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We'll be back soon traduction Espagnol

339 traduction parallèle
Believe me, as soon as I get back we'll be married....
En cuanto regrese nos casaremos. "
I got a story conference at 12 o'clock. But I'll be back just as soon as we're through. Because I've heard enough to know that it's gonna be Lola and Jim again.
Tengo una reunión al medio día, pero volveré después, porque ahora sé que Lola y Jim van a unirse.
We'll be married just as soon as you get back.
Nos casaremos en cuanto vuelvas.
And as soon as I get back we'll be married.
Y en cuanto vuelva, nos casaremos.
Then I'll be back just as soon as we finish... Frank.
En cuanto acabemos, vuelvo, Frank.
You and Miss Amy be dressed and ready. We'll be back as soon as we can.
Usted y la Srta. Amy estén listas Volveremos tan pronto podamos
I'm going to Europe pretty soon. I'll be back in the fall, and then we'll talk it over.
Me voy a Europa, ya hablaremos.
Smart. Yes, but we'll be back soon.
Sí, pero volveremos pronto.
We'll be back soon.
Volveremos pronto.
I'll be back for a real visit as soon we've settled with these horse thieves.
Regresaré a hacerte una visita de verdad en cuanto atrapemos a esos cuatreros.
But we'll be back soon... me and the count!
pero pronto volveremos, el conde y yo.
We'll soon be back together again
Pronto volveremos a estar juntos de nuevo
We'll be back soon. Oh, have a good time, son.
¡ Volveremos pronto!
I'll be back soon... and we'll be a happy family once again.
Regresaré pronto... y seremos una familia feliz de nuevo.
Money's getting shorter every day... and soon we'll be right back where we were, on the bum again... pushing guys for dimes, sleeping around in freight cars.
Cada día tenemos menos dinero, pronto estaremos donde estábamos, sin trabajo y sin dinero, pidiendo monedas y durmiendo en vagones de mercancías.
He'll be back soon and we shall know all about it.
Volverá pronto y nos lo contará todo.
We'll go out and reconnoiter and be back as soon as we can. - Let's go.
Iremos a explorar y volveremos en cuanto podamos.
And if they run, we'll soon be back to our normal lives. Pete :
Y si funcionan, pronto reanudaremos nuestra vida normal.
I'll be back as soon as we get over this weather.
Iré atrás en cuanto crucemos este temporal.
But I'll be back soon. And then we'll have a party and you can wear your lovely dress.
Volveré pronto y daremos una fiesta para que estrenes el vestido bonito.
At the rate we're going back, we'll all be in Germany soon without furloughs.
Al ritmo que nos retiramos pronto estaremos todos en Alemania.
We'll be back soon and maybe we'll find a ship to take us away.
Volveremos pronto y quizá encontremos un barco.
We'll be back as soon as we can.
Volveremos lo más pronto posible.
We'll soon be back. I'll take you on a big job.
Pronto volveremos a París y entonces daré un buen golpe para ti.
- We'll be back, just as soon as... - ( horse approaching )
Regresaremos en cuanto- -
But as soon as we've reached the final decision to stand and fight, they'll be no turning back.
Pero cuando tomemos la decisión final de pararnos a luchar, no habrá vuelta atrás.
We'll be back in Suffolk soon where, thank God, they still breed strong horses.
Volveremos a Suffolk pronto donde, gracias a Dios, aún crían caballos fuertes.
♪ We'll be back soon
" Volveremos pronto
We'll be back soon
Volveremos pronto
♪ We'll be back soon ♪
"Volveremos pronto"
We'll both be back soon with good news I hope.
Ambos volveremos con buenas noticias, espero.
We have people all over the countryside looking for it so I'll be right back with you as soon as we can find it.
Pero hemos enviado gente a buscarlo. De modo que volveré no bien lo encuentren.
We'll be back soon, father.
¡ Volveremos pronto, papá!
We'll be back soon but we'll be gone long enough to form an accurate and functional escape.
Volveremos pronto pero tardaremos bastante para crear un escape exacto y funcional.
We'll be back soon.
Volveremos luego.
Well, we'll be taking you back there As soon as there are any developments.
Volveremos a conectar cuando haya novedades.
We'll be getting back to you just as soon as we can.
Volveremos a ponernos en contacto en cuanto podamos.
We'll be back soon.
Frank, vamos. Volvemos enseguida.
... Please write to Johnny and give him all my love, tell him I know we'll all be back together again soon.
"Por favor, escribe a Johnny y envíale todo mi amor." "Y dile que sé que pronto estaremos de regreso juntos."
I hope the war will soon be over and we'll all go back home.
Y espero que la guerra acabe pronto y podamos regresar a casa.
Charlie Keller and his Clan of Lunatics. And me, yes sirree, in person, Jackie Flash, saying we'll be back to see you again real soon.
Charlie Keller y su Clan de Lunáticos, y yo, en persona, Jackie Flash, les decimos que volveremos a visitarles muy pronto.
Pero pronto saldremos de ésta y manejaremos las cosas.
Of course, I'll pay you back the 7500 francs as soon as we reach Paris... but I'd be glad if you allowed me several monthly payments.
Por supuesto, que le devolveré los 7500 francos ni bien lleguemos a París... pero me gustaría hacérselo en varias cuotas mensuales.
Which reminds me. we have to be heading back soon. I'll be going back too. you know.
- Eso me recuerda que tengo que volver a mi país.
We'll be back as soon as we can.
Estaremos de vuelta tan pronto como sea posible.
- We'll be back as soon as we can.
Regresaremos lo antes posible.
We'll all be back out on that boat again soon.
Pronto volveremos a estar todos juntos en el barco.
Don't you worry! We'll be back home soon!
¡ Volveremos a casa pronto!
- We'll all be back soon, Miss Brice.
- Pronto volveremos, Srta. Brice.
We'll soon be back on Alpha.
Pronto estaremos de vuelta en Alfa.
We'll go back to Jacques Paoli in the studio. I'll be back as soon I have an update.
Si lo desea, Jacques Paoli, le devuelvo la antena y le llamo en cuanto pueda seguir comentando los hechos.

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