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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / Was i talking to you

Was i talking to you traduction Espagnol

1,192 traduction parallèle
Was I talking to you?
¿ Te estaba hablando a ti?
Was I talking to you?
¿ Te hablé a ti?
- I couldn't f ollow it. - - And was I talking to you?
- ¿ Y estaba yo hablándote a tí?
- Was I talking to you? Dick, shut up!
¡ Tú no sabes una mierda!
- Was I talking to you?
- ¿ Te hablé a ti? - Ya vámonos.
I was talking to my mum, I'd sent my son to Cornwall on the train, she said, "You can't send a young boy..."
Hablando con mi madre de que había mandado a mi hijo en tren a Cornualles, me dijo : "No puedes dejar a un crío..."
Uh, I was just talking to your bass player, and, uh, Nat and I own this club in Beverly Hills, and I think it'd be perfect for you to come down and do your unplugged show.
Acabo de hablar con tu bajista. Y Nat y yo somos dueños de un club en Beverly Hills. Creo que sería perfecto que vinieran e hicieran un show acústico.
I mean, if you were talking to Diane in a crowd, it was as if the two of you were alone.
Si hablabas con Diane en medio de una multitud, era como si las dos estuvierais solas.
But deep inside I was talking to you.
Pero dentro de mí, estaba hablando contigo.
- Sorry to bother you, but I was talking on my car phone to my wife.
¿ Sí?
- When I referred to the defendant as Joe... you knew exactly who I was talking about, didn't you?
- Cuando me referí al acusado como Joe... ¿ Ud. sabía exactamente de quién hablaba, no?
You know, I was... I was talking to a lawyer... Who told me that...
Estaba hablando con un abogado... que me dijo que debería conseguir una orden... para evitar que Connie y el Dr. Butz conecten el tubo de alimentación.
I was talking about how I was sorry when I got mad at you when you told my son that he ought to answer back.
Estaba hablando de cómo me arrepentí de haberme enojado contigo cuando viniste y le dijiste a mi hijo que debería contestar.
You know, I was just talking to Davenport over at Gulden's, and when I told him that this guy was your guy, well...
Recién hablaba con Davenport de Gulden's. Cuando le conté que el tipo era tu hombre, bueno...
If she found out I was talking to you, she would never approve my bidet.
Si ella se entera que estuve hablándole, nunca aprobará mi bidet.
I was talking about taking you to your seat.
Estoy hablando de tomarte y llevarte a tu asiento.
If I was the stalker, if I wanted to invade her privacy... I would be doing that instead of standing here talking to you - the one person that can help her to trust me.
Si fuera el acechador, si quisiera invadir su privacidad haría eso en lugar de estar aquí hablando contigo la única persona que puede ayudarla a que confíe en mí.
How wonderful you're here. I was just talking about you to Volker.
Qué bien, hablaba de ti a Volker.
While I was talking to Jack, you were talking to him.
Mientras hablaba con Jack, tú hablaste con él.
One time when I was talking to Lawson... he asked me which one of you I loved more.
En una ocasión, estaba hablando con awson... y me preguntó a cuál de las dos quería más.
I was just, you know, I was talking about practical shit to you is all it was.
Sólo te estaba haciendo un comentario práctico.
No, that's all right. I was talking to somebody else that's different than you.
... no... mejor la pediré a alguien que no seas tu.
I was laughing earlier when you were talking to his belly.
Oh, no, yo me reía como le hablaba a su barriga.
You know, when I go to my kitchen job at the prison. That's what I was talking about.
Ya sabes, cuando voy al trabajo en la cocina de la prisión, el desorden, De eso estoy hablando.
I was talking to you back there.
And the woman who was talking to the secretary. I'll stay after her, and you find the other two.
Yo buscaré a la chica que habló con el Ministro.
I was just talking to a friend on the phone, and she said she saw you today.
Estaba hablando con una amiga al teléfono, y me ha dicho que te ha visto hoy.
I was just talking to a friend on the phone, and she said she saw you today.
Acabo de estar hablando con una amiga al teléfono, y me ha dicho que te ha visto hoy.
- What's the book? - It's Lucy Berliner, the photographer I was talking to you about.
Lucy Berliner, la fotógrafa de la que te hablé.
This is what I was talking to you about the other night.
- Te hablé de ello la otra noche.
The lady who was with you, when I took her things to her... was talking on the phone with a certain Luca.
La senorita que estaba con Ud., cuando le lleve sus cosas, hablaba por telefono con un tal Luca.
I was conferring with the sibling and... I was talking to Vaishnavi, you see.
A ella le ha gustado, espero. ¡ Ella acaba de llegar, Vishu! Aún no hemos superado nuestra infancia.
Obviously, but I was not talking to you.
Es obvio, pero yo no hablaba contigo.
Oh, actually, I was just talking to myself, but you look like you're in the same boat.
Oh, en realidad, estaba sólo hablando conmigo mismo, pero te ves como si estuvieras en el mismo barco. ¿ Qué barco?
Anyway, I loved talking to you this afternoon, and I was thinking, instead of going to a noisy restaurant, maybe we could just stay in tonight, open some wine, curl up in front of the fire.
Me encantó hablar contigo esta tarde, y pensaba que en vez de ir a un restaurante, podríamos pasar dentro abrir un vino, acurrucarnos junto a la estufa.
Seems like yesterday I was talking to you in that petri dish.
Parece ayer cuando les hablaba en aquel tubo de ensayo.
I was so happy. We were still doing it while I was talking to you and I didn't realise.
Me hizo tan feliz que llamaras que todavía estaba dentro de ella cuando llamaste, y no me di cuenta.
Are you jealous that I was talking to the human?
¿ Estas celoso porque estaba hablando con el humano?
I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to him.
No hablaba con Vd., sino con él.
How'd you know I was talking to you, Johnny?
¿ Cómo sabes que te hablé a ti?
So, he was there when I was talking to you?
¿ Estaba allí mientras hablábamos?
I was in there talking and talking to you.
Estaba hablándote.
- He'd never do it. He'd kill me if he knew I was talking to you about this.
Me mataría si supiera que hablo con alguien de esto.
He is pleased because all his blood has rushed to his loins... - Look, I want to keep talking to you... but I, you know, I was on my way to use the facilities. - and he doesn't know any better.
El esta satisfecho porque toda su sangre se fue a sus entrañas... y ya no sabe nada más.
He passed away while I was talking to you.
Mientras hablábamos tú y yo, murió.
I don't get it. Chickpea was a warning... because you were talking to the press.
No entiendo, lo de Garbanzo fue una señal... porque estabas careteando con los medios.
Benny, I told you to drive, and I knew what I was talking about!
Benny, te dije que manejes, y sabía lo que estaba hablando!
No no no. You know, I was talking to Garvin and Stan, and they read your column and they were going on about how much they liked it.
Hablaba con Garvin y Stan y leyeron tu columna, y no dejaban de decir cuánto les había gustado.
I was... I was talking to a friend... this was before I met you, and... she was talking about, you know, getting out there... and how... how I should only be dating B-list people.
Yo... hablaba con una amiga... esto fue antes de conocerte, y ella hablaba sobre salir allá afuera y cómo... cómo debería salir sólo con gente de la lista B.
It totally fell apart... which is actually, you know, a good thing... because the guy was talking to me about signing over all the rights and I never would have done that.
Pero fue bueno. Porque el tipo me hablaba de entregarle los derechos y nunca habría hecho eso.
If you must know, I was talking to Eddie.
Si usted debe saber, Yo estaba hablando con Eddie.

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