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We're going this way traduction Espagnol

337 traduction parallèle
We're going all the way this time.
Vamos a hacer todo el camino esta vez.
I do, the way we're going to be, perhaps in this very house.
Yo sí, veo cómo vamos a estar, quizás en esta misma casa.
We're going to do this my way.
Telefonearemos desde ahí.
By the way, if we're going to keep your wife out of it... who are we going to pin this murder on?
De hecho, al exonerar a su mujer... ¿ a quién culparemos?
The way we're going, we'll have this guy in a couple of hours.
- Ay, no, Roy. Lo habremos encontrado en dos horas.
It's something that I have to tell you... because I know now that this is the only way... we're going to get our lives straightened out.
Debo contarte algo... porque ahora sé que es el único modo... de enderezar nuestras vidas.
What i'm trying to tell you is that somehow, some way, in some manner this aircraft has gone back into time and it's 1939 but we're going to try to increase our speed and go back through the same sound barrier
Lo que trato de decirles es que, no se cómo, de una manera o de otra, el avion ha viajado en el tiempo. Estamos en 1939. Intentaremos aumentar nuestra velocidad y atravesar la misma barrera del sonido que atravesamos hace una hora.
This is the way it stacks up. We're going to change places with the girls.
- ésta es la idea vamos a suplantar a las chicas
Ray, we're going to find the man that is responsible for this as soon as Carol gets better and can give us a full description Oh, and by the way, [Phone Rings]
Encontraremos al responsable de esto en cuanto Carol se mejore y pueda darnos una descripción.
I don't know if it lives here or is a stray... But either way, we can't let it stay since we're going to sink this ship.
No sé si vive aquí o está perdido pero de cualquier forma, no podemos permitir que permanezca aquí si es que hundiremos este barco.
We're going about this whole thing the wrong way.
Estamos haciendo esto de la manera equivocada.
This way we're going to show you all over our island.
Así les mostraremos cada rincón de la Isla.
This is modern America, and we're going to keep it that way.
Esto es la modernidad, y vamos a seguir así.
We're going to take all this stuff back the way we got it.
Devolveremos todo esto así como nos lo llevamos.
We're going to do this just the way I showed you.
Se hará según te lo enseñé.
What I'm trying to say is, the only way we're going to get out of this alive : : : Is to give the Dorians what they want :
Sólo saldremos con vida de esto dándoles a los dorianos lo que quieren.
Now listen, Marshal, if you're going to insist we do this your way.
Ahora escucha, Marshal, si vas a insistir en que hagamos esto a tu manera,
Oh, and we're billing this at $ 300 a day per man... which is below the going rate, but that " s the way Hannibal wanted it on this one.
Ah, y cobramos 300 dólares al día por hombre que es debajo de lo normal, pero así lo quiso Aníbal.
We're going this way.
Iremos por aquí.
No, we`re going this way. Just follow me.
- No, iremos por acá.
That's why we're going this way.
Por eso vamos en esta dirección.
Yes, Toby, that's exactly where we're going, and this is the way.
Sí, vamos justo a casa, Toby, y por aquí está el camino.
The only way we're going to get out to see Fuente... is if this clown gives us a diplomatic passport.
La única manera en que vamos a salir para ver a Fuentes es si este payaso nos da un pasaporte diplomático.
Girls, there is only one way we're going to solve this problem.
Solo hay un modo de solucionar este problema.
The only way we're going to get through this alive is if we stick together.
¡ La única forma de salir vivos de aquí es trabajar en equipo!
We're going to have to deal with this the old-fashioned way.
Tendremos que hacer esto a la antigua.
This is God's way of telling us we're going to die.
Es la forma en que Dios nos dice que moriremos.
By the way, you know we're making this tape, and they're going to the moon.
Por cierto, sabes que haces esta cinta y estamos yendo a la Luna
But I guess the only way we're going to find that out is by going through this.
Supongo que la única forma en que lo sabremos es pasando por esto.
I don't know if we're going to be passing through this way again.
Bueno, no sé si volveremos a pasar por aquí.
We're not going to find anything this way.
Por ese camino no encontraremos nada.
Then we're going to start this whole thing all over again, and we're going to do it the right way.
Y comenzaremos desde el principio......... Y haremos lo debido....
This time we're going all the way.
"Esta vez lo haremos hasta acabar"
Data... Perhaps we're going about this the wrong way.
Data, tal vez nos equivoquemos.
I want to promise you that when we're elected nothing is going to stand in the way of the things we promised to do in this campaign. That's a guarantee.
Y quiero prometerles que cuando seamos elegidos nada va a entrometerse en el medio de las cosas que prometimos hacer.
Maybe we're going about this the wrong way.
Quizás lo estamos haciendo de la manera equivocada.
We appreciate this, but the only way we're going to survive is if we can get to the surface and find our own people.
Gracias pero la única forma en que vamos a sobrevivir es yendo a la superficie y encontrando a nuestra gente.
- What do you do for them? - We're going this way.
- ¿ Qué haces para ellos?
Look, I know we've got some unfinished business, but after this, there's no way we're going to let you get away.
Escucha, sé que tenemos cosas que conversar... pero te digo que, después de esto... de ningún modo te dejaremos ir.
Is this the way we're going to spend our weekend, hunting for liquor?
¿ Es esta la forma en que vamos a pasar el fin de semana, buscando una licorería?
I marched right in there, looked at her in that good eye... and said, "Woman, from now on, we're going back to the old way. " I'm the man of this house. I bring home the bacon.
Fui con decisión, la miré con el ojo bueno, y dije : " mujer, a partir de ahora, vamos a volver a los viejos tiempos, soy el hombre de esta casa, yo traigo el bacon,
- We're going all the way this year.
Vamos a ganar.
We're going this way.
Vamos por aquí.
The only way we're going to survive this war is to organize the League... the Narns and as many other races as possible into a cohesive, offensive force.
La única forma de sobrevivir a esta guerra es organizando a la Liga... los narn y todas las razas que podamos en una fuerza conjunta de ataque.
We'll keep going this way. We're not far.
Sigamos hacia allá, no estamos lejos.
Yes. And we're going along, like I said, west on Sherman Way... and this is called "On the Lookout." That's the name of this show.
Y, como les he dicho, vamos hacia el Oeste por la Avenida Sherman... y esto es "En busca de..." Así se llama este show.
We're going to try to chase them back this way so you can see them.
Vamos a tratar de espantarlas para este lado para que pueda verlas.
It's almost five and we're not giving out more appointments, so I'm going to stamp your application this way.
Ha venido demasiado tarde. Son casi las 5 y ya no damos más citas, así que voy a sellar su solicitud así.
We're going to fight this all the way to the Federation Supreme Court.
Llegaremos al Tribunal Supremo si hace falta.
We're going to fight our way out of this.
Nos abriremos camino fuera de haqui!
Acknowledged. Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way.
Parece que vamos a tener que hacerlo de la manera difícil.

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