This isn't traduction Espagnol
52,754 traduction parallèle
This isn't just a grand entrance into the job. You're doing a whole thing.
Esto no es solo una entrada triunfal, tomas en serio tu papel.
This isn't a social call.
Esta no es una llamada social.
This isn't easy.
Esto no es fácil.
I'm saying this isn't over.
Digo que esto no ha terminado.
As I've said, this isn't proof of anything.
Como dije, eso no prueba nada.
I know this isn't what you want, but it's for the best, the way things are right now.
Sé que esto no es lo que quieres, pero es lo mejor, por como están las cosas ahora.
- This isn't a game, Ava!
¡ Esto no es un juego, Ava!
This isn't helping.
Esto no ayuda.
Isn't this what you want? To get back what she stole from you?
¿ No es eso lo que quieres, recuperar lo que te robó?
All right, well, then, there's a lesson in all this, isn't there, chickie?
Bueno, aprendiste una lección, ¿ verdad, gatita?
No, no, no. This isn't for publication.
- No, no puedes publicar esto.
Um, just so you know, this isn't a typical week around here.
Solo para que lo sepas, esta no es una semana típica.
This isn't about me or my health.
No se trata de mí o de mi salud.
This isn't real life. This is Hollywood, Hedda.
Esto es Hollywood, Hedda.
You're not Sinatra, you're Zack Thomas, and this isn't center stage at the Sands.
No eres Sinatra, eres Zach Thomas, y esto no es el centro del escenario del Sands.
All this gloom isn't about your last flop.
Que no estás así de malhumorado por tu último fracaso.
This scene isn't really necessary, and you're telegraphing that Miriam is up to no good when the audience, at this point, has to think she's a saint.
Esta escena no es realmente necesaria, y estás trasmitiendo que Miriam no está tramando nada bueno, cuando la audiencia en este punto, tiene que pensar que es una santa.
This entire production is an elaborate opportunity for you to humiliate me, isn't it?
Toda esta producción es una oportunidad desarrollada por ti para humillarme, ¿ no es así?
This isn't about Russia attacking us.
No se trata de Rusia atacándonos.
I came here for proof, okay, and this isn't it.
Vine aquí buscando pruebas y esto no lo son.
This isn't working.
Esto no está funcionando.
This isn't a big rig... it's a battering ram.
Esto no es un tráiler, es un ariete.
This isn't the end, you know?
Esto no es el final, ¿ sabes?
Kevin, relax, this isn't The Wire.
Kevin, relájate, esto no es The Wire.
Look, this isn't LA or New York, this is Riverdale, and people's minds are opening up, but do you have any idea how much hate mail my mom got when she was elected mayor?
Esto no son Los Ángeles o Nueva York, esto es Riverdale y las mentes de la gente se están abriendo, ¿ pero tienes idea de cuántas cartas de odio recibió mi madre cuando fue elegida alcaldesa?
- This isn't...
- Esto no puede...
This isn't just about her.
Esto no es solo sobre ella.
This isn't about hurting anyone, Archie.
No se trata de hacer daño a nadie, Archie.
Isn't this your playing hand?
¿ Esa no es la mano con la que tocas?
I hope this isn't weird, but Jason was crazy handsome.
Espero que no sea extraño, pero Jason atractivo a rabiar.
Besides, isn't this what... You know... What people like us, who've gone through what we've gone through, do?
Además, ¿ no es esto lo que... ya sabes... lo que la gente como nosotros, que ha pasado por lo que hemos pasado, suele hacer?
This isn't the first time Polly's run away from home.
No es la primera vez que Polly huye de casa.
This isn't the first time one of you Bulldogs has come in here, looking to'cause trouble.
No es la primera vez que uno de los Bulldogs ha venido aquí, en busca de problemas.
This isn't a joke.
No es una broma.
I know this isn't exactly your scene.
Sé que este no es tu terreno, precisamente.
This isn't really a social call.
No es una visita social.
Son, this isn't petty theft or a bar fight we're talking about, Archie.
Hijo, no hablamos de un robo menor o una pelea en un bar, Archie.
- How are you? - This isn't normal for me.
- No es normal para mí.
Sweetheart, this isn't normal for anyone.
Cariño, no es normal para nadie.
Well, this isn't just about you anymore.
Bueno, ya no se trataba solo de ti.
But this isn't the job I wanted, either.
Pero este tampoco es el puesto que yo quería.
This isn't working out anymore.
Esto ya no está funcionando.
This isn't a training day.
Este no es un día de entrenamiento.
This isn't a negotiation.
Esto no es una negociación.
This isn't the movies, pal.
Esto no es el cine, amigo.
This isn't Mexico City, moron.
Esto no es la Ciudad de México, idiota.
I'm sorry... isn't this girl's life more important than the department's relationship with some rich guy?
Lo siento... ¿ no es la vida de esta chica más importante Que la relación del departamento con algún tipo rico?
Eh, he's putting the money together, but I'm starting to get the idea that this isn't just about the money.
Eh, está juntando el dinero, Pero estoy empezando a tener la idea Que no se trata sólo del dinero.
This isn't the Middle East.
Esto no es el Medio Oriente.
This isn't your earring, Norma.
Este no es tu pendiente, Norma.
This is... this isn't good.
Esto no está bien.
this isn't you 235
this isn't right 330
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't over yet 34
this isn't about you 154
this isn't a joke 83
this isn't your fault 106
this isn't about money 38
this isn't the way 34
this isn't happening 184
this isn't right 330
this isn't going to work 72
this isn't over yet 34
this isn't about you 154
this isn't a joke 83
this isn't your fault 106
this isn't about money 38
this isn't the way 34
this isn't happening 184