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Wally traduction Espagnol

2,972 traduction parallèle
Wally Sheridan.
Wally Sheridan.
- You and Wally.
Wally y tú.
So, Wally,
- Entonces, Wally,
Wally, you don't believe?
- Wally, ¿ no crees?
Wally, I studied for a year at the conservatory of sorcery in Atlantis.
- Wally, estudié por un año en el Conservatorio de Hechicería de Atlantis.
I don't understand Wally.
- No entiendo a Wally.
Wally uses his understanding of science To control what he cannot comprehend.
- Wally usa su entendimiento de la ciencia para controlar lo que no puede comprender.
Miss manners here is Wally.
La "Señorita modales" aquí es Wally.
Wally, we're in trouble.
Wally, tenemos problemas.
- Poor Wally.
Pobre Wally.
Our Wally certainly isn't that fast, not when it comes to Clearing the table.
Nuestro Wally ciertamente no es rápido, no cuando se trata de limpiar la mesa.
- Wally's fast enough when he wants to be.
Wally es lo suficientemente rápido cuando quiere serlo.
- Wally!
¡ Wally!
Anyway, Wally, Mr. Calvin, arranged it with silman so I could share conjugal visits with him.
De todas formas, Wally, el Sr. Calvin, arregló con Silman y yo podría tener visitas conyugales con él.
Wally said he was tapped out but there was more cash coming in.
Wally dijo que estaba corto de dinero pero había más entrando.
Wally called her that.
Wally la llamaba así.
- Wally?
¿ Wally?
Wally's just a nice old man who's gonna die in prison.
Wally sólo es un agradable viejo que va a morir en prisión.
- Wally talked about his kids all the time.
Wally hablaba de sus hijos todo el tiempo.
The other one, the judge, because Wally said he would hang him if he could.
Al otro, el juez, porque Wally decía que lo colgaría si pudiera.
Well, it's not so much difficult, Wally.
No, no tan difícil, Wally.
Bennie, not Wally.
Bennie, no Wally.
- Thanks, Wally.
- Gracias, Wally.
You're Kid Flash. Wally.
Eres Kid Flash.
- Your name is really Wally?
- Tu nombre real es Wally?
Lindsay, meet Wally Sharp, your new shadow.
Lindsay, te presento a Wally Sharp, tu nuevo tutor.
Wally the fake I.D. Guy!
¡ Wally el tipo de los carnets falsos!
Wally is a genius.
Wally es un genio.
Wally's on Washington?
¿ Wally de Washington?
Wally's work is flawless-sss...
El trabajo de Wally no tiene fallos-ssss
Careful there, Wally, you don't want to hurt yourself.
Ten cuidado, Wally, no querrás hacerte daño.
Going to leave a few things here if that's OK with you, Wally.
Voy a dejar algunas cosas aquí, si te parece bien, Wally.
Wally, the scones.
Wally, los scones.
Put them scones away, Wally.
Póngalos fuera scones, Wally.
WALLY : Katie?
Shut up!
WALLY : ¡ Cállate!
Come on!
! WALLY : ¡ Vamos!
- Well, you find a partner, you could run a Wally Burns.
- Con un socio, puedes hacer el Wally Burns.
- What's a Wally Burns?
- ¿ Qué es un Wally Burns?
You know, you are just like my friend Wally Burns.
¿ Sabes? Eres como mi amigo Wally Burns.
You remember Wally, right?
Te acuerdas de Wally, ¿ verdad?
Yeah, I remember Wally.
Sí, me acuerdo de Wally.
So, why did we run a Wally Burns on Diana's girlfriend?
Entonces, ¿ por qué le hicimos un Wally Burns a la novia de Diana?
You mean like "Where's Waldo?"
¿ Cómo en "Donde está Wally"?
Everyone just calls me Wally.
Todo el mundo me llama Wally.
Thank you, Wally.
Gracias, Wally.
How did Wally read the break? " And, uh, I'm starting to yell at myself,
Y empiezo a chillarme a mi mismo,
This is Wally Jordan.
Este es Wally Jordan.
Any day, Wally.
Un día, Wally.
- ¡ Wally!
Now, which way is the grain?
¿ Cómo leerá Wally la curva?

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