To that traduction Espagnol
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- We're gonna get around to that.
- si ni siquiera tienen una fecha? - Vamos a resolver eso.
I don't want to brag or anything like that.
No quiero alardear ni nada.
I feel that Lincoln, when he thought that up, he thought that was going to go.
Creo que Lincoln, cuando pensó en esa frase, creyó que sonaría bien.
So sometimes before I go to a party, I'll just turn on the TV, and whatever that guy said, I'll say that.
A veces, antes de ir a una fiesta, enciendo el televisor, y repito lo que sea que diga ese sujeto.
I try to find somebody that is at my same level.
Trato de hallar a alguien que esté a mi nivel.
"You have got to be careful with that acid, on account of you can do it,"
" Ten cuidado con el ácido.
But the point of the whole thing is for me to tell you young folk... that it's not...
El punto de todo esto es que quiero decirle a los jóvenes que nada de eso es verdad.
What a gyp that turned out to be.
Todo fue una farsa.
Go to the rope store - that's my suggestion to you... and get a hunk of rope about this big... and then go to the rickety-stool store.
Compren una soga, esa es mi sugerencia. Una soga fuerte. Y no olviden comprar un banquito.
I don't want to get political or anything like that, but...
No quiero entrar en política, pero...
And he came in, and he was very quiet, and he came up to me, and he kissed me on that area between my uh... my um... forehead and the bridge of my nose.
Él entró, se acercó a mí de manera silenciosa y me besó en este lugar, entre mi frente y mi nariz.
"I want to have one of them orgasms" that's uh... "three-over-two times as strong as the..."
"Quiero uno de esos orgasmos que son... una y media veces más fuerte que"..
" I knew that advanced-math degree was going to come in handy sometimes,
Sabía que ese título en matemática avanzada sería útil algún día.
I was in the airport, and guys were asking me for my ID, and it occurred to me that ID is a strange abbreviation, because "I" is short for "I,"
Estaba en el aeropuerto y me pidieron mi identificación. Ellos la llaman "ID" para abreviar, y es raro, porque la "I" significa "I", y la "D"... significa "dentificación", entonces...
It seems to me "D" is doing most of the... legwork on that one.
Me parece que la "D" está haciendo... la mayoría del trabajo.
So you needed that time for the picture to make any sense or have any resonance.
Necesitabas ese tiempo para que la foto tuviese sentido.
"It damn sure ain't going to be Marjorie, I'll tell you that."
Sé que Marjorie no se levantará a hacerlo ".
So a guy will say to me - he'll go, "Hey, Norm", you ever hear of a fella that went by the name of Claude Monet? "
Un sujeto puede decirme : "Oye, Norm, ¿ alguna vez oíste hablar de un sujeto llamado Claude Monet?".
We were talking about Claude Monet, and I just wanted to say "that, you know, what I liked about him was his paintings."
Estábamos hablando de Claude Monet, y quería decir que lo que me gustaba de él eran sus pinturas.
So how many people that went to the moon do we even know?
¿ Cuántas personas conoces que hayan ido a la Luna?
All the way to the moon, and then, that little rope ladder, he wasn't allowed to go down.
Llegó hasta la Luna, y, luego, vio la pequeña escalera, pero no pudo bajarse.
I... I got to wait for my Count Chocula to digest, "but how does that settle with you?"
Todavía debo digerir mi cereal, pero dime si esa hora te parece ".
He said, "You have got to use metaphors." I'm like, "What's that?"
Dijo que debía usar metáforas. Le dije : "¿ Qué es eso?".
"That means you can take a person, you know," and you can give them all the information and everything, "but he still has to be the one to absorb it himself."
"Significa que puedes hallar a una persona, darle información y todo lo que necesita, pero él debe tener la voluntad de hacer las cosas".
If you have a job where you go to work - like Grade 3 - you go to work, and you're 50 times bigger than everybody else that you work with...
Si tienen un trabajo al que van, digamos tercer grado, van allá y son 50 veces más grandes que los demás en la habitación,
I remember, like, I would go over to Shawn Kay's house, and I would have a stick, and that would be the whole day.
Recuerdo ir a la casa de Shawn Kay, encontraba un palo, y estaba resuelto mi día.
It doesn't scare me that much, but... it's supposed to scare you.
Bueno, no me asusta mucho, pero se supone que me asuste.
"It's funny you say that, Jerome," because when you say it, I realize that that's only one tenth of what I used to get from a single episode of...
Qué gracioso, Jerome, cuando lo dijiste, me di cuenta que eso es una décima parte de lo que solía ganar con un episodio de...
And it's funny that some of the commandments are very easy to obey, and some are very difficult.
Es curioso que algunos mandamientos son fáciles de cumplir y otros muy difíciles.
Well, it's pretty easy to obey that, you know?
Es fácil cumplir con ese.
But then there's other ones that are really hard to obey, like there's one that says,
Pero hay otros bastante complicados. La biblia dice :
And he has a big thing around his neck, like a bell, and that causes him... neck problems, so I have to take that off.
Tiene una cosa enorme en su cuello, como una campana, y eso le causa problemas de espalda, debo quitársela.
"I'm the guy that goes from town to town..." fucking and murdering entire families...
Yo soy el sujeto que va de pueblo en pueblo teniendo sexo con familias y matándolas,
"And leaving conflagrations of ashes that used to be human beings."
dejando restos de cenizas que solían ser personas.
You don't have to do that one.
No tienen que usarlo.
That's how they try to trick you, you know?
Así es como nos engañan.
"Remember yesterday when you threw that bone and it turned out to be a rubber bone?"
"¿ Recuerdas cuando lanzaste ese hueso ayer y era de goma?".
I go, "Yes, you can do that." "I'm just going to keep kissing you."
"Sí, puedes hacerlo". "Voy a seguir besándote".
Yeah, that's what I'm going to do - end a special...
Sí, eso es lo que haré. Terminaré esto...
- I need Mike to drop that case.
Necesito que Mike deje el caso.
- Then you're gonna put that in writing and you're gonna deliver it to Alex's client.
Vas a poner eso por escrito y se lo llevarás al cliente de Alex.
- So basically you came here to look at what he eats and to say that this is a "no" for the wedding.
Básicamente viniste a ver lo que come - y a decir que no sirve para la boda.
To give me sweet advice like that.
Para darme un dulce consejo como ese.
- Well, that, and to tell the mighty Harvey Specter I took his toilet bowl for a test drive.
Bueno, para eso y para decirle al poderoso Harvey Specter que utilicé su baño.
- to the other associates? - Better than the one we're sending out now which is that this firm
Mejor que el que mandamos ahora.
So instead of telling me that you're not gonna hire Stephanie back, why don't you go tell the lord God almighty that if he is not careful, he's not gonna have a kingdom to rule over anymore!
Así que en lugar de decirme que no recontratarás a Stephanie, ¿ por qué no vas a decirle a Dios Todopoderoso que si no tiene cuidado no va a tener un reino al cual gobernar?
Seriously, Mike, I know how hard that was for you, and I don't want there to be any bad blood
En serio, sé lo duro que fue eso para ti. No quiero que existan resentimientos entre Alex y tú.
- I never want back on your desk, Harvey, and I'm here to tell you that your honeymoon as Managing Partner is over.
Nunca quise regresar a tu escritorio. Y vine aquí a decirte que tu luna de miel como socio director se acabó.
- I'm gonna let that go because you need to understand that right now
Dejaré pasar eso. Debes comprender que la gente está enojada contigo.
- Maybe you didn't know this, but that's good enough to get you into the Hall of Fame.
Tal vez no lo sabías, pero con eso basta para que entres al Salón de la Fama. ¿ Sabes qué?
- Starting with your number two. - What's that supposed to mean?
Comenzando por tu número dos.
to that end 82
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25