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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We'll see

We'll see traduction Espagnol

20,877 traduction parallèle
- I'll see what we can work out.
- Veré que podemos hacer.
- We're here, we'll see to the boy.
- Nosotros nos ocupamos del niño.
They'll see the light. At the end of the world... we'll all see it, the living and the dead.
Verán la luz al final del camino... la veremos todos, los muertos y los vivos.
♪ We'll see a lot of fish But we'll never clock a dish ♪
# Veremos muchos peces Y ballenas y delfines #
♪ And it's absolutely certain that we'll see a lot of sea ♪
# Y lo único que es cierto Es que veremos mucho mar #
I guess we'll see.
Supongo que veremos.
We'll fucking see all right, boys!
Claro que veremos, carajo.
Instead, we'll go see if we can throw a... few of your low-life friends in jail. ( Engine ignition )
En vez de eso, veremos si arrestamos a tus amigos de bajos fondos.
I'll fight, and we'll see what happens.
Yo pelearé y veremos qué pasa.
You have to tell people you'll go through a wall if you have to, - not "I'll fight, and we'll see what happens."
Tienes que decir que atravesarás una pared si es necesario, no "yo pelearé y veré lo que pasa."
- Yeah, we'll see.
- Sí, ya veremos.
We'll see.
Ya veremos.
We'll see ourselves out.
Ya veremos a nosotros mismos.
If Axelrod comes to the table, we'll see what we can get.
Si Axelrod viene a la mesa, veremos qué podemos obtener.
And after that, he'll be gone, and we'll never see him again.
Después se irá y no lo volveremos a ver.
We'll see these on camera...
Los veremos en cámara...
No, we'll just see if it burns.
No, vamos a ver si se quema.
We'll see.
Ya veré.
We'll see you in there.
Ejecutar en. Nos vemos allí.
We'll see to it that the remains are properly taken care of?
¿ Nos ocuparemos de que los restos sean adecuadamente cuidados?
As soon as Raven wakes and I see her surroundings, we'll find them.
Apenas Raven despierte, y vea sus alrededores, los encontraremos.
If we can't, we'll, then we'll see where we are.
Si no podemos... entonces veremos dónde estamos.
Trust me, we'll know it when we see it.
Confía en mí, lo sabremos cuando lo veamos.
We'll see what Bobbi and Hunter find when they get there. Zephyr to Bird...
Veremos que encuentran Bobbi y Hunter cuando lleguen.
Uh, we'll see.
- Ya veremos.
Uh, well, we'll see.
- Ya veremos.
Why don't you just walk over there and ask one of them to replay it for you, then you'll see you're wrong, we'll win the game and then you can stumble home with your seeing-eye dog.
Por qué no vas y le pides a uno que te la repita, así ves que te equivocas, ganamos el juego y puedes irte a casa con tu lazarillo.
We'll see you next time.
Nos vemos la próxima.
We're gonna grab some lunch and we'll see you at the parade.
Vamos a almorzar, y nos vemos en el desfile.
We'll see you next time on "Point of View."
Hasta el próximo "Punto de vista".
Just let me approach her as a scientist, and we'll see what she knows about Savage's weapons program.
Déjame acercarme a ella como científico, y veremos lo que sabe sobre el programa de armas de Savage.
We'll see you later.
Hasta luego.
We'll see you're looked after.
Nos ocuparemos de que estés cuidada.
We'll talk to Lorenz's colleagues, see if they can shed any light.
Hablaremos con los colegas del Dr. Lorenz, a ver si arrojan algo de luz.
Hopefully, we'll see a cranium take shape, and we'll come to know the anatomy of this person.
Con suerte, hallaremos fragmentos de cráneo y podremos conocer la anatomía de esa persona.
We'll see if we can find another assignment.
Te buscaremos otra tarea.
But we'll run it again, see what it comes up with.
Lo haremos de nuevo, a ver qué arroja.
We'll see you back here tonight.
Nos vemos más tarde aquí mismo.
We'll see, won't we, old sport?
Ya lo veremos, ¿ no es así, viejo amigo?
Well, then let me go, and we'll see which one of us is tougher :
Bueno, pues suéltame y veremos cuál de los dos es más duro :
I can channel you, add your power to mine, and then we'll see.
¿ Qué puedo decir? He cambiado.
Well, I guess we'll see how it goes.
Supongo que veremos cómo va.
Well, we hacked into the security system at the prison, so if anything happens, we'll see it.
Hemos jackeado el sistema de seguridad de la prisión, para ver si algo pasa, ya veremos.
We'll see you soon, sweetie.
Te veremos pronto, cariño.
Soon? We'll see you in October though, right?
Nos veremos pronto en octubre, ¿ no?
We'll see how you do in the exam, Tkacheva!
Veremos cómo te las apañas en el examen, ¡ Tkacheva!
We'll see if we can... Okay, okay.
Quizá podamos...
We'll see.
Lo veremos.
If they fly anywhere near this island, we'll see it.
Si vuelan cerca de esta isla, lo veremos.
- We'll see.
- Ya veremos.
Yes, yes. I'll see if we can get any information on any of these names and I will get it sent straight back to you.
Veré si podemos obtener alguna información sobre cualquiera de estos nombres... y se lo enviaré directamente a usted.

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