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Think about what you're saying traduction Espagnol

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Think about what you're saying, got it?
Modera, ¿ Entendido? ¡ Modera!
Roberta, think about what you're saying...
Roberta, piensa lo que haces...
- Think about what you're saying!
Piense lo que dice. No hable así conmigo.
Deep breaths, and try not to think about what you're saying. Good evening.
Buenas noches.
MacGyver, think about what you're saying.
MacGyver, piensa en lo que estás diciendo.
Mr. Shoop, man, think about what you're saying.
Sr. Shoop, hombre, Piense lo que está diciendo.
Think about what you're saying, John.
Piensa en lo que dices, John.
You go somewhere and you think about what you're saying. Yeah?
Márchate y reflexiona sobre lo que estás diciendo.
Think about what you're saying and look at me.
Mírame, Nancy.
People, think about what you're saying. "
Piensa en lo que dices ".
Think more about what you want to say instead of how you're saying it.
Piense más en lo que quiere decir en vez de cómo lo dice.
Think about what you're saying.
Piense lo que está diciendo.
Well, what are you saying? You think we're about to lynch a guy for something he never did?
¿ Dices que vamos a linchar a un inocente?
Think about what you're saying.
Piensa en lo que dices.
Stop and think about what you're saying.
Ponte a pensar en lo que estás diciendo.
The golden rule is, " Think about what you're saying, then don't say it.
La regla de oro es, " Piensa en lo que estás diciendo, entonces no lo digas.
When you talk about how ordinary you are and your stupid life, you know what you're really saying? You're saying our stupid life, which I don't think is particularly stupid.
Cuando hablas de lo poco importante que eres y de tu estúpida vida, te refieres a "nuestra estúpida vida", la cual no creo que sea particularmente estúpida.
- Jack, think about what you're saying...
Jack, piénsalo bien.
Listen, think about what you're saying!
¡ Piensa en lo que dices!
Think about what you're saying, Mary.
Piensa lo que estás diciendo.
I hear what you're saying, but I gotta tell you, Richie-boy... I don't think you know what you're talking about.
Te estoy oyendo, Richie, pero debo decirte que creo que no sabes de qué hablas.
Think about what you're saying.
¡ Kathy!
Don't think about what you're saying.
Bueno, díselo sin pensar en Io que estás diciendo.
Think about what you're saying.
Piensa en Io que estás diciendo.
Think about what you're saying.
- Piensa lo que dices.
If I were you, I'd think very carefully about what you're saying, Lieutenant.
Si estuviera en tu lugar, pensaría cuidadosamente... lo que me acaba de decir, teniente.
Think about what you're saying.
María, piensa en lo que dices.
Jesus Christ, think about what you're saying.
Por Dios, piensa lo que estás diciendo.
I'm saying you need to think about what you believe is a system that it is corrupt and immoral and wrong and hurtful but you're gonna be a part of it.
Estoy diciendo que debes pensar en lo que crees que es un sistema corrupto e inmoral y dañino e hiriente, pero tú serás una parte de él.
You have to think about what you're saying, son.
Tienes que pensar en lo que estás diciendo, hijo.
Julie, think about what you're saying.
Julie piensa en lo que dices.
Just think about what you're saying.
Piensa en lo que estás diciendo.
Rafi, think about what you're saying.
Rafi, piensa en lo que estás diciendo.
Think about what you're saying no to.
Piensa en lo que estás rechazando.
So what you're saying is, you don't ever think about the children at the school?
- ¡ Frank! Entonces, ¿ lo que me dices es que tú nunca piensas en los chicos del colegio?
Then think about what you're saying.
Entonces piensa en lo que estás diciendo.
All I ever think about is you? Is that what you're saying? I think about you?
¿ Dices que en lo único que pienso es en ti?
I want you to seriously think about what you're saying.
Quiero que pienses detenidamente lo que estás diciendo
What do you think they're saying about us?
¿ Qué creen que están diciendo de nosotros?
Kyle, think about what you're saying.
Kyle, piensa en lo que estás diciendo.
Don't even think about saying what I think you're gonna say.
Ni siquiera pienses en decir lo que creo que vas a decir.
Think about what you're saying.
Pero piensa en lo que estás diciendo. Trabajamos meses...
Think about what you're saying.
Piensa en lo que estás diciendo.
Think about what you're saying to me.
Has pensado bien lo que me estás diciendo.
Just, just take a minute to think about what you're really saying
Piensa tranquilamente en lo que estás diciendo
Think about what you're saying.
Piensa lo que dices.
Just think about what you're saying here.
Piensa en lo que estás diciendo.
think about what you're saying.
Piensa en lo que estas diciendo.
Pal, you better think about what you're saying.
Amigo, mejor piense acerca de lo que dice.
Or you're starting to give a crap what other people think, Which is just another way of saying you give a crap about other people.
O te está empezando a importar lo que otras personas piensen lo que es otra forma de decir que te importan las demás personas.
Well, Chris, think about what you're saying.
Chris, piensa en lo que dices.

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