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We're going to die traduction Espagnol

790 traduction parallèle
If any of us stops a bullet, before we die... we're going to come to you, click our heels together and ask stiffly,
Si alguno de nosotros detiene una bala, antes de morir... vendremos contigo, te saludaremos y preguntaremos ceremoniosamente :
Dear friends, we're going to die down to the last man. But our deaths will stop nothing.
Amigos, moriremos aquí hasta el último hombre.
I wouldn't like to die in a cellar, would you, Harry? No, but that's where we're going. Come on.
So, we're all going to fold up and die, just because that ersatz superman is gone.
Así que nos vamos a dejar morir sólo porque ese supermán de imitación se ha ido.
We're going to die.
She said we're going to die soon.
Dijo que pronto íbamos a morir.
We're not going to die!
¡ No vamos a morir!
There's just you and me... and we're going to die, too.
Sólo quedamos tú y yo... y vamos a morir también.
You can walk, but we're going to die here.
Ustedes pueden llegar caminando... ... mientras que nosotros moriremos aquí.
If we're going to die, let's die together.
Al menos moriremos juntos.
We are going to Palestine, or we're going to die right here.
¡ Iremos a Palestina o moriremos aquí!
We're going to die here.
Moriremos aquí.
We're all going to die.
Vamos a morir todos.
We figure if we don't do it now, we're going to die out here.
Pensamos que si no lo hacemos ya, moriremos aquí.
Since we're going to die, let us at least eat all we can before we do!
¡ Ya que vamos a morir, al menos deberíamos comer lo mejor que podamos!
We're going to die!
¡ Vamos a morir!
We're all going to die.
Todos nosotros vamos a morir.
Then, to all intents and purposes - we're going to die!
Y entonces a todos los efectos vamos a morir.
We all know we're going to die... but you make a marvelous game out of it that includes the whole world.
Todos sabemos que vamos a morir.. pero usted lo convierte en un juego maravilloso que incluye al mundo.
He's a space man, they're taking over the earth and we're all going to die.
Que es un hombre del espacio, que están invadiendo la Tierra y que todos vamos a morir.
Alydon says unless we can help them arrange some sort of treaty with the Daleks, they're all going to die.
Alydon dice que si no les ayudamos a llegar a un acuerdo con los Daleks, morirán.
If we don't go back to work we're going to die.
Si no volvemos a trabajar, todos moriremos.
Anyway, we're going to die together!
De todas maneras, vamos a morir juntos.
But you can't calmly stand there and tell us we're all going to die!
Pero no puede tranquilamente estar aquí y decirnos que todos vamos a morir!
Unless we come up with a miracle in the next half hour... we're all going to die.
Si no logramos un milagro en la siguiente media hora... todos moriremos.
- We're all going to die.
- Vamos a morir todos.
We're not going to die here.
No vamos a morir aquí.
Yes, we're all going to die!
¡ Sí, vamos a morir!
If we're going to die anyway, let's share everything fair and square!
Si vamos a morir de todas formas, ¡ repartámoslo todo justa y equitativamente!
We're not going to die.
No vamos a morir.
We're going to die.
Vamos a morir.
We're going to die.
Nosotros vamos a morirnos.
We're all going to die, to die very young,
Que todos vamos a morir, morir muy temprano,
We're going to die, you know.
Vamos a morir.
We're just going to die in here.
Vamos a morir aquí.
That we're all going to die soon and face judgment is real.
Que moriremos pronto y seremos juzgados es real.
If you don't help us, we're all going to die!
Si no nos ayudáis, todos moriremos!
But we're going to die, Bart. They're going to leave us here to die!
¡ Vamos a morir, Bart! ¡ Van a dejarnos morir!
And if we're going to die... I rejoice in the fact... that we're going to die together.
Y si vamos a morir... me consuelo en el hecho... de que lo haremos juntos.
Do you think we're going to... die?
¿ Cree que pronto moriremos?
We're all going to die in a minute.
Todos moriremos en un minuto.
Give an order that will stop us crashing, or we're all going to die!
¡ De una orden para parar este choque! - ¡ O vamos a morir todos!
We're all going to die!
¡ Todas vamos a morir!
If we don't save the baby, they're both going to die.
Si no salvamos al bebé, los dos morirán.
I know it doesn't matter, but if we're going to die, I want it to be as partners.
Sé que no importa, pero si vamos a morir, que sea como socios.
We're not going to die there!
No vamos allí a morir.
We're going to die...
Vamos a morir...
Gigi said it, we're all going to die here.
¡ Nos va a cargar la chingada! vamos a morir aquí
We're all going to die.
Todos vamos a morir.
We're all going to die!
¡ Todos vamos a morir!
We're going to die?
¿ Vamos a morir?

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