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Tyrone traduction Espagnol

664 traduction parallèle
Tyrone surprised us.
Tyrone nos sorprendió.
Tyrone's rebellion in Ulster.
La rebelión de Tyrone en Ulster.
Two generals, landing north and south, meeting to crush Tyrone.
Desembarcando al norte y al sur, para acorralar a Tyrone.
If I fail to crush Tyrone, take my sword. I'll never use it again.
Y si fracaso, tomen mi espada, porque no la volveré a usar.
One bold, swift advance now, and we'd have Tyrone in a trap.
Con un rápido y decisivo avance, tendríamos a Tyrone en nuestras manos.
Is she in league with Tyrone?
¿ Estará arreglada con Tyrone?
- No. To smash Tyrone.
- No, para aniquilar a Tyrone.
I have a message from our general, Tyrone.
- Tengo un mensaje del general Tyrone.
You're the Earl of Tyrone?
¿ Usted es el conde de Tyrone?
You're a great fighter, Tyrone.
Es un gran guerrero, Tyrone.
I left it worse than I found it, for which Tyrone sends you his thanks.
La dejé peor de lo que la encontré, por lo que Tyrone envía las gracias.
If you gave me support, I'd have beaten Tyrone and forced peace in a month.
Si me hubiese apoyado habría vencido a Tyrone, y logrado la paz en un mes.
... and on Friday night, rather than our usual educational film... which was going to be The Life Cycle of the Earthworm... we shall give you Tyrone Power in South Sea Love.
CÁMARA DE COMERCIO DE STONEFIELD BIENVENIDO A LA SEMANA DEL PROGRESO... y el viernes por la noche, en lugar de la película educativa habitual... que iba a ser El ciclo de vida de la lombriz... veremos a Tyrone Power en Amor en el Pacífico Sur.
What do you want me to tell Tyrone Power?
¿ Qué quieres que le diga a Tyrone Power?
Little Roxane, a sweet tyrone with short skirts and long hair.
La pequeña Roxana la dulce tirana de faldas cortas y cabellos largos.
I wanna thank you for what you're doin'for my son, Tyrone.
Quiero agradecerle lo que está haciendo por mi hijo.
Yes, Tyrone?
- ¿ Qué quieres, Tyrone?
Thank you, Tyrone.
Gracias, Tyrone.
That's you, Tyrone.
Su turno.
My name is Tyrone Power.
¡ Hola! Me llamo Tyrone Power.
I'm sorry, but there is no service at this late hour. Oh, he's an old friend. Serve him a drink, please.
Se casó con el actor Tyrone Power, y es la madre de Romina Power, que actuó como Justine en la película de Jesús Franco del mismo nombre.
Mr. Tyrone!
Sr. Tyrone!
I went down to Mr. Tyrone like you ordered and he said he'd come right away but...
He avisado al señor y ha dicho que venía enseguida.
Alright Cathleen. Tell Bridget I'm sorry but she'll have to wait a few minutes until Mr. Tyrone is here.
Dile a Bridget que espere a que haya llegado.
It doesn't remind me of anything, except perhaps Mr. Tyrone's snores.
No me recuerda nada. Salvo los ronquidos del señor.
I was brought up in a respectable home and educated in the best convent in the middle-west before I met Mr. Tyrone.
Yo me crié en una casa respetable. Y me educaron en el mejor convento del Medio Oeste. Antes de conocer al señor Tyrone.
Even though Mr. Tyrone has made me go with him on all his tours.
Aunque Mr. Tyrone me hizo viajar con él en todos sus bolos.
"Well" I says "it's none of your damn business" but if you must know it's for the lady I work for, Mrs. Tyrone who's sitting out there in the automobile.
Le dije que no era asunto suyo. Pero si necesitaba saberlo, era para mi patrona la señora Tyrone, que está ahí fuera, en el coche.
I might have gone if I hadn't fallen in love with Mr. Tyrone or I might have become a nun.
Hubiera ido, de no enamorarme del señor Tyrone. O podía haberme hecho monja.
If you think Mr. Tyrone is handsome now, Cathleen, you should have seen him when I first met him.
Si crees que el señor Tyrone es guapo tenías que haberle visto cuando le conocí.
You can imagine how... excited I was when my father wrote telling me he and James Tyrone had become friends and I was to meet him when I went home for my Easter vacation.
Imagínate cómo me puse cuando mi padre me escribió. Decía que él y James Tyrone eran amigos. Y que yo le conocería durante las vacaciones de Semana Santa.
I fell in love with James Tyrone and was so happy... for a time.
Me enamoré de James Tyrone y era tan feliz... durante un tiempo.
County Tyrone.
El condado de Tyrone.
Well, at the fair last year in County Tyrone, I was fisticuffs champion.
En la fer ¡ a del condado de Tyrone, fu ¡ campeón de boxeo.
County Tyrone.
- El condado de Tyrone.
O'Neill of Tyrone has risen.
O'Neill de Tyrone se ha levantado.
Tyrone has taken a fort upon the Blackwater.
Tyrone ha tomado una fortaleza en el Blackwater.
" while Tyrone is in the north.
Mientras que Tyrone está en el norte.
" You march south while Tyrone is in the north.
" Usted marcha hacia el sur mientras Tyrone está en el norte.
"With 3 / 4 of your men in garrisons, you have no power to take Tyrone."
" Con 3 / 4 de sus hombres en las guarniciones, No tiene poder para tomar a Tyrone.
We cannot take Tyrone.
No podemos tomar Tyrone.
There still remains Tyrone.
Todavía queda Tyrone.
Then send word to Tyrone!
¡ Entonces envíe una palabra a Tyrone!
I should have liked to have seen Tyrone just once...
Me hubiera gustado ver a Tyrone una sola vez...
But could you not have marched with a full army against Tyrone and brought him down?
¿ Pero no podría haber marchado con un ejército completo contra Tyrone, y tirarlo abajo?
Blood and Sand. Tyrone Power, Rita Hayworth.
Tyrone Power y Rita Hayworth.
- Have you seen Tyrone?
- ¿ Habeis visto a Tyrone?
Tyrone wasn't in history and since y'all missed Mr. Mason's class... he moved the midterm up from Friday to Monday.
No estaba en historia y como faltasteis a la clase de Mason cambio el examen del Viernes al Lunes.
If you see Tyrone, tell him to come.
Si ves a Tyrone, dile que venga.
You've got it, Tyrone.
( Tyrone as narrator ) With never a glance at the rising trout the inspector passed on his way.
Sin tan siquiera mirar la salida de la luna, el Inspector sigue su camino.

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