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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We'll be okay

We'll be okay traduction Espagnol

1,147 traduction parallèle
- We'll be okay.
- Vamos a estar mejor
We'll be okay.
Estaremos bien.
Okay, we'll be there then.
Muy bien, allá estaremos.
We'll be okay as long as nothing goes wrong.
Estaremos bien, si nada sale mal.
- We'll be back in a little bit, okay?
- Ahora volvemos, ¿ vale?
We'll be okay for a few minutes.
Lo llevamos solos por unos minutos.
Why don't you go up and get ready for bed, and we'll be right there, okay?
Porque no vas arriba y te preparas para dormir. Ya vamos, ¿ si?
Okay, we'll be right in.
Bien, iremos pronto.
I think we'll be able to up the settlement. I do. Okay.
We'll be okay!
Todo está bien.
We'll be in touch, okay?
Nos llamamos, ¿ eh?
We'll be okay.
No pasa nada. Vamos.
I mean, we're on the 15th floor, - so maybe we'll be okay.
Y estamos en el piso 15, así que igual nos salvamos.
I know we'll be inside in a couple of minutes, okay?
Podrán entrar enseguida.
We'll be at the hospital in a few minutes. It's okay.
- Llegaremos pronto al hospital.
We'll all be out of here in a minute, okay?
¿ De acuerdo? El apoyo está en camino...
And we'll be friends after that, okay?
¡ Voy a destrozar su cabeza con esto! ¡ Así que eres tu!
We get Topside, we'll be okay.
Subiremos, estaremos bien.
Okay, fine, we'll just stay right here, and we'll all be fine.
Bueno, está bien, nos quedaremos justo aquí, y todos vamos a estar bien.
Okay. We'll just keep the line open all night. And then ifyou need anything... you just call out and I'll be right here.
Dejaremos la línea abierta toda la noche y si necesitas algo, grita fuerte, y yo estaré aquí.
We'll be right back, okay?
Enseguida volvemos, ¿ vale?
Just keep us away from the volcanoes and we'll be okay.
Sólo procura alejarnos de los volcanes y estaremos bien.
We'll be okay.
Vamos a estar bien.
You can show your boss that you've got what it takes to be a tight-fisted prick and we'll show him we're worth the risk. Okay, I'll try, but I can't promise anything.
Te miro y veo que tu jefe puede ser un idiota tacaño, pero de todas formas vale la pena arriesgar.
I don't know what the hell I'm going to do, but I'll figure something out so we can be together. Okay? Okay.
Voy a ingeniarme algo que nos permita estar juntos.
We'll be okay.
Apóyame, todo irá bien.
He'll be okay if we can get out of here.
Estara bien si logramos salir de aqui.
If she even smells those tickets, she'll destroy them. We get fucked out of seeing Kiss for the third year. It's gonna be okay.
Jam, si encuentra los boletos, los destruirá y nos perderemos el concierto de Kiss por 3 años consecutivos.
Okay, but if you change your mind, we'll be at the Dresden.
- Ok, pero si cambias de parecer estaremos en Dresden.
When he's back, we'll be ready to go, okay?
Cuando llegue, estaremos listos para irnos, ¿ sí?
- We'll be okay.
- Estaremos bien.
But if you think it'll be okay, we'll just work out a system.
Pero si no hay problema, elaboraremos un sistema.
Okay, we'll be there.
Ahí estaremos.
We'll be okay.
- Estaremos bien.
But we'll be back, okay?
Pero regresaremos, ¿ de acuerdo?
Okay, that should do it. We'll all be out of here in a second.
Pronto todos nos habremos ido.
It's definitely weak, but I have a feeling if we do enough of it, we'll be okay.
Sin duda está diluido, pero servirá en cantidad.
- Nice to be back. Okay. We'll have table 1 4 for Mr Ross tonight.
Tendremos la mesa 1 4 para el Sr. Ross esta noche.
I hate the drill. So just gas me, pull the tooth out, and we'll still be friends. Okay?
Use la anestesia, saque el diente y seguiremos siendo amigos. ¿ Eh?
Hey, I think it's okay. Just don't tell her where we went... cause she'll be really mad at me, okay?
No le digas dónde estuvimos porque se enfadará conmigo.
Okay, G.W. You and Odell dance and then we'll be gone.
Okay, G.W. Tú y Odell bailen, y luego nos iremos.
We'll be okay, you know.
Estaremos bien, sabes..
We'll be okay at school.
- Estaremos bien en la escuela.
And we'll find whoever did this, I promise. It's gonna be okay.
y encontrare a cualquiera que allá echo, esto lo prometo.
- Okay, we'll be there.
- Allí estaremos.
We'll leave early, go check things out, be back by tomorrow night, okay?
Nos iremos pronto, veremos qué pasa y volveremos por la noche, ¿ vale?
So we'll be there at 9 : 00 tomorrow morning, okay?
Estaremos allí mañana a las 9 : 00, ¿ vale?
Okay, so I guess we'll be back later.
Vale, pues luego venimos.
Therefore, we'll be asking the questions, okay? Who are you?
Asíi que nosotras hacemos las preguntas. ¿ Quién eres?
Listen, slug, you'll get what we agreed upon and you'll be happy about it, okay?
Escucha babosa Tu tendras lo que acordamos, y estarás contento con ello. ¿ de acuerdo?
Don't let him out of there, and we'll all be okay.
No lo dejes salir y todos estaremos bien.

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