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Unsuccessful traduction Espagnol

465 traduction parallèle
I've been so unsuccessful in disposing these other lots, that I'm gonna give away a half a pound of tea with every lot I sell from now on.
He fracasado en disponer de los otros lotes, que voy a dar media libra de té con cada lote vendido de aquí en adelante.
If you were an example as a geisha to be unsuccessful would be no calamity.
Si tú eres un ejemplo de geisha... no tener éxito no es ninguna desgracia.
Regret humble efforts have been unsuccessful.
Lamento que humildes esfuerzos han sido infructuosos.
So far I've been unsuccessful in persuading mine to bloom by moonlight, or any other kind of light.
Hasta ahora no he logrado... hacer que florezcan con la luz de la luna... ni con ninguna otra luz.
Then batter safe door to give appearance... of unsuccessful attempt at burglary.
Luego maltrató puerta de caja para que pareciera... infructuoso intento de robo.
Is possible, but if secretary's search unsuccessful... suggest you look in own safe.
Es posible, pero si la búsqueda de su secretario fracasa... sugiero que busque en su caja fuerte.
Untalented, unsuccessful. Shut up, Cabrissade!
¿ Qué diferencia hay entre un canicastro sin talento y uno sin éxito?
That, my dear, was an unsuccessful attempt on the life of Michael Shayne.
Fue una tentativa de asesinato fallida contra Michael Shayne.
".. in all the years that I have been unsuccessful in politics,
" en todos los años que llevo fracasando en la política...
In an attempt to make away with it from London was unsuccessful.
En Londres intentaron robársela, sin éxito.
"Efforts to discover the whereabouts of this unhappy and misguided man have so far been unsuccessful."
"Los esfuerzos para descubrir el paradero de este hombre infeliz y equivocado han fracasado por el momento."
It hurts you watching me drunk and unsuccessful, right?
Te duele verme fracasado y borracho, ¿ verdad?
Necessary or not necessary successful and unsuccessful or non-committal.
Son necesarias o innecesarias, con éxito o sin él o de trámite.
You all came to this camp as a punishment, because you have made attempts, repeated and unsuccessful attempts... to escape from other camps for prisoners of war.
Todos vinieron a este campamento como castigo. Aquellos que han intentado fugarse, repitiéndose en más intentos fallidos vinieron de otros campamentos como prisioneros de guerra.
The attempt was unsuccessful?
EI intento fracasó.
I'm sure that if the world's foremost atomic scientists has been unsuccessful, There is no physical force which will be more effective than those already been tried.
Si los mejores científicos nucleares no han podido, no habrá fuerza sica que sea efectiva.
On June 24th, one week after the unsuccessful raid on the Montmartre, Eliot Ness was summoned to the Chicago office of the new United States District Attorney, Beecher Asbury.
El 24 de junio, una semana después de la redada fallida en el Montmartre, Eliot Ness fue citado en la oficina de Chicago del nuevo fiscal de distrito de los Estados Unidos, Beecher Asbury.
That's how they explained the mutated births... unsuccessful experiments passed on... from generation to generation, carried in the blood.
Así explicaban los mutantes : experimentos sin éxito pasados... de una generación a otra, transportados en la sangre.
I'd been engaged in an unsuccessful business speculation.
Estuve comprometido en un fracaso comercial.
- You eat envy, unsuccessful.
- Te come la envidia, fracasada.
Do drop in anytime you'd care to meet some unsuccessful politicians.
Pase cuando quiera si desea conocer algunos políticos fracasados.
They were unsuccessful. - How could anything so crude...
No tuvieron éxito. ¿ Cómo puede algo tan crudo...
That you were unsuccessful again?
- ¿ Que había fracasado de nuevo?
You have made quite a few unsuccessful attempts.
Porque ya lleva varios intentos fallidos.
We were unsuccessful 3 times.
Fallamos en tres ocasiones.
Let me remind you of the execution of Damiens after his unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Louis the Fifteenth.
Permítanme recordarles la ejecución de Damiens tras su infructuoso intento de asesinar a Luis XV.
We have been unsuccessful.
Fallamos el intento. Iremos en persona.
I couldn't help noticing that you were making an unsuccessful suicide bid.
No pude evitar percatarme de su intento fallido de suicidio.
If the vote is unsuccessful then the papers are burned with wet straw and the smoke from the chapel will be black.
Si la votación no tiene éxito los papeles se quemarán con paja mojada y la fumata será negra.
Yet our attempts to contact the station's personnel have been, so far, unsuccessful.
Pero nuestras tentativas de contactar al personal del centro han sido, hasta ahora, infructuosas.
Efforts to save him were unsuccessful... and he died shortly thereafter.
Apesar del tratamjento jnmedjato y los esfuerzos de los médjcos... el actor fallecjó sjn cobrar la conscjencja.
Here is an unsuccessful encyclopaedia salesman.
He aquí un vendedor de enciclopedias sin éxito.
Now here are two unsuccessful encyclopaedia salesmen.
Y ahora dos vendedores de enciclopedias sin éxito.
Your interrogation has been completely unsuccessful.
Su interrogatorio ha sido totalmente infructuoso.
Even though I was an unsuccessful composer and a revolutionary wanted by the police.
A pesar de que yo era un compositor fracasado y perseguido por la Ley por intriga revolucionaria.
Turned out his father was once... an unsuccessful candidate for governor of Delaware.
Resultó ser que su padre una vez fue... un candidato al que no eligieron como gobernador de Delaware.
Unsuccessful candidate.
Un candidato al que no eligieron.
Is it ever unsuccessful?
Dígame, ¿ alguna vez sale mal?
The stuffy-looking marabous are members of the elegant and aristocratic stork family but thousands of years ago, they started making their living by disposing of the remains of dead animals and they began to look more and more like unsuccessful undertakers.
Los relamidos marabú son una familia elegante y aristocrática de cigüeñas pero muchos años atrás comenzaron a alimentarse de carroña y comenzaron a parecerse a unos sepultureros.
Maybe unsuccessful.
Fallido, tal vez.
How do you think his wife felt after an unsuccessful relationship?
¿ Cómo cree que se sentía su esposa después del fracaso de una relación?
All unsuccessful Orion missions end in suicide.
Todas las misiones oriones sin éxito terminan en suicidio.
But many of these tests were unsuccessful...
Pero muchos de sus estudios fueron infructuosos.
My suicide attempt was unsuccessful.
Mi intento de suicidio falló.
Locally, long beach fire and police officials have been unsuccessful in their attempts to find the cause in last night's explosion aboard the Japanese freighter, Suma Mar...
Localmente, oficiales de bomberos y policía no han tenido éxito en sus intentos por encontrar la causa de la explosión de anoche a bordo del carguero japonés Suma Maru.
The trouble is that all efforts at reproduction have been unsuccessful.
Pero todas las tentativas de acoplamiento fallaron.
We tried to establish radio contract, contact with the spacecraft an we were unsuccessful.
Intentamos establecer contrato, contacto por radio con la nave y no tuvimos éxito.
- Unsuccessful time travel.
- Viaje en el tiempo?
Murder, after all, can be committed by anyone- - Rich or poor, Successful or unsuccessful,
Después de todo el asesinato puede ser cometido por cualquiera rico o pobre, exitoso o fracasado, famoso o desconocido, y les demostraré a ustedes que Tom Garrett, autor de éxito, es de hecho un asesino.
Exhausted by their unsuccessful attempts to take the ford, the Germans broke off their attack and took up positions on the heights.
Exhaustos ante sus infructuosos intentos de tomar la plaza los alemanes interrumpieron su ataque y tomaron posiciones en las alturas.

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