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To the end, the Mexicans viewed the Spaniards as contemptible people who killed brave warriors at a distance with guns,
Al final, los Aztecas veían a los españoles como gente despreciable, que mataba a valientes guerreros a distancia con sus armas.
This show is best viewed with sugar-free treats.
Este programa sabe mejor con dulces sin azúcar.
One viewed with horror the mysterious workings of nature.
Con horror se observaba al misterioso ser de la naturaleza.
To prove the accessibility of the moon, Helius sent the unmanned trial-rocket H. 23 [sic], filled with magnesium, moonward - the explosion of which, upon impact, was viewed and photographed from the earth!
- Para demostrar que se puede llegar a la Luna, Helius ya ha enviado el cohete de prueba H 32, un cohete sin tripulación cargado de magnesio, y la explosión del impacto se ha observado y fotografiado desde la Tierra.
Nor the spirit of man, a material substance that can be viewed under a microscope.
EI alma de un hombre no es una sustancia que pueda verse en un microscopio.
Can the honourable gentleman see his way in some reduction of the uniform rate of income tax? Eight pence in the pound is viewed as a crippling effect on the industry.
Ilustre caballero, ¿ sería posible reducir la tasa del impuesto sobre la renta a ocho peniques viendo su efecto paralizador de la economía?
For the first time in my life... I've viewed the horrible pit into which I've tumbled -
Por primera vez en la vida... vi el foso horrible en el que caí :
Nana, the nursemaid, being a dog, kept her opinions to herself and viewed the whole affair with a certain tolerance.
Nana, la niñera, no siendo humana... no daba opinión... pero aceptaba todo con mucha tolerancia.
Viewed in cross-section, the window is shaped like an hourglass.
Vista en un corte trasversal, la ventana tiene forma de reloj de arena.
And every time I tried to make a pass at... yes, to stop her with a kiss,.. well, I viewed again the face of her father, who was younger than me.
Y yo, cada vez que intentaba interrumpirla con un beso... me encontraba con la cara de su padre que era más joven que yo.
Their break with the past was viewed with great horror by the academic school... who had for so long reigned supreme in French art.
Su rompimiento con el pasado fue recibido con horror por la academia... que durante tanto tiempo reinó en el arte francés.
No form or reason except when viewed through a veil of fever.
No tiene lógica, excepto... si Io ves a través de un velo.
Our ships have been viewed near the point of operations.
Sus naves se ha estado viendo cerca a nuestro punto de operación.
You report that your ship was viewed at scene of your present operations?
¿ Usted reporta que su nave fué vista en el area de operaciones?
They have been viewed many times, but not at the scene of operations.
Ellos nos han visto ya muchas veces, pero no en nuestra área de operaciones.
But beware, this is not a circus act, but scientific, and may be viewed by kids and adults for the modest sum of 0.50 francs.
Pero atención, esto no es un número de circo, sino científico y puede ser visto por niños y adultos por la modesta suma de medio franco.
I feel dumb telling you this, since you've always viewed me so highly...
Me siendo idiota diciéndote esto, cuando siempre me tratas tan bien...
Rome liberates itself, viewed from the heights where the moral judgment reigns,
Roma es libre vista desde la altura de los juicios morales
A painting has to be viewed from the distance.
Hay que mirarlo de lejos.
The sergeant, viewed against the wall, drew his pistol and started shooting, gave Umberto and killed him.
El sargento, al verse contra la pared, sacó la pistola y empezó a disparar, le dio a Umberto y lo mató.
Always we who live are put to death for Jesus so that His deadly torment is viewed on our mortal body.
Los que vivimos somos entregados a la muerte para que la vida de Jesús se manifieste en nuestra carne mortal.
Because a circus elephant is viewed differently...
Porque el elefante se aprecia de manera diferente en el circo...
From a purely military point of view, the operation must be viewed as unsound.
Desde el punto de vista puramente militar, la operación debe verse como algo muy poco sensato.
Mr. Chairman, I think it is better when viewed from a distance, eh?
Señor presidente, creo que se ve mejor desde lejos, ¿ verdad?
Except that it had been viewed earlier by the people of my village... as the body of my late brother.
Excepto que ha sido previamente expuesto a la gente de mi pueblo como si fuera el cuerpo de mi difunto hermano.
He was viewed as one of the good old guys, perhaps a bit senile, but after all, he had given himself to France.
Era visto como uno de los buenos tipos viejos, quizás un poco senil, pero después de todo, se había dado a Francia.
So we viewed it as a brutal attack.
Así que lo vimos como un ataque brutal.
A mountain is most beautiful viewed right from its base. It's like a cradle.
La montaña es más hermosa desde abajo, es como una cuna.
And in this light... and only in this light... should marriage be viewed as a small, single step.
Y desde este punto de vista... y sólo éste... el matrimonio debería considerarse como un sólo paso pequeño.
We who are viewed only with disdain for we are weak.
Nosotros, que sólo somos vistos con desdén, somos débiles.
As for his rival... ( Coiville ) Churchill was viewed with grave misgiving by the establishment, as it would now be called.
En cuanto a su rival... Churchill era visto con recelo por el establishment, como lo llamaban ahora.
Viewed objectively, I'm dead weight.
Desde un punto de vista objetivo, ya soy un cadáver.
For those of you who have not viewed the deceased, please step forward.
Aquéllos que no hayan visto al difunto, acérquense, por favor.
And from what Magenta and Columbia eagerly viewed on their TV monitor there seemed little doubt that Janet was indeed its slave.
Por lo que Magenta y Columbia vieron ávidamente en su televisor no cabía mucha duda de que Janet era su esclava.
These experiments, viewed as science-fiction... by imagination... let's now betake ourselves to the future.
Estos experimentos, vistos como ciencia ficción... por la imaginación... nos transportarán al futuro.
They viewed the championships with an air of mistrust.
Miraban al campeonato con desconfianza.
From this moment on, you may rest assured that the dear lady... is being viewed from the very same angle... through the crosshairs of a telescopic sight.
Desde hoy puedes estar seguro de que se estará vigilando... a esa querida dama desde todos los ángulos... de nuestra mira telescópica.
We'd better get off and change into those things that they designed for us off the entertainments we viewed from Earth.
Mejor nos quitamos esto y nos cambiamos a esas cosas de esparcimiento de la tierra que diseñaron para nosotros.
If you can pick and choose from a large number of stars viewed from any vantage point in space you can always find a resemblance to the pattern you're looking for.
Si se puede escoger entre una gran cantidad de estrellas vistas desde cualquier punto de vista en el espacio siempre se hallará semejanza con el patrón buscado.
Viewed from elsewhere, our system will then resemble the Ring Nebula in Lyra the atmosphere of the sun expanding outward like a soap bubble.
Visto desde otro lugar, nuestro sistema se asemejará a la nebulosa anular de Lira al expandirse la atmósfera solar como una pompa de jabón.
Even though they commit acts... which, calmly viewed afterwards... could only be seen... as unchristian and brutal.
Aunque cometan actos que... vistos después, calmadamente... sólo podrían ser vistos... como poco cristianos y brutales.
And if someone had viewed me or diagonally would look...
Y si hubiera subido alguien y me hubiera visto feo o mirado simplemente..
When viewed from this perspective... it's not too difficult to understand the siege mentality... and severe emotional stress apparent in so many of its officers.
Desde esta perspectiva... no es difícil comprender el estrés emocional... que claramente sufren la mayoría de los agentes.
Some seemed very happy,... but others viewed us with distrust...
Algunos parecían muy contentos, pero los demás nos veían con una desconfianza...
Hope exists if someone believes the earth is not a dream... but a living body... and that sight, touch and hearing do not lie. And that everything I have found here... is like a garden, viewed from outside the garden gate.
Hay esperanza, si quieres creer, de que la Tierra sueño no es, sino cuerpo vivo, que la visión, el tacto y el oído no mienten y todas las cosas que aquí conocí son como un jardín visto desde su portal.
His performance has been viewed by a record 87 million American households.
Tuvo una audiencia récord de 87 millones de hogares.
These learned people, the Righteous Flock, in their infinite wisdom, have decreed that the works ofwilliam Shakespeare, the pearl of English literature, are unfit to be performed by our students and too indecent to be viewed by you.
Estas personas tan cultas, el Rebaño de los Justos, han decretado que las obras de Shakespeare, la perla de la literatura inglesa, no son aptas para los estudiantes y demasiado indecentes para ustedes.
I viewed it yesterday.
La vi ayer.
The treaty isn't viewed very favorably.
No lo vemos con buenos ojos.
The army ranks generally viewed us as dangerous people, who were prepared to shed blood for reasons they felt inadequate. We were surprised by London's insistence that we join together in fighting for the Resistance.
Nos sorprendió la insistencia de Londres de que nos uniéramos para pelear por la Resistencia.
No ship from Earth has ever penetrated those clouds and viewed, close-up, the surface of this tantalizing world.
Ninguna nave terrestre ha atravesado esas nubes ni visto de cerca la superficie de este mundo torturado.

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