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Waugh traduction Espagnol

38 traduction parallèle
The same that inspired Evelyn Waugh's famous book.
el mismo que inspiró a Evelyn Waugh a su famosa novela.
This is Mr Waugh, the car park superintendent.
Este es el señor Waugh, el capataz del estacionamiento.
I'd be grateful if you'd give Sergeant Lewis an account of parking procedures here, Mr Waugh.
Agradecería si le diera al sargento Lewis información de los procedimientos del estacionamiento, Sr Waugh.
You ask for Evelyn Waugh.
De acuerdo, escucha, Evelyn Wang.
- Evelyn Waugh?
- Evelyn Wang.
Evelyn Waugh was a man.
Evelyn Wang era un hombre.
- I don't know - Evelyn Waugh or Somerset Maugham or someone writing as an observation on the English character.
Te puedes imaginar que Evelyn Waugh o Somerset Maugham escriben eso cuando describen el carácter de los ingleses.
But it was my good buddy Scott Waugh who convinced me to make this movie about the longest nonstop point-to-point race in the world.
y mi amigo Scott Waugh me convenció de hacer esta película sobre la carrera punto a punto - más larga del mundo. - VÍSPERA DE LA CARRERA.
Auberon Waugh, the son of Evelyn Waugh – who suggested that should you meet an architect at a party, the best thing one could do is hit them!
Auberon WauGh, el hijo de Evelyn WauGh. Según él, si uno conoce a un arquitecto, lo mejor es darle un puñetazo.
Is that the back of Evelyn Waugh's head?
Es aquella la nuca de Evelyn Waugh?
I like Evelyn Waugh.
- Me gusta Evelyn Waugh.
What like Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh?
Como Graham Greene y Evelyn Waugh? No.
But as a liberating influence on later writers such as Waugh his importance should not be discounted.
Pero como influencia liberadora de escritores posteriores como Waugh su importancia no debe ser descalificada.
Godfrey Waugh?
¿ Godfrey Waugh?
Oh, there's more to it than that, Mr Waugh.
Es mucho más que eso, Sr. Waugh.
( Sighs ) It's a condition, Mr Waugh, not a lifestyle choice.
Es una enfermedad, Sr. Waugh, no una elección de vida.
You know, you and Godfrey Waugh?
Ya sabe, ¿ Godfreu Waugh y usted?
So either Mr Waugh was here, was on his way, or had just passed through.
Por lo tanto, el Sr. Waugh estuvo aquí, estaba viniendo, o acababa de marchar.
Thanks for your time, Mr Waugh.
Gracias por su tiempo, Sr. Waugh.
Godfrey Waugh.
Godfrey Waugh. Trying to curry favour.
Intentando ganarse el favor.
Godfrey Waugh.
Godfrey Waugh.
Did she erm... talk to Mrs Waugh?
¿ Ella... habló con el Sr. Waugh?
40-second call made to Waugh's office number at Slateburn quarry.
... 40 segundos de llamada al número de la oficina de la cantera de Slateburn.
Godfrey Waugh sent the fragrant Barbara round with a bunch of flowers.
Godfrey Waugh envió a Barbara aquí con un ramo de flores.
How about you, Mr Waugh?
¿ Su hija? ¿ Y usted, Sr. Waugh?
Grace, she knew about you and Godfrey Waugh.
Grace sabía lo suyo con Godfrey Waugh.
I'll talk to Godfrey Waugh, see who else knows.
Hablaré con Godfrey Waugh, veré a quién más conoce.
GP confirms Barbara Waugh had a son, Joshua. Four weeks old when he died.
Confirmado que Barbara Waugh tuvo un hijo, Joshua.
Like Waugh brothers, you brothers must rock!
Como los hermanos Waugh, ¡ vosotros hermanos debéis golpear!
I may not be Evelyn Waugh, Hector, but I do know the meaning of the word "scoop".
Puede que yo no sea Evelyn Waugh, Héctor, pero conozco el significado de la palabra "exclusiva".
The beauties shimmying down to a beach party with their flagons of wine were famously described by the novelist Evelyn Waugh as being rather like the covers of Vogue magazine.
Las bellezas shimmying abajo a una fiesta en la playa con sus jarras de vino se describieron famoso por el novelista Evelyn Waugh como bien como las portadas de la revista Vogue.
Something about me just makes them "waugh" and "waugh."
Algo acerca de mí los hace "gueir" y "gueir."
I want you thinking... summer meets Evelyn Waugh meets Paris in the'20s. Is that clear?
Quiero que pienses... en las veladas veraniegas de los años 20 que describía Evelyn Waugh. ¿ Queda claro?
It's bad enough having "evelyn waugh" here moaning at me.
Es bastante malo tenerla a "Evelyn Waugh" gimiendo hacia mí.
Kneel, Eliot Waugh.
Arrodíllate, Eliot Waugh.
- Evelyn Waugh.
Evelyn Waugh.
Called Godfrey Waugh.
Llamó a Godfrey Waugh.

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