To him traduction Espagnol
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I've just been talking to him about...
Acabo de hablar con él sobre...
Talk to him. Find out if something's worrying him, if- -
Quiero que hables con él, que te enteres de si algo le preocupa,
And, so... have you spoken to him, or just...
Ya. ¿ Y lo has hablado con él o simplemente...?
I haven't said anything to him, because...
No le he dicho nada porque... estoy embarazada.
If I go to the bar, I'll have to admit I was lying to him. I can't do that.
A ver, si me presento en el bar, le tendré que reconocer que le he mentido y no puedo hacerlo.
If I were resentful, I'd have stopped speaking to him long ago.
Si yo fuese una persona rencorosa, hace tiempo que le habría retirado la palabra a mi padre.
You're afraid of getting too close to him?
¿ Temes acercarte demasiado a él?
Maybe it's as simple as that... standing up to him.
A ver si va a resultar que era tan sencillo como eso. Plantarle cara.
You can't go back to him, Ángeles.
No puedes ir a casa con él, Ángeles.
Talk to him, convince him.
Habla con él, convéncelo.
It's his wife who should talk to him. That's what I say.
Es su mujer la que tiene que hablar con él, vamos, digo yo.
- I met you thanks to him.
Y te conozco gracias a él.
- That's none of your business. But you're not leaving until you bring me this Pablo so I can talk to him.
Eso no es asunto tuyo, pero tú no sales de aquí hasta que no me traigas a ese Pablo y que hable yo con él cara a cara.
I'm going to tell him the whole truth. I can't keep lying to him.
Voy a contarle toda la verdad, no puedo seguir mintiéndole.
Okay, well, believe me, there's there's more to him than you think.
Ok, bueno, créame, hay más de el de lo que cree.
- I'm going to go meet him now.
- Voy a reunirme con él ahora.
More than that, I'm going to go live with him.
Más que eso, voy a irme a vivir con él.
I'm just trying to stop him from doing what he...
Solo trato de impedir que haga lo que...
I warned you to stay away from him, but you let yourself be led- - [shouting ] What do you want- - [ softly] What do you want me to say?
Te advertí de que te alejaras de este hombre, pero tú no, tú te dejas llevar. - No piensas... - ¿ Qué quieres que...?
Or what did you say to make him believe you?
¿ O qué le has dicho tú para que te creyese?
I'm pregnant... and I don't want him to know about a child he doesn't want.
Y no quiero que sepa... que va a tener un hijo que realmente no quiere.
- I lied to him.
- Le he mentido, ya te lo he dicho.
And you had to come out to keep Francisco from telling him the truth?
¿ Y te viste obligada a salir para evitar que le contase a Carlos la verdad?
No, I just didn't want his life to be in danger. I didn't want to hurt him.
No, yo quería que la vida de Francisco no estuviera en peligro, no hacerle daño.
If you lose him because you won't take a risk, don't come crying to us.
Como lo pierdas por no atreverte, luego no estés llorando por las esquinas.
I told him it was a lie, but it's true, and now I don't know what to do.
Yo le he dicho que era mentira, pero no, es verdad, y ahora ya no sé qué hacer, no sé qué tengo que hacer.
Pablo! I was about to do it, but when I saw him, my legs froze.
He estado a punto de hacerlo, pero cuando lo he visto no me reaccionaban las piernas.
Someone called His Majesty from one of our switchboards and tried to pass himself off as King George V of England, with the aim of selling him Gibraltar.
Desde una de nuestras centralitas alguien ha llamado a su majestad intentado hacerse pasar por el rey Jorge V de Inglaterra con el propósito de venderle Gibraltar.
When you think a person is capable of doing great things... it's frustrating to see him settle for less.
Cuando crees que una persona tiene capacidad para hacer grandes cosas... te da rabia ver que se conforma con menos.
Well, I'm not sure. I just want him to understand me and forgive me.
Bueno, no lo sé, lo único que quiero es que me entienda y que me perdone.
[stammers] I get up the courage to tell him the truth, and he hangs up.
Ahora que me había envalentonado y le iba a contar la verdad, va y me cuelga.
Let's invite him to dinner.
Invitémosle a cenar a casa.
He thinks I don't know him, but he likes anything to do with defying authority.
Cree que no le conozco, pero todo lo que sea desafiar a la autoridad le gusta.
I have to find Francisco and tell him as soon as possible.
Tengo que localizar a Francisco, he de avisarle cuanto antes.
I didn't do enough to stop him from hitting me... because deep down, I wanted to lose the baby.
¿ Y si no hice lo suficiente para que no me golpeara? Porque yo en el fondo quería perder al bebé.
I like you, but it's not enough for me to leave him.
Me gustas, pero... Pero no, no es suficiente para que le deje.
I'd almost prefer to have him annoyed with me.
Empiezo a dudar de si lo prefiero enfadado conmigo...
And tomorrow, I'll see him at work, and I don't know what to do.
Y lo peor de todo es que mañana le veré y no sé qué hacer.
And show him all that self-respect and character you show every day to Doña Lola, to the girls, to me.
Y demostrarle todo ese amor propio y carácter que nos demuestras todos los días, a doña Lola, a las chicas, a mí.
- Tonight. I know it's a bit soon, but I can't wait for him to... [sighs heavily] No matter.
Sé que es un poco precipitado, pero es que no puedo esperar a que vuelva...
I told him specifically I didn't want him to go on with this.
[Ricardo] Le dije expresamente que no quería que siguiera con esto.
He asked him for help with a budget, and Mario had no choice but to stay.
No sé. Y a Mario no le ha quedado más remedio que quedarse.
- Yes, it was my fault... and yours for never missing a chance to tell him his son was a disgrace.
Y tuya. Por no haber perdido la oportunidad de informarle de la vergüenza de hijo que tenía.
Carlos and I never used to argue, and it kills me to see him suffer.
Carlos y yo nunca nos habíamos enfadado y me mata verle sufrir.
- I told him not to come in.
- No puede pasar.
I was about to lose him because of all that lying.
Y yo estuve a puntito de perderle por tanta mentira.
I'm not asking you to find him and kill him.
No te estoy pidiendo que lo busques y lo mates.
And I had to tell him, " Sir, no.
Le respondí. " No, señor.
Like, I looked around the room, just trying to find the eyes of anyone else who hated him.
Miré a mi alrededor para intentar hallar a otra persona que lo detestara como yo.
So proud to have a child who could look beyond someone's skin color, see the white inside of him... and hate it.
Me enorgullece que mi hija pueda ver más allá del color de la piel... y notar lo blanco en el interior de ese hombre... y que lo deteste.
which is why it's such a shame I'm gonna need her to leave him for a Jew soon.
Por eso es una pena que pronto necesite que ella lo deje por un judío.