visitarte hoy.
They're all here for you.
Están aquí por ti
What for? They're not racing This man Burgins here is afraid to run you in regular official because he's frightened of losing money.
Ese tal Perkins tiene miedo de correr en una carrera oficial porque tiene miedo de perder dinero.
This is for us, they're here to thank you for bringing us this far, they love him so much.
Esto es por nosotros, vienen a darle las gracias por habernos traído hasta aquí, al niño lo quieren mucho.
Well, like here, Roberta. You see, variations can be compensated for mathematically. But deviations, you never know when they're going to happen.
Verás, las variaciones se pueden compensar matemáticamente, pero las desviaciones son impredecibles.
They're looking all over for you, you can't stay here long.
Te están buscando por todas partes, no puedes quedarte aquí durante mucho tiempo.
Then they went over to Judge Murdock's. And professor, they've got a warrant for you, and they're coming over here to throw you in jail.
Fueron a buscar una orden a casa del juez Murdoch.
All right, so they're masterpieces. You told me they'd only be here for a few days.
Oh, Emma, eso no es verdad.
It's lucky for you, child, they're not here to hear you say that!
¡ Es una suerte para ti, niña, que no estén aquí para escucharte decir eso!
They're here, ready for questioning under the most ideal conditions. Without the risk, you said.
Los tiene a mano, listos para ser interrogados, en condiciones ideales.
What are you doing here, Sweetback? They're looking for you.
¡ Qué haces Sweetback, te están buscando!
I'll tell you, Charlie they're here because I called them for questioning.
Oiga, Charlie yo las llamé para interrogarlas.
I'll tell you, Charlie... they're here because I called them for questioning.
Oiga, Charlie yo las llamé para interrogarlas.
You'll understand I couldn't afford to send her abroad and here they're hard for her.
Usted comprenderá que yo no he podido mandarla al extranjero y aquí, pues le resultan muy difíciles.
- Hey, what's going on? - They're here for you.
Giacomo, te lo ruego.
Yeah, well, you see, they're still here waiting for her.
Sí, bien, ves, están aquí esperando.
You are the guilty demographic. The landscaping, the neighborhoods of care - They're not for the residents, they're for the relatives... people like you and me who don't want to admit to what's really going on here.
Los jardines, los vecindarios- - es para los parientes que no quieren reconocer lo que ocurre aquí realmente.
Actually, our marriage has been over for years,... but they're here, so you have to pretend.
En realidad, lo nuestro hace años que ha terminado, pero éstos están, y hay que fingir.
Damn it, those convoys they diverted, the troops and supplies that never got here... they're waiting for you in Australia.
¡ Desviaron los convoyes! Los refuerzos y suministros que no recibimos.
But they're here for you.
Pero ellos están aquí por usted.
And, in case you're wondering why i'm telling you all this with my pig friends here, it's because one of the first places here, they found the principle ingredient for the new terror weapon, was in a pigsty.
Y en caso de que se estén preguntando por qué les cuento todo esto aquí con mis amigos cerdos, es porque uno de los primeros lugares en donde se encontraba el ingrediente primordial para la nueva arma de terror, era en una porqueriza.
Well, it has ; but why - it's like one of those french fast stories where you have people rushing in and out of everywhere and its wives and peoples'brother-in-laws, and they're all going in all sorts of directions - so, if you're ready for a rather nutty story, here goes.
Bien, así es ; pero el por qué... es como una de esas historias rápidas francesas en donde hay gente precipitándose dentro y fuera de todas partes y sus esposas y cuñados, están todos yendo en toda clase de direcciones... entonces, si están listos para una historia bastante chiflada,
Now, when imagine that they're letting you out, and I'm staying here... For the first time, don't understand myself.
Y ahora, cuando pienso que tú sales y yo me quedo aquí es la primera vez que...
And now you're telling me that aliens have come here and they're also looking for drugs.
Y ahora los alienígenas han venido aquí y también buscan drogas.
There's going to be some people coming here in a couple of minutes. Look. They're going to be in a hurry, and I want you to slow'em down for me.
vendrán unos tipos en unos minutos, estoy apurado y quiero que los retrases por mí.
For an aspirin tablet in here. You having a little cry? They're charging me $ 150 a night.
Cuesta tres dólares una tableta de aspirina aquí.
As long as you're here, they'll be looking for you.
Mientras estés tu aquí, ellos te estarán buscando.
The guys who come in here... what do you think they're looking for?
Los tipos que vienen aquí... ¿ Qué crees que buscan?
They've been here already. They're looking for you.
Ya han estado aquí buscándote.
A lot of guys mistake trust for that just-keep-the-checks-coming-in - or-you're-out-of-here look. They're very similar, you know.
Muchos tipos confunden la confianza con esa sigue-ganando-cheques o-largate-de-aqui sabes.
Now, you've got three commercials to read... and they're numbered here, and they're laid out for you.
Usted tiene tres comerciales que leer. Están numerados y preparados para usted.
Them kids you're lookin'for? I'd bet you a shiny new dime they're in Chicago now..... drinkin'a cold beer and havin'a laugh about the commotion they stirred up here.
Apuesto lo que quiera a que los chicos que buscan están en Chicago, bebiéndose una cerveza y riéndose de la conmoción que han armado aquí.
Frank, they're not here for you.
Frank, ellos no están aquí por ti.
They`re here for a week, and I want you to help me entertain them.
Se van a quedar aquí por una semana, y quiero que me ayudes a entretenerlos.

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