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We're going there traduction Espagnol

2,017 traduction parallèle
Then we're going to walk to that corner over there.
A continuación, vamos a caminar por esa esquina por allá
Where we're going, at Maranhão... there're a lot of snacks. Took you long enough, bro.
- Voy, voy.
There is another boat out here, which is going on a much better course, so we're gonna transfer.
Hay otro barco ahí Que va en un mejor curso entonces nos vamos a transferir.
There are no guarantees, Adrian, that we're going to live happily ever after.
No hay garantías, Adrian, que vayamos a vivir felices para siempre.
We're gonna pop the prong in the top because the gas is going down there, through the crystals, out of there.
Entonces, vamos a colocar el sensor en la parte de arriba porque el gas va por abajo ahi, A traves de los cristales, y sale por aqui.
We're going there to win, okay?
¿ ok?
Francine and Carlton have invited us, but I think if we're going to be selling Daddy's house, I don't know, it might be nice to have it there one last time.
Francine y Carlton nos invitaron pero creo que si vamos a vender la casa de papá quizá sea lindo hacerlo allí una última vez.
Well, if there's an explanation in there, it looks like we're going to have to find it the old-fashioned way and read the lot of them.
Bueno, si hay alguna explicación ahí, parece que vamos a tener que encontrarla de la manera antigua y leer todo.
Yeah, thing about Luminol- - no matter how long the blood's been there, no matter how hard you try to scrub it out we're going to find it.
Algo como el Luminol.. no importa cuánto tiempo hace que haya habido allí sangre.. no importa lo mucho que hayas intentado limpiarla..
Okay, we're going to have a random draw for our teams there are 11 of you that means one person will not participate in this challenge.
Vale, vamos a sortear aleatoriamente los equipos. Debido a que son 11, hay una persona que no participará en el desafío.
Because there's no members of the old foa foa here, we're going to keep that information strictly galu right now.
Ya que no hay miembros de la vieja Foa Foa aquí,... vamos a mantener la información estrictamente entre Galu.
I told my parents I got the gig there, and my mother - they're 83 at the time - goes, " We're going with you!
Les conté a mis padres que conseguí la función ahí,... y mi madre ( tenían 83 años en ese momento ) dice : "¡ Vamos contigo!"
There's plenty of food where we're going.
Hay muchísima comida a donde vamos.
There's no way we're going to be able to run this through facial recognition.
No hay manera de que podamos pasar ésto por el reconocimiento facial.
If we find out they're grooming kids, keeping them in there against their will, I'm going in.
Si descubrimos que están secuestrando niños, manteniéndolos ahí dentro en contra de su voluntad, entraré.
She lives in that yellow house there, where she was last seen, so we're going to start here.
Ella vive en aquella casa amarilla, allá, donde fue vista por última vez así que vamos a comenzar por aquí.
We're going up there, to fuck shit up.
Vamos a joder la oficina
You're so full of it. We're sitting up there, you say i'll do it And i'm going " really?
Estamos sentados ahí, y de repente dices "¡ Lo haré!" y me digo, "¿ En serio, lo hará?"
We're almost there. They're not going to beat us.
- Meghan lo hizo, ¡ vamos!
There is a " disconnect going on here, Erica, between what you pitched, what we want, and what you're presenting.
Hay una "desconexión" entre lo que tú has propuesto, lo que queremos, y lo que presentas.
We're going to check if there's someone else on hold.
Vamos a comprobar si hay alguien más en espera.
Is there gonna be a bathroom where we're going?
¿ Hay ahí algún baño al que pueda ir?
We're going to lunch at 1 : 00. I want you to be there, pretend like it was your idea, okay?
Iremos a almorzar a la una, ve y finge que fue tu idea.
Eddie, we're going up there.
Eddie, nosotros subimos.
No. No, we're not going there.
No, no, no vamos a ir allí.
We're going there now.
Vamos hacia allá ahora.
So, are we going to talk, or you're going to sit there pretending to read?
Así que, vamos a hablar, ¿ O te quedarás sentado ahí pretendiendo que estás leyendo?
Right now, we can say that we're going into another maximum period, where there'll be some warming, but we're well within the limits of the Mediaeval Warm Period.
En este momento, podemos decir que vamos a otro período máximo, donde habrá alguno calentamiento, pero dentro de los límites del periodo cálido medieval.
And we got some negative feedback from the females who were going,'we're not going down there unless you cover that up! ''okay!
Y tuvimos respuestas negativas de las hembras que decian,'¡ no bajaremos ahí a menos que cubran eso!
There's no guarantee they're going to vote in our favor, which means we need to keep the pressure on.
No hay garantías de que vayan a votar a nuestro favor, lo que significa que necesitamos mantener la presión sobre ellos.
How we're going to do that is through raising productivity, because there's really no more land with which to expand to.
Cómo lo hacemos será mediante una mayor productividad, porque no hay más terreno.
If someone doesn't go in there and close that door, We're all going to die.
Si no entra alguien y cierra esa puerta todos vamos a morir.
We're not going in there, are we?
No vamos a entrar allí, ¿ verdad?
So, Mary, we're going to Galveston. There's a big storm there.
Mary, nos vamos a Galveston porque hay una gran tormenta.
Now there are some steps until we get to the car and we're going to walk them slowly because they are very high.
Ahora hay unos cuantos escalones hasta que lleguemos al coche y los vamos a bajar con mucho cuidado porque son muy profundos.
Now, if we're going to try... There's one thing I-I need.
Ahora, si vamos a intentarlo... necesito una cosa.
Now, for a moment, we're going to know everything there is to know about one another.
Ahora, durante un instante, sabremos todo lo que podemos saber los unos de los otros.
There is lots of water where we're going.
Tiene una gran cantidad de agua en el lugar al que vamos.
- OK. If we're going up to the snow you gotta build up your strength'cause there are tons of things to do.
Si hay que ir a la nieve, hay que descansar y guardar las energias que hay muchas cosas que hacer.
But of course, we're going to talk about the survivors because we hope there are survivors.
Pero vamos a hablar de supervivientes porque esperamos que haya.
We're not going to live there?
¿ No vamos a vivir ahí?
We're going back in there.
Vamos a volver.
We're not going in there alone.
No vamos a ir allá solos.
And that there's never ever anybody out there who understands what we're going through.
Y nunca hay nadie que entienda lo que nos cuesta.
We're going to eat there tonight.
Nos vamos a comer ahí esta noche.
We're going to continue this inspection every day, until there is peace in barracks C.
Vamos a hacer esta inspección todos los días, hasta que haya paz en las barracas C.
Uh, okay look, we're going over, so why don't we stop there and we will pick it up again next week?
Bien, vamos a pasarnos del tiempo, así que, ¿ por qué no paramos aquí y retomamos la semana próxima?
Ob is three buildings away. We're not going to make it there in time.
Obstetricia está tres edificios de distancia
We're going there again.
Vamos allá de nuevo
And we're going to be there, so we're happening.
Y vamos a estar ahí, por lo que estamos pasando.
There's no way we're going to make the precinct.
No hay posibilidad de que lleguemos a comisaría.

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