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Try and stop me traduction Espagnol

486 traduction parallèle
Just try and stop me.
Trata de detenerme.
- Try and stop me!
- Intente detenerme.
- You try and stop me.
- Trate de impedírmelo.
- You try and stop me.
- Intente detenerme.
Sit anywhere you want to, but don't try and stop me from carrying out orders.
Siéntate donde quieras, pero no trates de evitar que yo cumpla con mis órdenes.
Well, you try and stop me.
- ¿ No? Intenta detenerme.
Try and stop me, someone.
Que alguien intente detenerme.
Please someone try and stop me.
Por favor, que alguien intente detenerme.
Will arrive Thursday, and try and stop me.
Llegaré el jueves con toda seguridad.
- You're not going to try and stop me, are you, Ole?
- No vas a intentar impedirlo, ¿ verdad?
You must not try and stop me, Mrs. Shackleford.
No intente detenerme, Sra. Shackleford.
He'll start on the prowl, looking for me with a cold howling heart of hate... and a gun full of bullets to try and stop me from talking about what I don't know.
Estará buscándome lleno de odio... y armado para que no diga nada aunque sepa muy poco.
Mister, I'd like to see anybody try and stop me.
Me gustaría que alguien tratara de impedírmelo.
Now that I'd talked to her, I made up My mind I was going to be near her, even if Sam Tevlin came Back from the dead to try and stop me.
Ahora que había hablado con ella, decidí que permanecería a su lado incluso si Sam Tevlin volvía de entre los muertos para impedirlo.
Anyone here gonna try and stop me?
¿ Alguien va a intentar detenerme?
And if you try and stop me, you're just being selfish, Jane.
Y si intentas detenerme, sólo estás siendo egoísta, Jane.
Oh, yeah? Try and stop me.
¡ Intente detenerme!
Try and stop me.
Intenta detenerme.
If I meet a girl with a firm leg, a full bosom and a warm heart let no man try and stop me.
- Sí. Si hay una chica de muslos firmes y corazón cálido, nadie me detendrá.
Don't try and stop me, Abner, I'm going over there.
No intentes detenerme, Abner. Voy a ir allí.
Try and stop me.
Intentad detenerme.
Now don't try and stop me!
Ahora, no trates de detenerme!
I'm goin'. Pretend to try and stop me.
Finge que intentas atraparme.
So, if it seems like I'm doing it wrong, you have to get on my case and if I try to deviate from it, you have to stop me.
Así que si lo hago mal, tienes que guiarme... y si me desvío, detenme.
I love Claire and whatever you try to do to stop it, I'll marry her and tell your husband what you've done. I don't want to hear anymore of your pleas.
Amo a Claire y aunque intente impedirlo, me casaré con ella y le contaré a su marido lo que ha hecho.
I love Claire and whatever you try to do to stop it, I'll marry her and tell your husband what you've done.
Amo a Claire y aunque intente impedirlo, me casaré con ella y le contaré a su marido lo que ha hecho.
I told him I lived with my Brother to try and stop him, But he just won't Stay put.
Le dije que vivía con mi hermano para que me deje, pero no lo ha hecho.
Y no trates de detenerme.
And if they try to stop me, I'll dump her into their laps.
Y si intentan detenerme, la arrojaré del coche.
I did, Rebecca Perry. Now you get a lawyer and try to stop me from spending my own money any way I like.
Ahora búscate un abogado y trata de impedir que gaste mi dinero como quiera.
And if you try to stop me So help me, I'll get you, if it takes all my life.
Si intenta impedírmelo, le aseguro que me las pagará.
And don't you dare try to stop me.
No intente detenerme.
And woe to those who try to stop me!
¡ Y que nadie me detenga!
I had to try and stop it, but Mr Barras convinces me I'm wrong.
Traté de detenerlo pero el Sr. Barras me convenció de que estoy equivocado.
Try and stop me, you coward.
- ¡ No te lo permitiré!
You're going back to town with me tonight. In the morning, you'll take the first train out. Kay will have the marriage annulled and if you try to stop her, or show up in this part of the country again, you'll be jailed!
Me acompañará a la ciudad, cogerá el primer tren, Kay anulará el matrimonio y, si vuelve a aparecer por aquí, lo encerrarán.
Well, i'm going to try and stop it, and you're coming with me.
Intentaré evitarlo. Y tú vienes conmigo.
- Just try and stop me!
- ¡ Inténtelo y verá!
And don't you or anybody else try to stop me.
Y ni tú ni nadie podrá impedírmelo.
And don't try to stop me.
No intente impedirmelo.
And if I try to make a break for it, stop me any way ya know how.
Si trato de escapar, impídelo sea como sea.
Try to stop me and I'll have you put in jail and him declared incompetent
Intente impedírmelo y la mandaré a prisión y haré que a él le declaren incompetente. ¿ Por qué no se calla?
First Burdette's men stop me, and now you stand there and try...
Primero me retienen los hombres de Burdette y ahora usted intenta...
If I try to stop her, she locks herself in her room and doesn't answer.
Hemos llegado a tal punto que si voy detrás de ella, se encierra con llave... y no me contesta.
Once I even threw myself into the sea to try and stop that noise.
Una vez incluso me lancé al mar para tratar de detener ese ruido.
And you won't try to stop me?
Y no va a tratar de detenerme? Detenerle?
And don't you try to stop me.
- No trate de pararme.
I'm going crazy, that's all, and don't try to stop me.
Me estoy volviendo loco, es todo, no intente detenerme.
I'm leaving the hospital, and please don't try to stop me well, would you like a bigger room?
Me voy, no trate de detenerme, por favor. ¿ Quiere una habitación más grande?
- You try and stop me.
- ¡ Intenta a pararme!
I'm going to go on looking for him. And nobody's going to stop me even if they try to kill me.
Yo seguiré buscándolo y nadie me va a detener!

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