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Verne traduction Espagnol

428 traduction parallèle
- Edith La Verne.
. - Edith La Verne.
All right, Verne.
Bien, Verne.
Don't try anything, Verne, or you'll go back in there.
No se te ocurra intentarlo, o vuelves dentro.
- Don't you like it here, Verne? - No. Does that answer it?
- ¿ No te gusta esto, Verne?
You know about that don't you, Verne?
- Ya lo sabes, ¿ verdad?
You can't win, Verne.
No lo conseguirás.
Verne, I'm going to assign you to the wharf detail outside the walls.
Verne, te asignaré al embarcadero, extramuros.
Verne. Drop it and get moving.
Verne, deja eso, date prisa.
All right, Verne, we've got you. Don't try anything.
Verne, ya te tenemos, entrégate.
How about that, Verne?
¿ Qué dices, Verne?
Take Verne to a dormitory. I'll deal with him in the morning.
Llevadle al dormitorio, me ocuparé de él mañana.
Have you discovered how Verne managed to remain outside the walls?
¿ Saben cómo consiguió Verne quedarse fuera?
Always a little left for friends, Verne.
- Siempre dejo algo para los amigos.
Tell him that I said so. Tell him that Verne says he's a flatheaded maggot.
Dile que Verne le ha tratado de gusano repugnante.
You can have the bunk, Verne.
Te dejo la cama, Verne.
- Maybe there is, Verne, but maybe it isn't blowing your way.
Puede que sí, y puede que no cuente contigo.
- You've got to help me, Verne.
- Debes ayudarme.
- You can't make it, Verne.
- No puedes venir.
I'll lend it to you, Verne.
Yo te los dejaré.
A thousand for Verne and a thousand for me.
Mil por Verne y mil por mí.
So, Verne made it, did he?
Vaya, Verne está aquí.
Hello, Verne. You made it through, huh?
Vaya, Verne, lo has conseguido.
I don't need any with you, Verne.
- No me hace falta contigo. Lo había olvidado.
Did you hear what he said, Verne?
¿ Has oído, Verne?
- He does know, Verne.
- Lo sabe, Verne.
Don't be a fool, Verne.
No seas tonto, Verne.
Don't let me be afraid, Verne. Do you hear?
No dejes que me asuste.
The surs going down, Verne.
Se ha puesto el sol.
We'd better draw lots for that, Verne.
Mejor lo echamos a suertes.
Our palates are in no condition to taste anything, Verne.
Ya no tenemos paladar, Verne.
You're out of luck, Verne, I always get the short end of the deal.
Mala suerte, siempre me toca menos. Toma.
- How lucky do you feel now, Verne?
¿ Tendrás suerte ahora?
You know about the old man with the long whiskers, don't you, Verne?
Conoces al viejo de la barba, ¿ verdad, Verne?
He didn't have what a man needs in this world, what you've got, Verne.
No tenía lo que se necesita en este mundo.
He wasrt strong like you.
Tu sí, Verne, pero él no era fuerte como tú.
Maybe if you'd told me all this, Julie, you'd have told me where Verne fits in.
Si me lo hubieras contado, me habrías hablado de Verne.
So maybe I ought to lie to you and say, "Who cares what happens to Verne?"
Quizá debería mentir y decir : "¿ A quién le importa Verne?"
You'd know I could want a lot of things if Verne were around.
Con Verne a mi lado, querría hacer muchas cosas.
Which is exactly what Verne wants them to do. - Right, Verne?
Eso mismo quiere Verne, ¿ a que sí?
That's Marcus Aurelius, Verne, and a wise man, too.
Lo dijo Marco Aurelio, Verne, un hombre muy sabio.
Well, Cambreau, I hope you have better luck with Verne than you had with me.
Cambreau, ojalá tengas más suerte con Verne.
I'll be back, Verne.
Volveré, Verne.
Not if it came from you, Verne, because you couldn't say it.
- De ti no, Verne. - No lo dirás.
I'd have staked anything that Verne would outlive them all.
Habría apostado a que Verne era el más fuerte de todos.
You could do worse, say with a man like Verne.
Peor sería estar con un hombre como Verne.
Oh, Verne.
Except you, Verne.
- Excepto tú, Verne.
It's too bad Verne was hurt.
- Lo de Verne es una pena.
- I'm afraid I can't use it, Verne.
No creo que pueda usarlo, Verne.
Verne, he's dropping the sails.
Verne, ha arriado la vela.

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