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We'll be back traduction Espagnol

4,677 traduction parallèle
Uh, uh, and we'll be right back with the best of Skip.
Y regresaremos con lo mejor de Skip.
We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?
Volveremos en cuanto podamos, ¿ de acuerdo?
And if, for whatever reason, you want to come back, we'll be here.
Y si, por alguna razón, quieres volver, estaremos aquí.
We'll be back.
Ahora volvemos.
We'll be back for dinner on Wednesday.
Estaremos de vuelta para la cena el miércoles.
Into, we'll be right back
Espera, ¿ vais todos menos nosotros?
We'll be back in ten minutes, right after the news.
Volveremos en 10 minutos, justo después de las noticias.
We'll be here when you get back.
Estaremos aquí cuando vuelvas.
He'll be back home anytime, and we're going to the club tonight.
Volverá a casa en cualquier momento, y esta noche vamos al club.
We'll be right back.
Volveremos enseguida.
We'll be back by 8 : 30 pm... no TV!
Estaremos de vuelta a las 8 : 30 de la tarde... ¡ No pongas la televisión!
We'll be back.
We'll be back tomorrow with your court order.
Volveremos mañana con su orden judicial.
We'll be back!
If Matthias comes back to life, we'll be yours.
Si Matthias vuelve, seremos tuyos.
- Uh, we'll be right back.
- Vuelvo ahora mismo.
We'll be back on the 25th, in time for John Junior's birthday.
Regresaremos el 25, antes del cumpleaños de John Junior.
They'll have to change once they're back from their picnic, so we won't be stuck with them long.
Tendrán que cambiarse al regreso del picnic así que no nos entretendrán mucho.
We'll be back to get it later.
Volveremos luego.
We'll be right back, sweetie.
Ya regresamos, cariño.
We'll be back in a bit, innit?
Estaremos de vuelta en un poco, ¿ no?
We'll be back in a few hours.
regresaremos en unas horas.
We'll be right back. - Copy that.
- I'm sorry, we'll be back.
- Disculpa, volvemos.
♪ We'll be back now I'm sure ♪
* Volveremos ahora estoy seguro *
of wanting them there. So at this point of the trip, if we get caught, not only are these girls'lives basically forfeit, they'll be turned back over and repatriated to North Korea, and either sent to labor camps or summarily executed.
a la idea de quererlas aquí.
I'll be back, though, finish what we started.
Regreso pronto, termina lo que comenzamos.
Okay, Momma, we'll be getting back to you.
Está bien, mamá, vamos a estar conseguir de nuevo a usted.
We'll be back in a bit.
Volvemos enseguida.
Now, we'll be back by 8 : 00 A.M. to pick you up.
Bueno, volveremos a las 8 de la mañana para recogerte.
So, the paramedics are just checking everyone over, and I reckon we'll be back within the hour.
Entonces, los paramédicos están comprobando a todos, y supongo que volveremos en una hora.
We might know where the money is and..... we'll probably be able to get it back to you.
Miren, podríamos saber donde está el dinero y probablemente vamos a ser capaces de devolvérselo.
Hey, we'll be right back with more on Kiki and G's A.M. eargasm.
Hey, vamos a estar de vuelta con más de Kiki y de Di AM eargasm.
We'll be back in 24 hours with a court order and a policeman.
Volveremos en 24 horas con una orden judicial y un policía.
Hey, we'll be right back.
Volvemos enseguida.
Anyway, we'll be back soon with more from the Lost Girl cast. Stay tuned.
De todos modos, volveremos pronto con más del elenco de Lost Girl.
In the car. We'll be back in an hour.
Regresaremos en una hora.
We'll talk to your mum and be right back.
Hablaremos con tu madre y volveremos.
Eh, we'll be across and back in 20 minutes.
Vamos a cruzar y volver en 20 minutos.
We'll be right back.
Ya volvemos.
Yes, we'll be back by 3 : 00.
Sí, volveremos a las 3.
I want the ring back, and if it works out so that you love me so much that you want to be with me more than you want to live here by yourself and go to school, then we'll get married and live in New York.
Quiero el anillo de vuelta y si eso funciona entonces tú me amas tanto que quieras estar conmigo más de lo que quieres vivir acá sola e ir a la escuela, entonces nos casaremos y viviremos en Nueva York.
We're both going away, but when we get back, it'll be for always.
Ambos nos vamos lejos, pero cuando volvamos, será para siempre.
They'll be safe here until we get back.
Estarán a salvo aquí hasta que regresemos.
We'll be right back with our half-time analysis right after...
Regresaremos con nuestro análisis después...
Uh, we'll be back.
Each and every one of you were all good enough to earn an apron, but after this next challenge, we'll be taking a lot of those aprons back.
Todos y cada uno de ustedes eran todos bastante bueno para ganar un delantal, pero después de este próximo reto, vamos a tomar muchos de esos delantales espalda.
I'll be happy once we get Cyrus back.
Estaré contenta una vez hayamos recuperado a Cyrus.
Uh, just... everybody, hold on just one second, all right? We'll be right back.
Sólo... esperen... sólo un segundo, ¿ sí?
We'll be back right after this.
Volveremos tras esta pausa.
We'll be back after this.
Volveremos después de esto.

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