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We're going down traduction Espagnol

1,557 traduction parallèle
We're going to have an officer take you down to the precinct for a sketch.
Un oficial la llevará para hacer un bosquejo.
We're going back down?
¿ Volvemos a bajar?
Fasten your seat belts, folks. We're going down to the wire.
Átense los cinturones, amigos, que allá vamos.
Así que, venga, que todo el mundo se abrigue, porque nos vamos derechos a la comisaría de policía.
So we're going to take down a money-laundering ring?
¿ Vamos a desbaratar una banda de lavado de dinero?
- Lex, we're going down!
- ¡ Lex, estamos cayendo!
We're going to use these children to bring the tobacco companies down!
Vamos a usar a estos chicos para Destruir las empresas de tabaco.
We're not going in there to bring them down, right?
No queremos arrestarlos.
say this thing is moving through time in reverse... it knows what we're going to do before we do it... beka, get down!
di esto se mueve a través del tiempo hacia atrás. sabe lo que vamos a hacer antes de hacerlo... ¡ Beka, abajo!
We're going down fast, abandoning ship.
Nos hundimos rápido, abandonamos el navío.
We're going down!
¡ Estamos cayendo!
Fifteen hundred feet. We're going down.
¡ 450 metros y bajando!
We're going down to the pub to assess the local talent.
No podrá ser. Vamos a ir al pub a evaluar los talentos locales
We're going down.
- ¿ Suben?
We're all going down.
Todos vamos para abajo.
Buck, Buck, we're going down.
Buck, Buck, estamos en picada.
We're going to knock this bit down.
Le haré unos cambios.
What you're going to want to do is go to Gate One- - that's Terminal X--and we'll send your luggage on down for you.
Deben ir a la Puerta Uno... en la Terminal X, y ya les enviaremos su equipaje.
If something goes wrong, we're all going down, right?
Si algo sale mal. Todos moriremos.
Well, we're not going down there.
ahí no hace falta bajar.
We're going to come down through there, on to the kitchen.
Vamos a bajar por aquí, a la cocina.
We're going down to this stupid club to hang out in front of the place and annoy people to show them just how lame we think CMJ and the entire music industry is.
Iremos a este estúpido pub nos quedaremos en la puerta y haremos enojar a esta gente para demostrar cuán lamentable pensamos que es CMJ y toda la industria musical.
Terrorists or not, we're going to find our people okay down there.
Tenemos que empezar a buscar a gente en lo oscuro.
As long as we're going down this road where it's eighth grade physics... And happy fun time out in that garage, i think we could stand to try this.
Mientras sigamos en esta línea con tecnología simple... y pasándola bien en ese garaje, creo que podemos seguir.
Now we're going down again?
¿ Por qué estamos bajando de nuevo?
We're going down together!
Nos vamos juntos a la mierda.
We have been unable to predict exactly how much power this is going to take, and we may only get the one chance at this. So if we're able to achieve a stable wormhole, we're not going to risk shutting the gate down.
Hemos sido incapaces de predecir exactamente cuanta energía va a necesitar así que puede que solo tengamos una oportunidad así que, si somos capaces de conseguir un agujero estable no vamos a arriesgarnos a apagar la puerta.
I've got dope from jail and I'm going down to the pool hall to make some money. - Ricky, it's Christmas. We're going to church.
Tengo un monton de hierba de la carcel y voy para el villar a hacer algo de dinero es navidad.
It was all a smokescreen... we're going down anyway, might as well say what we want now or never!
Era todo fachada... sucumbiermos de cualquier modo, ¡ también podemos decir que queremos ahora o nunca!
We're not even going down that road, okay?
- No vamos a tocar ese tema, ¿ ves?
We're going to shut her down for about half an hour.
La vamos a apagar por media hora.
Well, unless we know what we're looking for, they're going to go down there and kick up the sea floor. Visibility will drop to zero.
Sin saber qué buscamos, removerán el suelo y no habrá visibilidad.
Unfortunately, I know from experience the only way we're going to get him to calm down is to put a Swanson frozen dinner on his lap.
Desafortunadamente, sé por experiencia propia que el único modo en que lograremos que se calme es poniéndole una cena congelada en la falda.
Okay, we're going to the ER. Bear down.
Vamos a Urgencias. ¡ Espabila!
We're going to need a portable chest and respiratory down here.
Vamos a necesitar un respirador portátil.
We're going to look down your esophagus and try to bend the veins to stop the bleeding.
Vamos a examinarle el esófago y cerrar las venas para parar la hemorragia.
- We're going down.
- Oh, estábamos bajando
We won't let you down, Taylor... because not only are we gonna find 20 eggs within the hour... but we're going on to find 25 and then 30... and then 35 and then 40... and then 45 and then 50... until we find all 59 and take back the square!
No te decepcionaremos, Taylor porque no sólo vamos a encontrar 20 huevos en una hora vamos a encontrar 25 y luego y luego 35 y luego 40 y luego 45 y luego 50 hasta que encontremos los 59 para limpiar la plaza!
If the swelling goes down, we're going to operate first thing in the morning.
Si la hinchazón baja un poco, vamos a operar mañana en la mañana.
Maybe I should bring all my seasonings down here if we're going to be cooking all week.
Tal vez deba traer todos mis condimentos. si vamos a cocinar toda la semana.
If he killed somebody, we're going to have to put him down.
Si él mató a alguien, tenemos que sacrificarlo.
Motherfucking asshole straight guys think they can drive down the street, yell "faggot!" out of their car window, and we're just going to stand there and take it like a bunch of scared sissies.
Esos cabrones hijos de perra. creen que pueden manejar por la calle y gritar "marica" por las ventanillas y nosotros nos quedamos ahí parados mirando como un puñado de señoritas
If she doesn't get her ass down here in... two minutes, we're going to be late.
Si no baja en... dos minutos, vamos a llegar tarde.
Somebody track down Hira, we're going to need her on this.
Que alguien traiga a Hira, la necesitamos en esto
We're gonna tap Kern's phone. Find out when this buy is going down.
Intervendremos el teléfono de Kern para averiguar cuándo será la compra de armas.
We're going to have to track randall curtis down and make him listen to us.
Vamos a tener que rastrear a Randall Curtis... y hacer que nos escuche.
Now, we're not going to solve those problems by going door to door and asking people to get down on their knees and pray to the sky.
No vamos a solucionarlos yendo de puerta en puerta y pidiendo a la gente que se arrodille y rece al cielo.
Dad, we're going to have to talk about what happened down in the cave.
Tenemos que hablar de lo que pasó en la cueva.
- Chloe. Chloe, we're going to take you down to Exam 3.
Chloe, te llevaremos a la sala 3.
What, we're just going to lie down for this?
¿ Qué, simplemente vamos a marcharnos sin pelear?
Now, ladies and gentlemen, we brought you down here because... you're here to learn about the new way... The new way that we're going to do things on the corners.
Ahora, damas y caballeros, os hemos traído aquí porque... estáis aquí para aprender la nueva manera... la nueva manera en que vamos a hacer las cosas en las esquinas.

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