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Trying to make it home traduction Espagnol

25 traduction parallèle
♪ trying to make it home ♪ ♪ doing it by my lonesome ♪
- S04E02 "¿ Dónde está Waldo?"
♪ trying to make it home ♪ ♪ doing it by my lonesome ♪ ♪ pissed off, who wants some?
Una traducción de Subtitulos.es...
Isabel was 15, just trying to make it home from high school.
Isabel tenía 15 años, se dirigía a casa desde la escuela.
♪ On this lonely road, trying to make it home ♪
"Nobleza Obliga" Traducción : subtitulos.es.
♪ On this lonely road, trying to make it home ♪
Justified S06 E04 "Basura y la serpiente" Traducción : subtitulos.es.
If he's alive, the marshals got him, and if he ain't... the more, the better. ♪ On this lonely road, trying to make it home ♪
Si está vivo los marshal le han cogido y si no... mucho mejor.
They were clearing woods and plowing and raising children, trying to make a home of it.
Sólo trabajaban los campos y criaban a sus hijos
Our friends are on second base and trying to make it all the way home.
Nuestros amigos llegaron a segunda base y tratan de anotar carrera.
You're trying to make me mad at you so I'll tell you to stay home. Well, it didn't work at our wedding, and it's not gonna work now.
Oh, ¿ podrías traerme unas pantys... sin talón, con encajes en la cadera, y uh, unos tampones?
Yeah, teenagers come over from Jersey, go into the clubs, get drunk and high. And then they drive home 7000 miles an hour, trying to make it out of town before curfew.
Adolescentes de Jersey, se emborrachan y conducen a once mil por hora para cumplir el toque de queda.
So, try to make yourself at home, girl, but keep it down,'cause I'm trying to get some work done in here.
Entonces, siéntete como en tu casa, pero... Mantén la voz baja, porque estoy intentando trabajar acá.
You trying to make it feel like sweet home Calcutta?
¿ Estás tratando de que esto se parezca a tu hogar en Calcuta?
I mean, I sort of float around here trying not to make a mess, almost like it's someone else's home.
Quiero decir, ando como flotando por aquí tratando de no hacer un desastre...
Trying to breathe, hoping to make it home to Jack.
Intentando respirar, deseando conseguir llegar a casa con Jack.
I'm really trying to make it a home.
Estoy intentando que sea un hogar.
I heard you were going home with Dominic, which is obviously a terrible idea, and I want to let you know my confidence couldn't be any higher and that I will never, ever stop trying to make love to you, so you might as well just get it over with now, and maybe I'll leave you alone.
He escuchado que te ibas a casa con Dominic, lo que es una idea terrible, y quiero hacerte saber que mi confianza no podría estar más alta y que nunca jamás dejare de intentar hacerte el amor, así que podrías simplemente pasar de esto ahora mismo,
We spent every penny we earned trying to make that house our dream home, and now we have to sell it because he can't afford to buy me out.
Gastamos cada centavo que ganamos en intentar hacer de esa casa la casa de nuestros sueños, y ahora tenemos que venderla porque no puede permitirse el lujo de comprar mi parte.
Your savior has arrived. ♪ On this lonely road ♪ ♪ trying to make it home ♪
Vuestro mesías ha llegado.
♪ on this lonely road, trying to make it home ♪
Justified S06 E01 "La mano derecha del destino"
♪ On this lonely road, trying to make it home ♪
Traducción : subtitulos.es.
♪ On this lonely road, trying to make it home ♪
Justified S06 E06 "Revivir" Traducción : subtitulos.es.
Well, the tumor sees itself as a sweet, cute, fat-cheeked baby just trying to make its way into the world, and we want to stop it, destroy it, tear it from its happy little home like barbarians.
Bueno, él se ve a sí mismo como un bebé dulce, bonito y mofletudo intentando hacerse hueco en el mundo, y nosotros queremos pararlo, destruirlo, arrancarlo de su pequeño hogar feliz como bárbaros.

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