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Very nice to see you traduction Espagnol

191 traduction parallèle
Geoffrey, my boy, how very nice to see you.
Geoffrey, mi muchacho, me alegro de verte.
Es un placer verle de nuevo, Jeff.
My dear fellow, how very nice to see you. Hello, Elliott.
Querido amigo, cómo me alegra verte.
My dear fellow, how very nice to see you.
Querido amigo, cómo me alegro de verte.
- Very nice to see you again.
- Me alegro de volver a verte.
It's very nice to see you.
Es... ... muy agradable verte.
How very nice to see you, Mrs. Marcasson.
Encantado de verla, Sra. Marcasson.
How very nice to see you, Mrs. Marcasson How very nice to see you, Mrs. Marcasson
Encantado de verla, Sra. Marcasson
It's very nice to see you up and about.
Es maravilloso verte de nuevo en pie.
How very nice to see you. Oh!
Es muy placentero verte.
It is very nice to see you.
Me alegro de verla.
Well, it's very nice to see you again.
Me alegra mucho volver a verle.
Me alegra volver a verla.
How very nice to see you.
Encantado de verlos.
How very nice to see you again.
Me alegro de volver a verte.
It's very nice to see you, and I appreciate your coming here tonight.
Me da mucho gusto verlo y aprecio que haya venido esta noche.
- How very nice to see you again.
- Es un placer volver a verlo.
- Very nice to see you here again.
- Me alegro de verla.
Hello, Dr. Rampion, how very nice to see you.
me da mucho gusto verlo.
- General. How very nice to see you.
- General, qué bueno verlo.
( RIMMER ) Very nice to see you again.
Encantado de verlos otra vez.
Very nice to see you.
Encantado de haberlo visto.
Very nice to see you,
Encantado de verle.
She just keeps on! Mrs. Richards, how very nice to see you!
Seguro que el chef me prepara una ensalada Waldorf.
It's very nice to see you again.
Se va a entusiasmar de nuevo.
Oh, your royal highness, how very nice to see you again.
Su Majestad, qué gusto volver a verla.
Mrs Richards, how very nice to see you!
Encantado de verla.
Doctor, how very nice to see you again.
Doctor, qué bueno verte de nuevo.
- Very nice to see you.
- Very nice to see you.
- Encantado de verte.
How very nice to see you.
Qué gusto verlo.
Highness, how very nice to see you.
Alteza, encantado de saludarle.
Oh, my dear fellow, how very nice to see you again.
¡ Oh, mi querido amigo, como muy bueno verte de nuevo.
My dear Graham, how very nice to see you.
Mi querido Graham, me alegra verte.
bravo, that was charming so, good night children it had been very nice of you all to have come now you all go home we'll see each other later good night, it had been very nice
¡ Bravo, ha sido encantador, hija mía! Bueno, buenas noches, niños. Ha sido muy amable que hayáis venido todos.
It's very nice of you to come and see me off, Thyrtle. Pleasure, Davenport.
Gracias por el asiento Thyrtle.
Lady Markby, how very nice of you to come and see me!
Lady Markby, me alegra que venga a verme.
Well, I'm afraid she wouldn't have time, because, you see, besides her novel... she's also engaged to be married to a very nice young fellow.
Me temo que no tendría tiempo porque, además de su novela... está comprometida para casarse con un joven muy agradable.
Its very nice of you to come and see me.
Son muy amables por venir a verme.
I'd like to say how very happy and thrilled we are, ladies and gentlemen, to be appearing here at the Paramount Theater, and how nice it is to see all you nice people.
Me gustaría decir que estamos encantados, señoras y señores, de actuar aquí, en el Teatro Paramount, y que es estupendo verles a todos ustedes.
Well, thank you very much, Miss Kimi, and it was very nice meeting you, Mitsvah Watanibble. And would you tell him, please, that I would like to be his friend and that I'll come and see him before I go back to America?
a Ud tambien, Sr Mitsuvo Watanave y, digale a Mitsuvo que si quisiera me gustaria ser su amigo y vendre a verlo, antes de partir de regreso, a America
A great pleasure to see you again, I have a very nice table for you.
Es un placer verle de nuevo. Tengo una mesa espléndida para ustedes.
Very nice of you to come down here to see me off.
Qué amable venir para despedirme.
It was very nice and gracious of you all to come see me.
Fue muy bonito y gracioso de todos ustedes el venir a verme.
Oh, yes, yes, it's a very nice place to visit, but we'd really hate to live here. You see, I think we're allergic to barbed wire, dogs and German guards.
- oh, sí, sí, es un lugar muy agradable para visitar, pero que realmente odio a vivir aquí verá, yo creo que soy alérgica al alambre de púas, a los perros y a los guardias alemanes
I would like you to meet some very nice people, people who don't know what it's like not to be able to see.
Quiero que conozcas a unas personas muy especiales personas que no saben cómo es ser ciego.
The Sergeant out there, a very nice fellow, told me to come in and see you.
El Sargento, un tipo muy simpático, me ha dicho que me presente a usted.
It was very nice of you to come see me.
Es muy amable en venir a verme.
- It was very nice of you to see -
Le agradezco mucho verme...
Leah, my maid is a nice enough girl to be sure, and John and his wife, well, are very decent people, but then, you see, they are only servants.
Leah, mi criada, es una muchacha agradable, de aseguro, y John y su esposa, bueno, son gente muy decente, pero entonces, usted verá, son sólo sirvientes.
People paying good money to see you and you say impossible. Very nice!
La gente paga por verle actuar y usted dice que es imposible. ¡ Qué bonito!

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