Uncompromising traduction Espagnol
170 traduction parallèle
.. but at dawn the Grim Reaper sighted his uncompromising adversary.
"... pero al alba, Pérfido avistaba a su irreductible adversario. "
He was just and forgiving, but he was also a man and a stern and uncompromising judge of character.
Era justo y clemente, pero también era un hombre... y un severo e inflexible juez de las personas.
"Of a cruel and uncompromising world."
... e insoportable mundo.
May those who are my friends try to forgive me for taking this way out. "Of a cruel and uncompromising world."
Espero que mis amigos me perdonen por haber decidido dejar este... cruel e insoportable mundo.
To millions of people I am suppose to say I know my husband to be honest, uncompromising, fearless.
A millones de personas se supone que le diga que conozco a mi marido y que es honrado, inflexible, intrépido.
" I see a man who is honest, uncompromising,
" Veo un hombre honrado, inflexible,
It's a life of suffering and of hardship and uncompromising devotion to your oath and your duty.
Es una vida de dolor y privaciones. Y de entrega inquebrantable al deber y al juramento.
She is a harsh and uncompromising woman.
Es una mujer severa e intransigente.
The defeated Carmilla became the uncompromising Millarca ;
La derrotada Carmilla convirtio inflexible a Millarca ;
So my friends were happy to accuse me of being ambitious and uncompromising... two qualities which I lay claim to.
Así que mis amigos me acusan de ser ambicioso e intransigente... dos apelaciones de las que me culpo.
And uncompromising in the ways of achieving it.
E intransigente para lograrlo.
in his retreat at Saint-Mesmain where the former prime minister, wrongly known for misanthropy, made a warm welcome, to him who was for more than 30 years his most uncompromising opponent.
en su retiro en Saint-Mesmain donde el ex Presidente, poco conocedor de la misantropía, le dio una cálida acogida, al que fue durante más de 30 años su más intransigente opositor.
I, since he was disgraced and cast into the wide life, I remember it and I love it more, if it fits, but his father, with the one of which he is authority, and, especially, for the years, is very uncompromising and with a dot of honor that is no longer carried.
Yo, desde que se desgració y se echó a la vida ancha, la recuerdo y la quiero más, si cabe, pero su padre, con el aquel de que es autoridad, y, sobre todo, por los años, está muy intransigente
As you know, I've steadfastly maintained an uncompromising position about women's rights and the equality of sexes.
Como Ud. Sabe, he mantenido en firme una posición inquebrantable sobre los derechos de las mujeres...
Nowadays it is very difficult find an uncompromising woman.
Hoy en día, es muy difícil encontrar una mujer libre.
Gentlemen, Fourchaume and Castagnier... uncompromising builders of the Indestructible... the living and sailing symbol of our country here and beyond our borders.
Fourchaume y Castagnier... - ¡ Bravo, Castagnier! Los esforzados y valientes constructores de La indestructible, esta audaz y altiva embarcación, hoy más que nunca símbolo flotante de la inmortalidad, de la potencia naval francesa que llena de orgullo y satisfacción al país entero, en su plena y esplendorosa realidad.
No one's going to put you into an uncompromising position.
No te van a obligar a hacer algo que no quieras.
He's uncompromising, pure.
Es puro, sin compromisos.
And the most uncompromising measures are necessary.
Es necesario la más inflexible de las medidas.
The coal miners of wales have long been famed For their tough, rugged life hewing the black gold From the uncompromising hell of one mile under.
Sabemos que los galeses extraen el oro negro... de las entrañas de la Tierra en duras condiciones.
He senses that despite my apparent "uncompromising leftism," I am actually shifting toward the right because I systematically attack the men of the "United Left."
Intuye que, bajo la apariencia de "la izquierda sin concesión", me iré desplazando hacia la derecha, y que por esa razón ataco sistemáticamente a "los hombres de la izquierda unida".
You're a man of great talent, bold and uncompromising.
Es valiente, honesto, inteligente.
His royal patron was deposed and he was excommunicated from the Lutheran church for his uncompromising independence on questions of belief.
Su mecenas real fue depuesto y Kepler fue excomulgado por su independencia inflexible en materia de fe.
You used to be so strong, demanding, uncompromising.
Solías ser fuerte, exigente, sin concesiones.
" Colorless, humorless, uncompromising,
" Soso, sin sentido del humor e intransigente,
Italian chair designers are so uncompromising now.
Los diseñadores son muy atrevidos.
I say we will be as harsh as truth, as uncompromising as justice.
" Seremos tan duros como la verdad, tan inflexibles como la justicia.
In that uncompromising duel
¿ Quién en duelo halló destino?
You're right. That series they did on oat fungus was an uncompromising piece of journalism.
Sí, la serie que publicaron sobre aquel hongo de la avena es un ejemplo perfecto de periodismo imparcial.
Well, you do have a... uncompromising quality.
Bueno, usted tiene a... Calidad garantizada.
When she's touchy... it's because she's uncompromising.
Cuando ella es susceptible... es porque es inflexible.
They confront these uncompromising universes with equal arms.
Ellos confrontan estos Inflexibles universos con las mismas armas.
A beautiful, uncompromising, hard and wide nurse of men.
Una preciosa, intransigente, dura y ancha enfermera de hombres.
-... and uncompromising.
-... y severa.
americans like to think of themselves as uncompromising.
A los americanos les gusta pensar de sí mismos
Pero inflexible.
Everything must be written with a steady, uncompromising hand.
Todo debe ser escrito con mano firme e inflexible.
You must be vigilant unrelenting uncompromising.
Tienes que estar alerta ser implacable inflexible.
- Clean, uncompromising...
Limpia, inflexible...
Domineering, uncompromising, pigheaded... brilliant.
Dominante, inflexible, testaruda... brillante.
Uncompromising men are easier to admire.
Es fácil admirar a los que no se doblegan.
The failure of the so-called decent or moderate white person to take a positive and uncompromising stand....
El fracaso del llamado hombre blanco "decente" o "moderado" en defender, de una manera positiva e inflexible...
Porte miss was a little... uncompromising.
La señorita Puerta se está mostrando un poco... intransigente.
What a bold, uncompromising move.
Menuda estupidez.
Too uncompromising.
Demasiado intransigente.
The transmuting voice, uncompromising legislator says : holy word, heavenly music, testimony, warranty and oath
La voz transformadora, intransigente del legislador afirma : santa palabra, música celestial, testimonio, garantía y juramento
It was a kind of an uncompromising comic attitude and setting that I really admired.
La actitud y las situaciones eran muy cómicas, y eso era lo que yo admiraba.
Unflinching, uncompromising, un -... ... happy.
Independiente, inflexible, in - feliz.
It's his uncompromising standard.
es su política intransigente.
It belongs to men who know that freedom's fight must be forever, relentless, uncompromising and fair.
Pertenece a hombres que sepan que la lucha por la libertad debe ser por siempre, implacable, sin compromisos y justa.
This relentless activity is a reminder that if final-hour diplomacy stumbles, then action against Iraq will be both certain and uncompromising.
Esta implacable actividad recuerda que si la dimplomacia de ultima hora falla, la accion contra Iraq sera certera e inflexible.