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Vlad traduction Espagnol

859 traduction parallèle
- Vlad...
- Vlad...
- Vlad...
- Comrade Vlad!
- ¡ Camarada Vlad!
Comrade Vlad!
¡ Camarada Vlad!
Draculea - the son of Dracul ( the devil ), as they used to call his father - Vlad Dracul. Was he a devil?
Draculea - el hijo de Dracul ( el demonio ), como llamaban a su padre
He was a man.
- Vlad Dracul. ¿ Era un demonio?
So that our merchants have in Brasov the same rights as the ones from Brasov have in Valachia. Our brother Vlad is right.
Para que nuestros comerciantes tengan en Brasov, los mismos derechos que los de Brasov tienen en Valaquia.
Do you remember Vlad, my father's former hostage?
¿ Recuerdas a Vlad, el antiguo rehén de mi padre?
Your brother Vlad has raised his arm against my empire. That arm will fall hit by my sword.
Tu hermano Vlad ha levantado su ejército contra mi imperio.
Now hat his victory over Mahomed brought him prestige?
¿ En lugar de Vlad?
I, Vlad, beg you to forgive my sinful deeds against your power and empire. I know well Transylvania and Hungary.
Yo, Vlad Voievod de Valaquia, le suplico perdone mis pecaminosas acciones contra su imperio y su poder.
In the fifth century, Vlad V of Wallachia, known as Vlad the Impaler to his friends.
En el siglo cinco, Vlad V de Wallachia, conocido por sus amigos como Vlad el Castigador,
Give her time, Vlad.
Dale tiempo, Vlad.
- Good morning, Vlad.
- Buenos días, Vlad.?
Vlad, this is Lucia's Uncle Sal.
Vlad, soy el tío de Lucia, Sal.
Come on, Vlad, we're already here.
Venga, Vlad, ya estamos aquí.
Vlad, give it up, there's nothing going on between you and her any more.
Vlad, desiste. Ustedes dos no tienen mas nada.
Vlad, bring the trash back in here!
Vlad, tráelos de nuevo para acá.
Vlad, to the good old days!
Vlad... por los viejos tiempos.
I went to see our army near the Danube, the one ruled by our son, Vlad.
Fui a ver el ejército del Danubio dirigido por nuestro hijo Vlad.
Vladut... I can't find him.
El pequeño Vlad ha desaparecido.
¡ Vlad!
- From prince Vlad.
De parte del príncipe Vlad.
He sent word that Vladut is kept by Mehmet. He's waiting for me on the other shore.
Me ha dicho que Mehmed tomó a Vlad como rehén... y que me espera con la respuesta en la otra orilla.
Tell me... - It's true that you took Vlad?
Decidme... fuisteis vos quien le salvó, ¿ no es así?
- Vlad, stay here with the army.
Vlad, quédate aquí con el ejército.
- I'm prince Vlad.
- Soy el príncipe Vlad.
I'm prince Vlad!
- Pero soy el príncipe Vlad!
- I will give you my son, Vlad.
- Os daré a mi hijo Vlad.
Maxie and Vlad.
Maxie y Vlad.
I know you're skeptical but if it wasn't for Vlad I wouldn't be alive to be reunited with Neal.
Pero, si atravieso el fuego, será hacia sus corazones, para toda la eternidad.
In 1443, Vlad Dracula raised a large army of peasants to defend all of Transylvania.
En 1443 Vlad Dracul levantó un ejército de campesinos para defender Transilvania.
I am Prince Vlad of Sagite.
Soy el Príncipe Vlad de Sakai.
According to this legend, the castle was originally owned by this family of sorcerers until this Vladislav guy came along and seduced the daughter Cerce.
Según la leyenda el castillo pertenecía a una familia de brujas, Hasta que apareció un tal Vlad que sedujo a una de las hijas, Cierce...
She gave birth to the monstrous Radu and then apparently Vladislav murdered most of the family off, drove the rest of them from the region, and claimed the castle as his own.
Vlad mato a casi toda la familia, expulso a los otros y se quedo con el castillo...
- Vlad, get up here!
¡ Vlad, ven aquí!
Vlad, there's someone in the plane!
¡ Vlad, hay alguien en el avión!
I'm a direct descendant of Vlad the lmpaler, King of Romania.
Soy descendiente directo de Vlad el Empalador, rey de Rumania.
Vlad nailed the turban to his skull.
Vlad clavó el turbante a su cráneo.
- Vladimir Krushkin.
- Vladimir Krushkin. - Vlad.
Vlad, look... ( General ) Don't go chicken on us now.
Oye, Vlad... No se ponga en plan gallina.
I need you. - Vlad.
- Vlad.
Vlad. - You don't always get a second chance.
- Puede que no haya otra oportunidad.
Are you descended from Vlad Tepes, the first Dracula?
¿ Ud. es descendiente de Vlad Tepes, el primer Drácula?
Vlad the lmpaler.
Vlad el Empalador.
Vlad and Jesus Bianco?
¡ ¿ Vladimir y Jesús Bianco?
" Yunus Bey, do you remember Vlad?
" Yunus Bey, ¿ recuerdas a Vlad?
I want you to exile Vlad and devote to Radu, his brother.
" No quiero extender mis territorios sobre sus tierras. Quiero que exilien a Vlad y se entreguen a Radu, su hermano.
Still, if she marries into the family, do I have to hide from Vlad?
Well, we'll just have to meet Vlad and make that decision then.
Entonces, intenta colgarte..... un par de borlas en un buen sitio.
- Vlad.

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