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Vera's traduction Espagnol

3,274 traduction parallèle
I mean, let's face it, it's not going to look very pretty, is it?
Osea, hagamosle frente, ¿ no se verá muy bonito, no es verdad?
See, that's- -
- Verá, eso- -
Jessica Davis loved her daughter, and the jury's gonna see that if I have to pull it out of her myself.
Jessica Davis amaba a su hija, y el jurado lo verá aunque tenga que obligarla a mostrarlo.
You post these, nobody's gonna watch'em.
Publicas esto, nadie los verá.
He's going to make such an idiot of himself.
Se verá como un idiota.
Well, he's trying to get through... in the garden, trying to not get upstairs, to avoid seeing you... but time will mend his hurt,... and yours, too, you'll soon see, Mistress.
Pues, ahí va, ahí va, en el jardín, intentando no subir para no verla, pero con el tiempo se le pasará, y a usted también, ya lo verá, señorita.
So, see my uncle who, er, who died. He actually fought in the war. Your nan's brother?
Verá mi tío, el que murió, peleó en la guerra.
Steve's seeing his Mum.
Steve verá a su mamá. Hola, Steve.
She's gonna meet you at Hipping Hall tomorrow.
Te verá en el Hipping Hall mañana.
I'm Vera's father.
Soy el papá de Vera.
You see, we want to talk with you... you see, because there's been a misunderstanding.
Verá, que queríamos hablar con usted, por... vamos, porque ha surgido un contratiempo.
If she's involved, she's seen this, and she'll try and save that agent.
Si ella está involucrada, ella verá ésto e intentará salvar al agente.
- It's gonna look great on you.
- Se verá muy bien en ti.
You see, it's my right breast.
Verá, es mi pecho izquierdo.
Something that screams "Completely Pro!" It's got to look totally professional!
¡ Algo que grite "Completamente profesional" se verá profesional!
No one's seeing anyone until we meet him.
Nadie verá a nadie hasta que nosotros no lo hayamos conocido.
He's never gonna hit the wall.
Nunca se verá acabado.
Hey, listen, tell him he's gonna answer my questions or things are going to go very bad for him.
dile que responda mis preguntas o se verá en problemas.
It's gonna look cheesy. "
Se verá de muy mala calidad ".
There's a resemblance, but she isn't the same.
Puede que se parezca, pero Vera no es igual.
Her name's Vera.
Se llama Vera.
And my name isn't Vicente, it's Vera.
Y no me llamo Vicente, Sino Vera.
She's going to wake up and she's going to see us here.
Se despertará y nos verá aquí.
And see, it's a tax shelter kind of thing.
Y verá, es un refugio fiscal.
Well, here's the thing : see, I'm supposed to go into town with my buddies and I've never really been on a motorcycle before, so...
Pues el asunto es verá, que se supone que vaya a la ciudad con mis amigos y nunca había estado en una motocicleta, así que- -
Yes. Well, if you look here on your MRI, you see this cephalopod-like object that's spreading down your spinal column.
Si observa esta sección de la resonancia verá este objeto que se extiende por su columna vertebral.
- It's gonna look fucking weird.
- Se verá raro.
I keep looking back at it, thinking it's gonna be less gross.
Siempre tengo la esperanza de que se verá menos asquerosa.
He's not gonna make us any promises but he'll see if they'll still have us over for dinner.
No nos promete nada... pero verá si nos recibirán para cenar.
So it's all worth it.
Verá que vale la pena.
My mother's home, she'll see us!
¡ Mi mama está en casa, nos vera!
He said he'll call you as soon as he's out and he'll see you at the show tonight.
Dice que llamará al terminar y la verá esta noche.
Well, you see, it's a... It's a...
Pues, verá es un es un...
You know Vera's youngest was in that lot they took away after the bridge was blown.
¿ Sabes que el hijo pequeño de Vera iba en ese lote que se llevaron después de que volaran el puente?
S, Flint saw in the basement.
Sí, Flint lo verá de abajo de la tierra.
♪ But never will you see one that's stuck and in between
♪ Pero nunca te verá que está atascado y entre
- She's going to get it.
- Ahora verá.
That guy's going to spot a SWAT team from a block away, warn Lockwood.
Ese sujeto verá un equipo de SWAT desde una cuadra y le avisará a Lockwood.
You think that's how people are gonna see you?
¿ Crees que así te verá la gente?
gonna be able to make change, and then he's gonna be forced to kiss me 100 times, and when his lips touch mine,
Y entonces se verá forzado a besarme unas 100 veces, y cuando sus labios toquen los míos,
- He's gonna see that as your project.
- Verá eso como un proyecto tuyo.
Hey, your two job's gonna look good on my monthly stats.
Tu nuevo trabajo se verá bien en mis estadísticas mensuales.
Someone's got to rub on the aloe vera.
Alguien tiene que frotar el aloe vera.
You see, the reason she was crying is she's a new member of our safe house that I'm the housemother for.
Verá, el motivo por el que estaba llorando es porque es una nueva miembro de nuestra casa refugio de la que soy directora.
You don't have that seat belt on in the next three seconds, he's gonna see me lay a hand across your backside.
Si no te abrochas el cinturón en tres segundos Él verá como te doy una nalgada.
You see... it's Caretti, isn't it?
Usted verá... Es Caretti ¿ no?
The next couple's here.
¿ Verá a la pareja siguiente?
She's gonna be in these situations all the time.
Se verá en esta situación todo el tiempo.
He will see me dead... and there's nothing I can do about it.
Él me verá muerto... y no hay nada que yo pueda hacer.
Yeah, see, and the way you're looking at me right now, it's why I didn't tell those head doctors anything.
Verá, de la forma en que me está mirando ahora mismo, es por lo que nunca le dije nada a los otros Dres.
Oh, it's a shithole right now, but she'll clean up fine, just you wait.
Ahora es un agujero de mierda, pero bien arreglada... espere y verá.

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