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We're going out traduction Espagnol

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We're going out tonight.
Vamos a salir esta noche.
We're going out.
Vamos a salir.
We're going out for a cruise.
Ven a dar un paseo a cielo abierto.
Okay, now we're going to find him, and then we're all going to get out of here.
Vale, ahora le encontraremos y luego vamos a salir de aquí.
No. We're going out, Sean.
Vamos a salir, Sean.
We're going out and I'm gonna have The time of my Li...
Vamos a salir, y voy a tener la noche de mi vi...
We're gonna get out of this room and we are going to show that murdering freak
¡ Vamos a salir de esta habitación y vamos a enseñar a ese raro asesino
No lo sé, pero saldremos de aquí.
You're not going to like this, Eric, but we've got to do a special edition, get the real story out there - how much Jessie had already achieved, not let it be blotted out by what's happened.
No te va a gustar, Eric, pero tenemos que hacer una edición especial, contar la verdadera historia... Lo mucho que Jessie había logrado, - que no se vea empañado por lo que ha ocurrido.
We're going to do this right, we're going to sort this out.
Vamos a hacer esto bien, vamos a aclararlo.
We're going out on Thursday.
Saldremos el jueves.
We're going to be out of Abaddonn in two weeks anyway.
Vamos a estar fuera de Abaddon en dos semanas de todas formas.
I honestly don't know, and that's what we're going to try and figure out.
Honestamente no lo sé. y eso es lo que vamos a intentar averiguar.
We're going to bust Dr. Ranger out of the Pentagon?
Vamos a sacar al Dr.Ranger del Pentagono! ya
But we're still going to have to figure out how to get it to Springfield.
Pero todavia vamos a tener que averiguar como llegar a Springfield.
I don't know, but we're going to find out.
No lo se pero lo averiguaremos.
They feel like we've shut them out of the investigation, so now they're going to go over everything with a fine-tooth comb.
Sienten que les hemos dejado fuera de la investigación, y ahora lo van a analizar todo al milímetro.
We're gonna get you out, but we've got systems down and we don't know what's going on outside.
Los vamos a sacar pero tenemos el sistema caído y no sabemos qué ocurre afuera.
So we're going to have to move out at any moment.
Así que vamos a tener que salir de aquí en cualquier momento.
We're going to need some time to work out the best way forward.
Necesitaremos más tiempo para determinar qué hacer en lo adelante.
We just keep them until the county figures out where they're going to go next.
Seguimos ellos hasta el condado cuenta de dónde van a ir después.
We're going to get him out of there.
Tú no tienes corazón, maldita sea!
Looks like the whole gang's reunited again, huh? We're going to figure this all out with my boys here.
Vamos a resolver esto con todos mi chicos aquí, ¿ bien?
That's what we're going to find out.
Es lo que tenemos que encontrar.
Think we're going to have to find out what went down from Spencer.
Creo que vamos a tener que averiguar que le pasa a Spencer.
And we ended up going back out to Austin a few months after we had wrapped the movie to re-shoot some of it, and they wanted to see me stab Jason.
Y acabamos volviendo a Austin unos meses después de haber acabado el rodaje para rodar material adicional. Ellos querían verme apuñalando a Jason.
I called Richard at home and said, "You know we're going to edit out the naked opening."
Llamé a Richard a su casa para decirle que lo censurarían.
We're going to go out the back, you wait a few seconds.
Vamos a salir por atrás. Espera unos segundos.
- We're going out.
- Nos vamos.
It's gonna prove that we're not going out of our minds.
Va a demostrar que no estamos locos.
Leeds is AWOL, Ange quit, Evan and Dylan are doing the fun stuff, and if I don't figure out a way to stop this, then we're going to have a lot of people asking a lot of questions that we don't want to answer.
Leeds está desaparecido, Ange renunció, Evan y Dylan hacen lo divertido, y si no encuentro una forma de detener esto, habrá mucha gente preguntando cosas que no queremos responder.
Bo, we're going to figure this out.
Bo, vamos a resolver esto.
You'll get a kick out of this lodge where we're going.
Te va a encantar el lugar donde vamos.
We're going to figure it out.
Vamos a averiguarlo.
We're going out for lunch. "
Nos vamos a almorzar fuera. "
Because we're going to go out.
- Porque vamos a salir.
We step up the plan, okay? You're going to have to help me get the money out.
Nos ceñimos al plan, ¿ bien?
If you noticed, we're going out of business.
Por si no se ha dado cuenta, vamos a cerrar el negocio.
Yeah, well, I had no trouble finding any volunteers, and when there's kids out there, we're going to search as long as we have to.
Sí, bueno, no tuve problemas buscando algún voluntario, y si hay niños por ahí, vamos a buscar siempre y cuando tengamos que hacerlo.
We're going to have them stay out tonight as long as their fuel lasts, and in the morning... we'll be sending in additional teams on foot.
Vamos a hacer que se mantenga afuera esta noche mientras le dure el combustible y por la mañana... vamos a enviar en equipos adicionales a pie.
We're not going to spend the night talking about Amy and Ricky, I don't care about Amy and Ricky, I just wanted to get out.
No vamos a pasar la noche hablando de Amy y Ricky, no me importan Amy y Ricky, solo quería salir.
Come on, we're going out.
- Venga, vamos a salir.
One day, two guys from upstairs came down and came over to my desk and just said "Come on Freda, we're going to take you out for lunch."
Un día, dos muchachos de arriba bajaron y se acercaron a mi escritorio... AQUÍ COMENZÓ TODO -... y dijeron : "Vamos, Freda, te vamos a invitar a almorzar".
We're going to start out with the poles.
Ahora nos ocuparemos de los postes.
Uh, guys, don't freak out, but we're going to make an unplanned detour now into the bathroom, right in there- - ( stutters ) exits both ways- - where I need total pin-drop silence, okay?
Chicos, no se espanten, pero vamos a tomar un giro no planeado ahora en el baño, justo ahí... salidas por los dos lados... donde necesitaré un silencio total, ¿ de acuerdo?
* We're going to make our way Out onto that floor *
D Vamos a hacer nuestro camino Out en ese piso d
Joe, we're going to find out what happened to Eunice.
Joe, vamos a descubrir qué le ha pasado a Eunice.
We're going to be shot out of the sky if we do not put this thing down!
¡ Nos van a disparar en el aire si no llegamos a tierra!
We're going out together, and you just decide to leave the house.
Estamos saliendo, y decides dejar la casa.
They're going to close this Tunnel and we're never going to get out of here.
Van a cerrar este túnel y nunca vamos a salir de aquí.
Neither do I. We get pneumonia out here, we're not going to be doing anyone any favors.
Yo tampoco. Si nos da una neumonía aquí, no le vamos a hacer ningún favor a nadie.

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